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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Why would anyone put the baby in a big community pool? Don't they have kiddie pools for that? I certainly don't want to share a pool with your kids poop! Yuk.
  2. Wow! That would freak me out too.
  3. Your post made perfect sense. If I was the OP, I would follow your advise.
  4. I agree. Those guys can be pretty aggressive. I seem to remember a report on them. If its the same outfit, the vets get very little of the money collected.
  5. See, that's where we differ. It has nothing to do with anything other than my friends and I enjoy a mutual respect. I would not respect someone who was "playing" the system.
  6. Sorry, but it is being shown like it is just a matter of asking and you just get it. I don't think that is the case nor do I think anyone is living high on the hog with any welfare money. As far as your experiences Starr, those are the kind of people I have nothing to do with. Why in the world would you or your daughter befriend them? I would be most interested in finding a way to encourage couples to get married. Too many women having children without the benefit of marriage. The "men" just walk away.
  7. So who are these people who live off entitlements from the government, who think that because they don't have and you do, that they should be able to just take it? Really, who are these people? I sure as heck don't know anyone like this. Oh wait.....it's the hood rats right? The ones that are like, 4th generation welfare mommas right? People have been bitching about them for 40 years.....nothing's changed. I wonder if people like to complain just for the sake of complaining.
  8. Yup. I'm on my second one and have not had to get the sticker for either one. It has to do with the weight of the truck. And yes, I agree it is a scam.
  9. I've never had to get a sticker......F250's are exempt.
  10. You STILL have your tonsils? Mom had all three of us girls yanked out at the same time. She swore they just kept us sick. Hope you get well sooner than later. That has to stink.
  11. I think I heard that expression once and I don't remember it being said with hate. Thing I remember most was they were really tough to crack and get the nuts out.
  12. Say what you want. Everybody does it at some point and time in their life. Everyone.
  13. Yeah, she really came off as an spotlight hog.
  14. I'm waiting on the day that, say, Wendy Williams is caught name calling.
  15. Oh yes, I'm very familiar with the concept. However, that doesn't make it right. Like I said, I'm not really a fan of Deen but I think she is a product of her environment. She grew up in a different time.
  16. If she had lied about it and then it was proven she lied.....I could understand her getting fired. Under these circumstances, I don't understand.
  17. Yeah. I just read about that. She was fired for being honest in a deposition. SMH
  18. I like Reba. Always have. My phony radar goes into overtime with Paula. At least Reba has a load of talent.
  19. I'm not so sure about that. But isn't she looking at retirement anyway?
  20. Funny how human nature is mostly good huh? I needed that tonight Low. Thanks.
  21. Give it a rest? Ah hell no, people are looking to take her down over this. I'm curious to see how The Food Network will handle this. A woman born and raised in the Deep South is expected to act otherwise? She was born with it all around her.
  22. You can't be a witch unless you have spirits around you. You got spirits?
  23. I used to work with a woman from All-Benny. At least that's how she pronounced it.
  24. I really could not agree more. Just like I am more than sure that blacks have used the N word, and not in a nice way.
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