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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. The wood stove STAYS fired up in the winter. I love the warmth and glow from a fire. I'll call Rick tomorrow. Enjoy your fires Low!
  2. Low, I defend it because I like to think I'm a reasonable person. I want it to work for people who need it. I just cannot wrap my mind around being in the USA and not being able to get help when you're sick. As we all know, when you are sick, you are at your weakest. Hell of a note eh?
  3. From what I've read, they are trying every way in the world to get it fixed.
  4. No I don't think it's going well so far. The website is a disgrace. As far as insurance companies bailing. To me it's about time for insurance companies to be under some kind of regulation. They were writing their own check.
  5. Obamacare has nothing to do with the insurance companies bailing. They are greedy bastards. If you want to be told you can't be insured by them because of a pre existing condition, like diabetes, then that is that. This, at least has somewhere else for those people to go. The numbers for just diabetes is scary. Where are those people supposed to go? Into bankruptcy? So they can have a quality of life? I just don't think that's right.
  6. You really need to think about getting into another field. The one you are in is making you a bitter person. That stuff carries over into your life.
  7. I don't know if they will or not. Btw, neither do you. This was a MAJOR undertaking and I believe, the first of its kind. I would have been amazed if it had worked well, of course it didn't. I don't think it's fair to compare a computer website to the possibility of a program of helping people. There is that possibility, you know. We will all have to see.
  8. The website is a fail, not the program. We don't know if it's a fail or not......yet.
  9. But then there is this: Timothy Sweeney, the director of health policy at the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, which advocates for new revenue sources over budget cuts, said the fuss is too great over a relatively small portion of the state’s yearly budget. The estimated $450 million yearly tab would have been 2.3 percent of Georgia’s most recent budget of $19.3 billion. “That is hardly a number that should be considered blowing a hole in the state budget,” Sweeney said. “And it doesn’t look at the impact beyond the expansion on the economy of those billions of dollars going to hea
  10. Then don't hide behind lies. Just say the state of Georgia is not expanding Medicare because we don't want the HCA.
  11. Read this article and then tell me that Georgia opting out was not a further attempt at sabotage. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/state-regional-govt-politics/deal-rejects-expansion-of-medicaid/nRMfK/
  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah........just wait, your birthday week is coming up.
  13. Easy buddy. Want the bad news? You will always be older than me so there!
  14. Thank you. You're pretty sweet yourself.
  15. You know, you're right, it didn't cost us a dime. :wacko: Of course, these folks would disagree. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/federal-eye/wp/2013/10/18/how-much-did-the-shutdown-cost-the-economy/ Says pretty much the same thing as the other article I posted in this thread. Wonder how you would feel if it were your small business waiting on approval for a loan. Because of course, the SBA was shut down too.
  16. While you would like to think that....it's not true. It's late. Good night.
  17. N j.,..it's not just our debt. It's a worldwide issue. We are intertwined with the rest of the worlds financial markets. This shut down was an embarrassment to this country. Just the fact that people really think this shutdown was not a slam to our country in the worldwide markets is scary.
  18. Here is a article. http://swampland.time.com/2013/10/17/heres-what-the-government-shutdown-cost-the-economy/
  19. Thanks NinaBritt! I know it gets rough around these parts sometimes and I really appreciate the good wishes!
  20. Thanks, my reasonable friend.
  21. I'll be honest, come to think of it, anytime I've tried to put something together on the open board....not so good I'll PM you and we will hatch the plan.
  22. The shutdown costs made this country go 24,000,000 further in debt.
  23. OK. This week is good for me. Pick the place and date. Anyone else wanna go?
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