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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Guess the kid has learned that he HAS to control himself. I'm kinda amazed this kid was allowed to play in the first place. Is this the new thing? You lose so you punch the ref.?
  2. Take a look around. How many people that you know are on prescription drugs? Depression has become a condition to be treated with 1, 2, 3 different scripts. And people seem to just eat it up.
  3. That may be fine with you but DGITW has plans of being in the workforce for a while longer. Burning bridges never works out in your favor. JMTC.
  4. I'm sorry you're sick. I haven't heard of anything going around. Do you think it was the flu? Hope you get to feeling better.
  5. That's neat. It's fun to pull out your horses papers and research. My Appendix had Spanish Nick and Jet Deck. TONS of Secretariats babies floating around too, I've heard that they are thought of as nut jobs through. Not easy to get along with at all.
  6. That's what I thought. A friend of mine would travel to different farms breaking yearlings and when he went to Middlesburg, Va I joined him and got to met Bold Ruler. His handler say he was he meanest sob he ever worked with. Bold Ruler was Secretariats daddy so I'm glad I got the chance to see him in person.
  7. OK, where is this Evans? Exactly?
  8. I recently either read or saw a story on tv about scammers in Russia pretending to get run over. Dash cam cameras are being used by the general public so they could prove their cases. Getting hit by the back end of a car, not sure what to do about that.
  9. If there are any racing buffs out there, is this the same farm that owned Bold Ruler? I mean, is ORB out of the same farm?
  10. Wouldn't that be nice. I bet the racing industry sure could use it.
  11. Happy "A" day. Time does fly!
  12. I haven't either. I've wondered if I'd lost my mind buying those expensive ingredients, but even after all the pain, it always tastes good. I ready related to her Mom too. Not sure why. I guess I just like older Polish women!
  13. So, we have a woman, an African American, a 50 year old jockey, a jockey that's going for his fourth win and one foreign bred horse running. Who do you think will do it? Such pomp and tradition....it's just great!
  14. I not sure I like her daughter. I mean does she have any personality underneath that mask of complete boredom? So.....upper east side. That's funny and so true!
  15. I totally agree with you Low. The freaking crafts I made one of her cards. After spending 70.00 on supplies I was cursing all things Martha.
  16. See, that's part of her charm. She is so disconnected. That puff pastry she made? 700 + layers of pastry and butter. Who does that?
  17. As some of my buddies say.....you ain't wrong. Bet her and John Wayne would have been a good match. Can you imagine the battle royal?
  18. Can you even imagine the man who would marry her? She strikes me as a very controlling, castrating woman. With a whole lotta money!
  19. Watching Martha Stewart on GPB. Seems like I haven't been seeing much of Martha lately and after watching her shows for a very long time, I found I missed her so I enjoyed the show. If there is a disconnect with me and Martha I think she takes it, all of it, to a over the top level. She made HER OWN PUFF PASTRY! Nobody does that, and I mean NOBODY does that. She's turned 71, looks great and, from what I read is she really enjoying her grandchildren. Good for her. I always liked Martha.
  20. You went to his house as a workman, who I assume he paid and then, awhile later you get on the Internet to let everyone know that you thought his place is a nasty dump? Nice. Stay classy. And professional.
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