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Everything posted by realtor

  1. If you can dig it up, do that. If not, keep it cut off at ground level.
  2. Check W.W. Henry plant behind Chattahooche Tech
  3. No but I think their hours are 10-2.
  4. The original poster always post strange stuff on here. I hope he doesn't carry.
  5. Love it. I would not talk to a door salesman.
  6. I came from East Cobb 20 years ago. Best move I've ever made.
  7. And how are the women innocent?
  8. You should be able to find more houses and move quicker. I do a lot of rentals, 3 this week went under contract, and I hear from tenants how fast these move. I know if mine are priced right they will move quicker. Stay away from short sales. You should not have this much trouble.
  9. I want an Auburn one a Georgia one. (pairs)
  10. Its about time. Don't pay for another meal for this scum.
  11. Coldwell Banker. PM me for the number
  12. http://cajunradio.net/lsu-vs-alabama-funny-facebook-pictures-your-top-7/
  13. The skin of infants with blue baby syndrome may take on a bluish tint, so it is harder to detect in darker skinned babies. Often times, the symptoms resemble those experienced when they have other infections, such as diarrhea or vomiting and shortness of breath. If your infant is exhibiting these symptoms, doctors can test for the syndrome and can administer a medicine called methylene blue which can return the baby’s blood to normal. I was one and I'm 68 now.
  14. Tell her to call United Way at 211.
  15. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=hts&oq=&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS416US419&q=Asian+Cole+Slaw+recipe#hl=en&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS416US419&sa=X&ei=1_D8TtK7E4XVgAev5L2XAg&ved=0CDYQBSgA&q=Asian+Coleslaw+recipe&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cd042e4e3c12dda3&biw=1152&bih=579
  16. Kmart had one yesterday but call first.
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