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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. My thought s exactly we'll see how long it takes for the TSA to cave to the muslim religion. I don't have all the details but didn't an American airport recently have to build special restrooms for the muslims?
  2. You are right there LTD that is what I was thinking, I typed wrongly concerning bond holders rather than stock holders, my bad.
  3. I'm not saying that anyone SHOULD be screwed, its just the whole govt. bailout situation has a bad odor of the govt. picking the winners and losers. Keep in mind that not just former employees were former stock holders, a lot of investment firms that manage retirement accounts for 401k holders such as teachers lost out also.
  4. I see so now they are saying no exceptions, okay well what is going to happen when a muslim woman is touched by an infidel, a small one man jihad in the terminal before they even get to the concourse?
  5. I do not have the link, however it was listed earlier that the TSA will be allowing a certain group of people to go thru with a less intrusive search because of their religious beliefs. The TSA is a govt. agency giving special treatment to one religion, you have been pretty vocale about these situations in the past. What are your thoughts now? edited for spelling
  6. Has nothing to do with your link I was asking you what are your thoughts on the TSA policy on muslims getting special treatment.
  7. What about muslims being exempt from the extra scrutiny?
  8. If ya feel froggy, jump over to the political forum. Be forwarned it can get pretty rough at times.
  9. depends on what your definition of is is.
  10. If you dress in muslim attire you will not be subject to the extra scrutiny.
  11. I vote yes, maybe, it depends on how many mayberries I get in advance.
  12. I know kinda like " do as I say - not as I do"
  13. Representative Charles Rangel(d) has been at it too long, in my opinion, now he finally gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar so to speak. Do you think the current speaker of the house will begin draining the swamp?
  14. Do we expect the foreign originated call/caller "known to be terrorists affiliated" to abide by the same laws?
  15. You would rather the LEO agency jump through hoops to listen in on terrorists conversations, than to let them do their job of trying to prevent the next big event. Edited to add, When intercepting an incoming international call there isn't that much time available to track down the persons who issue the said warrants.
  16. The warrantless wiretaps on the international calls made to/by known terrorists to other known terrorists or terrorists sympathizers?
  17. Which part of the patriot act do you find offensive?
  18. Or you could try the Mr. Dis method and go thru screening in your birthday suit.
  19. Okay gloating period officially over, and now back to regulary scheduled programming.
  20. Man it has been a long time since I've heard Mothers Finest Mickeys Monkey
  21. That's pretty good music, they should go far.
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