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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Looks great Blondie! Another example of you get what you pay for. Really pretty and very full.
  2. Whew! That's good news Rhonda! Hope they identify what's going on with your vision and migraine issues.
  3. The piece that stood out to me was the curved glass cabinet. This is a great place for a very possible great find. The people that run it seemed like nice folks too. Go and browse......you never know.....
  4. If you'll go to PINTEREST, I bet you'll find something compatible. I find threading my earrings on those type thing a royal pain in the neck, I just toss them in a jewelry dish. But I hope you find something cause there's lots and lots of suggestions for this type of earring holder on Pinterest.
  5. I hear you about being uncomfortable. Dr. Phil has turned into a whore. They are all whores. They are exploiting these people.
  6. Have any of the people that you have been speaking to have this going on as well? I'm sorry Rhonda, I know zero about this.
  7. Front gate. We have really enjoyed the tree we got from them. Good quality. Lots of options.
  8. Thanksgiving dinner out? Marietta diner all the way!
  9. DGITW, you were the first one I thought about when I heard about this divorce. Wondered how long it would take for you to post the "shocking" news. That girl needs some big time guidance. Wonder what happens when she jumps in the ocean with that suit on. I know the guys would answer that question with something along the lines of "one can only imagine."
  10. Getting bad gas/fuel can be such a pain in the neck.....why take the chance?
  11. Seems to me, this type of activity requires a network from stealing the materials to "processing" the materials to selling the materials. Since these folks appear to be such fine upstanding citizens I bet once you nail one, it would be like a chain reaction. To the OP, good for you for posting this.
  12. This is funny, the number posted is actually 313,000,000,000. At least I thought it was funny.
  13. Hell, I wasn't glossing over this fact, I flat missed it. Guess I need another cup of tea to wake up.
  14. You wont break it down because you can't break it down. You are repeating what you have found in articles, unsubstantiated articles at that. An estimated 93 million Americans will see their current insurance policies canceled does not equate to an estimated 93 million Americans being uninsured. You've yet to answer my question as to all these insurance companies closing their doors.
  15. Jamie, let me save you some time. Your point is that many, many, many people will have their insurance cancelled simply because the coverage does not meet the requirements of the Health Care law right? Fine. My point is that many, many, many people will not lose their insurance coverage because, in order to do business, they will have to meet the requirements of the new Health Care law. Either the companies will revise their coverage or they will shut their doors. Right? I really don't think they will shut their doors. I think they will step up to the plate and provide the required
  16. That makes about the fifth time you have made reference to that page of the Federal Register. Only problem is that your number is not on that page. Also, you are basing your position on an article written by a CONTRIBUTOR of Forbes. Forbes does not stand behind, validate, or prove the information set out in articles written by CONTRIBUTORS. As I previously indicated, ANYONE can be a CONTRIBUTOR and Forbes will publish it. Please explain to me how insurance companies that do not meet the requirements of the Health Care Law are going to stay in business? The only way for them to s
  17. Tell you what, you show me where, and I mean exactly where, the Obama administration noted that up to 93 MILLION AMERICANS are slated to see their current insurance policies cancelled. While you are at it explain to me how these companies are not going to revise their coverage to conform with the Health Care Act. Seems to be that THEY CANT CONTINUE TO DO BUSINESS WITHOUT CONFORMING TO THE NEW LAW. SO, I guess that means they are closing their doors. Right?
  18. Yup. I forgot to change my settings back to where they were after I posted those pictures. That music was a wee bit before my time Low.
  19. I can't see any of the music that's been posted because of this stupid iPad!
  20. Rhonda, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about this condition. What I do know is if you any help at all, with anything, please let us know. Best of luck and please keep us updated.
  21. Use photobucket, upload the picture, copy the link and drop it in your post. It is somewhat time consuming but at least now I know how to do it on the iPad. Eta: Low, there is a thread I started on how to post pics on an iPad. Go read that for further info. Good luck!
  22. Oh no Mrnn, according to some in another thread, the range that will be affected is in the least 10,000,000 to the max of 156,000,000.
  23. Chicken and Egg. It's on 120 in Marietta. I'm sure they have a website. It's a different vibe.
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