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Everything posted by spacey74

  1. OMG!! That was hard to watch...that poor cat. My heart breaks seeing that. But this is one more reasons why we need to keep our animals in your own yard, or inside. I hope they find who did this
  2. I just saw this on the news, anyone that hits my child, no matter how old they are.....will want the police to take them away. Because I would go after them. My daughter when she was young, was ONE of those kids.......I had to drag her out plenty of times, so screaming, throwing fits!
  3. I dont think he will be "running like the wind blows" Yes, I love that movie.....
  4. thats cool.....here a a saying from the ole Forrest Gump himself....."Look, you got new legs"
  5. I need that done, for some of my older pictures
  6. I would leave it up to my daughter to say something to the mother. Last week we were at the doctors waiting room, and this child was running around screaming and the mother wasnt doing anything. I blocked it out...my daughter who is 10, turns and looks at the child, then the mother, then me, and said...NOT EVER QUITE, I shall add..... she said "momma, can you tell that baby to shut up" I just looked at her, and said NO, then she had the nerves to ask if she was ever was like that. I just laughed and went back to the book I was reading. The mother I guess, hear my daughter and got the chi
  7. spacey74

    OH MY

    Ummm.....well.... this is all I can say about that.....God loves you NO MATTER what
  8. they should have atleast sent a notice out to the parents, I would think.
  9. spacey74


    yeah! I made the list again!! Wait............is that good Yup, I'm thinking I really really dont have much of a life
  10. Im sorry to hear this...prayer for her and your family
  11. these people now a days......geez!!
  12. ohhh...thats not good at all...thanks for posting this!!
  13. So sad, and so young...prayers for the family
  14. my son said a teacher from his school, said Dobbins Middle school has it also. None of my kids go there, but I was wondering if thats true or not
  15. hmmm.......I'll step out of this one, about the getting old....LOL....I'll pick on you on facebook....LOL
  16. Im having the same problem also. My best friend died last week, her mother let us take some of the plants. My cat and dog is wanting to eat it.
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