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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Got ya. Closest I could find was Douglasville. http://www.compactpowercenter.com/product/146/Skid-Steer/Terex-TSR50-Skid-Steer
  2. I don't know if he rents his bobcats out but here is who I've used in the past. http://www.superpages.com/bp/Rockmart-GA/Wood-Fired-Tree-Services-L2051514143.htm The tree farm can't refer you to someone? I've been in the same spot as you and I found it VERY frustrating. Good luck.
  3. What area are you in?
  4. Stupid question but have you asked the company that you are buying the trees from if they have a bobcat to place the trees where you need them? I'd be surprised if they don't. I mean, how do the get the trees on the trailer?
  5. I know several people who have owned Audi's. Two of them had so many problems that they got rid of the car, at a loss. I would not have one. I hear nothing but good things about the Infinity's through.
  6. What you worried about? I bet you will do fabulous! Relax....you'll retain more. Best of luck.
  7. All I'm waiting on is the values to climb up. They won't go back to where they were because where they were was so over inflated but I would like to see at least reasonable increases in property values. That would make me very, very happy.
  8. Well then maybe I will be able to find someone to install a new fan huh? That will make it much easier for me.
  9. I've also heard that housing and all that's connected to that is showing a strong surge, nationwide.
  10. Yeah, I got that Guard dad. For ease of definition, I say lets go with "Whole House Fan" K?
  11. Thanks for the website. Boy, I really wish I knew what the heck I was doing with this thing.
  12. There's a VFW in Carrollton that is a hot stop for us a bit past prime time folks. No joke. Good luck Doll. I look forward to your continued bashing of the liberals around here.
  13. Ah heck, I knew this was going to be difficult. How he determined the motor was bad I don't know. I put the fan on and it doesn't work.....it's 20+ years old so I'm going with the motor needing replacing. The fan I'm talking about is the gizmo that pulls the air from the outside and pulls the air throughout the house.
  14. Move to Mexico. I understand its still vey much like the wild, wild west. Didn't you still go to jail? Even back in "the old days?" Besides, if your wife says you are wrong....then you are wrong. That's just the way it is Doll.
  15. It's on RFD tonight at 10. I have it set to record. I hate I missed the service earlier today.
  16. While we were having the vent fan replaced I asked the guy to check the attic fan and he said the motor needed to be replaced so that's the route I'm going. Now, if I crawl up there and get any info off the fan it should be pretty easy to track one down right? Once I get the replacement motor, I'll call an electrician and I should be home free right? Of course, that goes along with the caveat that nothing EVER is easy right?
  17. See, that's what I thought too until a repairman came out and he let me know that an attic fan is what is know as a vent fan. It's the little things that make you nuts huh?
  18. Hey, does anyone know of an outfit that repairs or replaces whole house fans? Can't find anyone. Maybe it's known by a different name? IDK. Thanks!
  19. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that Bullriding as a sport at EPHS was a bit strange.
  20. Dallas Bigfoot, I am sincerely sorry for your loss and for your pain. Your post made me tear up. I never thought I would say something like that about one of your posts. Here's a pat on your hand with a wish that it gets easier for you and that it happens sooner than later.
  21. Who knew? I always thought they were pretty useless.
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