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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. You open your eyes. We are talking about the small bubble that is Paulding.com. At least I assume that's who the op was addressing. If you actually think he was addressing the www then you need to let Pubby know cause he is fixing to get a whole lot more members. Only extremists want to talk about taking your guns away. Extremists are nut jobs. How about we talk about the reasonable people? How about we talk about the reasonable things that reasonable people want to see come to pass? Instead of sites like trucking BREIBART? Really? BREIBART?
  2. Dude, I'm sorry BUT YOU truckING TELL ME WHEN PEOPLE HAVE VOICED AN OPINION THAT THEY WANT NO GUNS. Any trucking where. Show me. I'm very tired of the twisting of the facts about people who would like to see more regulation, like BACKGROUND CHECKS.
  3. Yes. If you actually hit a teacher you were thought of as trouble and crazy as well as a loser. I always steered clear of the losers. I think our "day" differs by about a decade. No?
  4. After reading the last post in that other thread I would make a new law so that any high school student convicted of assault against a teacher would have a felony on their record, automatically. Punk. I'd want to see their tail tied into such a knot, they would never forget it. It appears to me that these teachers have been made into sitting ducks. Now, I realize that I grew up in a different time but I would no sooner hit one of my teachers than fly to the moon. Besides, those nuns KNEW how to fight I tell ya.
  5. I bet. Then again, the both of you, especially you, have been crazy sick for a while now. No?
  6. Maybe put the towel across the side of your neck and use an ear candle? Not sure about how, or if, that would help. I KNOW the hot towel across your face helps. I'm sorry you're miserable.....it will get better.
  7. K, now that you know for sure that it is a sinus infection, add this to your bag of tricks. Wet a facecloth, put it in the microwave for, like 40 seconds, get it as hot as you can stand it. Lay down and put the hot towel across your sinus and nose across your face and keep it there untill the towel is no longer warm. I promise it will help melt that crud. Hope you feel better.
  8. Good. I'm glad you are feeling better. It can be fun to change things up, like losing weight. Best of luck keeping it going.
  9. I called her to go to lunch. Haven't heard back from her.
  10. Just downloaded this book the other day. Looking forward to a good read.
  11. Read the thread. It would appear that some the "locals" do a fine job of coming off like hate filled hicks all by themselves.
  12. Thanks mei lan for a good, hopeful note. As does everyone, I hope for a full recovery for Tripp too.
  13. OK....you got me. That was just funny.
  14. Isn't that the truth? I don't deal with whining women or whining men. Then again, now that I think about it I don't deal with just flat out hatefulness either. I know it's a bore....but mean people just suck.
  15. rockysmom


    I'm so glad he can continue his "new" life. As far as getting him to eat meat, try liver. I've never met a meat eating critter that doesn't love liver. I love you guys are keeping him.
  16. Yup Low. Us too. We are pretty much an insurance guys dream.
  17. I'm glad it worked out for you Low. One day, I'll shop mine around too.
  18. I know it was a joke honey bunny. My post was a joke too....sort of. And not for nothing, but I'm in Destin with your best girlfriend, KRM, so see, I REALLY don't need to lighten up any more. :yahoo:
  19. Dude? Seriously? Is every little, tiny, itty bitty thing driven by present day politics? Or is that the only way you can relate anything to anything? I'm not picking a fight but MM to Bush? Dude!
  20. I'm more than sure she has removed them already.
  21. YO! Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day!
  22. PM Pubby. He can get you started.
  23. Mr. Davis defined the story as a "tale." A tale, as far as I know anyway, is a made up story.....as in fairy tale.
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