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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. A FIDDY DOLLA LITE BUB! ah you crazay?
  2. I know this is off topic, but I agree with ya on the "death tax". Watched an interview with NY. congressman Wiener(d), he was annoyingly arrogant on his stance about the death tax his main argument was that it is un-earned income for the survivors of the person who actually earned it. Unfortunately that is the belief of most of the left, that all monies belong to the govt. and that the govt. knows better how to spend it.
  3. I would lean more to the corporal punishment, like hanging or frying him in the chair. The lethal injection is too humane for him.
  4. Animal I have to agree, absolutely beautiful.
  5. I am of the same curiosity myself Mathetes. It seems as if the majority of her posts are the result of searching every news outlet available to provide a link to show a Christian or a a Christian group in a bad light. And at the same time she will post any news showing the gay movement as being the victim. I believe the pattern of her posts shows a definite agenda.
  6. Math, don't take this as a slam, but are you just now noticing this? Or are you just being polite?
  7. Ahhh so young glass hoppa, well it's either getting late or I'm getting old, and it is a small image. Whatever the case may be I believe a few strategically placed signs like those would make a person with ill intent think twice before trying something that might end up with a trip to the E.R.
  8. I agree 100%, by the way if you guys were to live in north Paulding could I call ya if I needed back up? edited for spelling
  9. I am sure you and your husband rest much easier knowing that he is able to defend himself if the occasion ever came to pass( and I pray it never does) that he had to use his firearm to do so. However there is a certain poster in this thread that claims now that your husband can carry a concealed weapon in the public arena that probabilties show that innocent bystanders will be hurt. I personally am glad that people can obtain a permit to legally carry a firearm for protection. As for the other poster let us just pray she is never in a situation where she would need a firearm because we know
  10. I'm so confused how did this just show up as today at 10:42pm, while the last post was time/date stamped days ago?
  11. I think the previous body target yard sign would be the better deterent, especially if it has a few bullet holes at or near the head/heart areas.
  12. No mam it's your job to back up your claims. Provide the information, or stop argueing.
  13. Please provide documentation of this debunking. Could it be debunked simply because you say so?
  14. Looks like the stats outnumber your probability theory. Thanks sgtstinky
  15. My children absolutely love your lights, and so do the wife and I keep up the good work
  16. Absolutely, hopefully business will pick up for everyone regardless of who is in the whitehouse. Maybe a good investment would be in the poultry industry.
  17. I totally missed the argument about cars being a deadly weapon being used in public, I was looking at the road issue to be about how many cars are out there with guns in them licensed/permitted or not.
  18. I would say he was lucky that the criminal didn't shoot just to prevent a witness from giving a description of the crook.
  19. Not really we don't go downtown because of the crime rate there. And using your probability equations I guess when guns are outlawed (the liberals dream), then th probability of only criminals who don't care if they break the law will be the only ones with weapons, therefore increasing your chances of being a victim because you could not defend yourself.
  20. If it happened only once then it was one time too many, that is the math I use.
  21. I'm not sure what world you live in, it is almost agiven that on every morning news cast someone was killed, robbed, mugged, home invaded, stabbed, held hostage, and on and on and on. As far as the sanity of it all, I don't recall you being appointed the sanity czar. It's obvious that we will never see this issue from the same viewpoint, that being said we should agre that we disagree.
  22. I personally like the probability that at least I and my family have a fighting chance against the supposed bad guys regardless if they are armed or not.
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