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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. What are the owners asking for that the unions are not willing to concede?
  2. And the earth has never experienced warming and/or cooling periods in the past, we also know for a scientific fact the sun itself has never gone through a phase of warming with solar flares.
  3. You were obviously following too close to the car in front of you.
  4. What was the nick-name for the 80's Falcons? Cardiac Kids, with games like today's I know my heart rate has stepped up a beat or three.
  5. I agree LTD it's been a while since I have heard any news regarding the R. C. reservoir, I am curious as to what level of development we are at with this much needed project.
  6. Are you saying that men who say that they have a consentual relationship with young boys is sickening? If you are then I agree with you 100% it is sick and disgusting, however it still does not prevent those who partake of this wanting to have the same protection that gay couples are seeking. Also keep in mind a majority of people find same sex relationships sick and disgusting.
  7. So what kind of candy can my children be looking for?
  8. But that would probably not fit in with the op's agenda.
  9. We'll get a better idea after the 0bamcare laws begin.
  10. What criteria is used for determining head of household?
  11. The latest scuttlebut is that Santa will be giving rides on the new spaceage technology supersonic high speed propulsion system in the tunnels beginning at the new tunnel entrance, just follow the lights.
  12. Most metro counties have a bus system if I'm not mistaken, and for the places of employment, those are on the endangered species list.
  13. Why ats jus playne ig-nernt ain't it?
  14. I've checked every calendar in the house I have yet to find one with any holidays slated for Monday.
  15. I guess the lambda crowd will start screaming for their right to marry/civil union with their adult men and young boys next.
  16. Wayul i gess it dapendz on wuther-not youins is a wantin ta get a gud job, or iffun youins iz a wantin to git-cho gubmint chek evy month to sapoht yo chillins cuz yo baby daddy aint a hepin ya.
  17. The pain that I experience is usually between the ears.
  18. They have to be spending a small amount of time in the road while running to the victims car and then back to their own, hopefully they'll get ran over by another car.
  19. But you promised us you were going to ask for the groping and make a lot of noise. You let us down.
  20. I agree with you it is interesting how in the name of saving lives there always seems to be a fine added for punishing the offenders. I guess in this economy all govt. Fed/state/local are scrambling for ideas to generate revenue, like red light cameras. Or the parking contractors in Atlanta.
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