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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. You probably believe the people who commit these crimes aren't really to blame its just the environment they were brought in.
  2. As you state the quality is amazing considering the technology of the time. The photos of the fireballs in the explosions - amazing. I also think that the photos containing the old autos and trucks really put it into perspective of where we were at the time.
  3. True statement I personally would like my odds by at least having the weapon of choice so to speak compared to the old "bringing a knife to a sword fight". ETA As far as luck you are S.O.L if they are armed and you are not.
  4. I am not attacking your choice to not on a gun, it's just that if someone with ill intent wants in you home, they will get in your home regardless of the presence of a security system. Keep in mind more often than not the home invader will be armed Then what do you have left for defense of you and/or your family members?
  5. I meant for the question to be answered as if the supposed homeowner did not own a gun. Now leaving the empty box out as bait could be a different subject all together.
  6. What would you do if you found yourself in the middle of your home being invaded (almost a daily occurence according to the local news channels), would you reach for your gun or just plead with them not to hurt you, your family, or to please not take any of your property? Just curious. edited for spelling
  7. If the problem is low revenues, then the obvious answer is to raise taxes lottery ticket prices. Isn't that what govt. is for?
  8. Oh yes if you can point a dish to the SW sky you can get a satellite signal. Call Directv, we also get a discount from ATT within our bundle package for using Directv.
  9. When I built our house eight years ago, I went to the Dallas comcast office and informed them that EMC was in the process of installing the underground power to my house, and that I could save their installers a lot of time and sweat if they would let me take a spool of cable to drop in the ditch being dug by the power company. They informed me that they didn't know if I could be one of their customers yet, and that they could not just give cable to anyone. I was prepared to give them the address, building permit numbers, and that for a fact I know that there is a comcast cable currently at
  10. Welcome to Pcom, now with a title such as yours, you will be very welcome to enter the political forum.
  11. The kids and I will be making shockolot cookays tomorrow after school yum yum I can't wait.
  12. We really hated it when the former Wamu left Cross Roads, now its either Hiram or Acworth.
  13. But but but a krispy kreme wouldn't be very healthy, right?
  14. I guess the only way for it to be any better, is if some type of weak explosive mechanism could splater the contents all over the place without any serious bodily harm.
  15. Seems kinda odd to build more retail space when just across the street there is empty commercial space ready for leasing.
  16. Don't them grandbabbies just melt your heart?
  17. Once I got a mayberry for being in the top 20 posters for that day, but I guess the rules have changed since then as I have checked to see where I ranked several times, been on the list, at the top of the list, but no more mayberries. Okay time for the world's tiniest kleenex to blow my tiny little whiny nose in.
  18. Fair enough just no protest during scheduled funeral times possibly, I really don't have the answer I just think these folks are idiots.
  19. That is scary for the folks like you say are getting on in their years, however I thought the $800 was in addition to what the poster was currently paying. Either way it is scary.
  20. Those people are idiots, perhaps some changes in protest laws are in order like no protests within five miles of funerals.
  21. Or maybe even names so we know who is who
  22. What does Clark Howard call it "customer No-service" or something like that.
  23. $800 per month is outrageous, that could bankrupt some folk who are living near the edge of disaster in this bad economy.
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