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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Thanks Lucky. How come we have never met?
  2. Thank you. I need a nickname for you. Any suggestions?
  3. Well thanks Hun. I have to admit, I am curious.........as to what your thoughts are.
  4. Thanks Low. Well, the way I'm thinking , it's gonna take awhile to get the plan in place......
  5. You just hush! I hear just fine. Here's something I'm screaming at you. I love and adore your p.com persona! P.S. I can scream louder than you. FACT.
  6. Thanks you guys! And NJ, a very special thank you to you Dear. You are a class act, even if we don't agree.
  7. Thanks girlfriend......celebration to follow.
  8. Right at $40.00 a month. The administrator of my husbands company contributor healthcare doesn't take any crap from anyone. She works hard and does everything she can to keep the costs down. Proof in the pudding is that the small increases have never been an issue for us. The insurance companies know their role is shrinking.....they are trying to get away with any increase they can.
  9. Well then please accept my apology because I did not mean to say that you are lying as a person. I'm out of this pie throwing contest.....I have no dog in this fight as I have private insurance. As, I bet you do too Zorro.
  10. I'm not saying you are lying, I'm saying that the possibility of the state of Georgia lying is a very strong possibility. Once again, a creditable link from a local newspaper which states that the insurance commissioner has been promoting obstruction is proof enough for me that the state does not support it. If the state has the best interest of the people at heart then why didn't they start up a program of their own? Didn't Utah do that? Instead, it looks like healthcare will be expensive in this state. You think they care about the people? I think they have an agenda and they do
  11. Good God man quit your lying and defending lies. Here is your hometown newspaper saying the same thing. http://www.ajc.com/weblogs/jay-bookman/2013/aug/29/ga-insurance-chief-brags-about-sabotage-obamacare/ Are you actually saying that the insurance commissioner did not sabotage the program?
  12. Here you go. http://www.forwardprogressives.com/georgia-republican-brags-about-sabotaging-obamacare-as-governor-gets-paid-by-health-care-industry/
  13. The history of the state of Georgia hating Obama from day one is very well documented. But let's talk about how the representatives voted during the recent shutdown as well as the debt ceiling. They voted for the shutdown as well as voting against the increase of the debt ceiling. You'll excuse me if I think they are a bit biased.
  14. I know several people who went to work JUST so the family would be covered. That has been going on a while.
  15. What I believe is that they didn't even TRY to work this out. It became a totally political issue, therefore I don't believe them. Hope they enjoy their tea party. Good luck all.
  16. Zorro, you are correct, the Feds had to come in and set up their exchange. Know why? Because the state of Georgia opted out. When they were forced to summit premium quotes to the feds, they supplied rate quotes as they they were given by the insurance companies. No negation, no brainstorming, no nothing. So the citizens have to deal with these rates because the state of Georgia did not want any better for its citizens. I guess that how deep the hate goes.
  17. Yup. Something like that anyway.
  18. Here you go. http://lewisgrizzard.com/columns/archive/MemoriesOfCatfish.html
  19. We are all public servants. If you help a neighbor with anything.....you are a public servant. It may be small but by the act itself, I believe people will pass it on. That can go a long way. Seriously, I believe we are all public servants. It just up to us to act on it. I understand there are low life's out there.....fool me once is what I say.
  20. Living on the fringe.....not sure it would be for me.
  21. I haven't explored a lot of the west but I have been to Colorado. Stunning! Surprised my husband one birthday with his first ski trip to Breckenridge. We had a blast....loved everything about Breckenridge...everything. Being beginners skiers it was a really good place to learn. Went back there with 3 of my nieces and nephews for a ski vacation just a few years ago. Look forward to going again.
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