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Everything posted by raclay

  1. I was listening to the the E3 conference earlier and they were talking to "Reggie", he said the price would be announced at a later date. He added that it is and has always been, Nintendo's goal to keep their products affordable. Hopefully the price point will be similar to that of the original Wii, same or only slightly higher. At least this way, we all have a heads up and can start saving for it. I really like the fact that the Wii games can still be used on it, as well as the accessories, ie; the steering wheels, balance board, shooting devices and such.
  2. raclay


    Yes, thank you very much.
  3. raclay


    This is the reason why I fully support capital punishment. The officers child will never know him or the kind of person who was or the kind of dad he would have become, all because of some scumbag.
  4. I'm not a gamer, just can't play them, but I LOVE to watch others play them. I think the Mario games are my favorites. Somewhere down the line during my development, I neglected to stop and pick up some hand eye coordination, so I have been permanently relegated to the peanut gallery. It's Nintendo's new game system, silly. It will replace the Wii.
  5. My link Here is a brief report I found online about it. Looks interesting huh? CE, yes all wives should be warned. LOL
  6. Nintendo just introduced their new game console, it's called Nintendo Wii U. The system looks really interesting and will be available sometime in 2012. So get ready because I'm pretty certain the kids are all going to want one. Oh, and the controller... well it blew my mind. My DS is watching E3 and this is where they made the announcement, hopefully something will be available on line soon. So yeah, get ready to start driving all over creation looking for the new system, just like many of us did for the Wii and the PS3.
  7. I have no idea what to tell you. So far my two have been inseparable, except when oldest is working. They are 8 1/2 years apart but for awhile now they have really been getting along. I suppose it's because they have many of the same interests. I can't explain it, but I ain't complaining.
  8. Gorgeous yard Lowrider. I wish I had a green thumb like yours. OH and when DH and I decide to take the junipers in our front beds, I'm going to give you a shout for some ideas for replacements. We just can't decide.
  9. I would have to see the video before making any kind of judgement. Which is what will most likely happen when the video is shown to a judge or a jury, if it gets that far.
  10. I know how you were feeling, I believe most of us have experienced that kind of fear. Glad your little man is okay. Now breathe, honey just breathe, he's okay.
  11. We have a regular above ground in a fence but, we were told they are exempt because they have a removable ladder. Insurance said the same but, also said it's best to have a fence. That was five years ago and rules change. I would check to be sure.
  12. Those curbs are tough, I wouldn't mess with one.
  13. That was a wonderful speech given by a very insightful young man.
  14. Amoxicillin works fine for my kids, 20 and 11 and always has, but I will not let him take Augmentin. That stuff is the debil, for me anyway.
  15. WTH? I mean can't they just back up a few feet?
  16. Ours was out, but is back on now. It went out around 6:30ish and came back on about 9:10. Ridge Road area. I just received a NIXLE message that Laird Rd is closed in the area of 1478 due to downed power lines and trees. Just an FYI.
  17. Yeah, seriously why would anyone want to drive a yellow Lexus, never mind actually paying real money for it. But then, he is so proud of himself that he wants everyone to see him coming. Personally, I would rather see him going, outta my sight.
  18. Biting my tongue...trying to bite my tongue...oh I'm trying so hard... I really cannot stand that big eared, beady eyed, cocky, horse headed jerk of a human. This must be the only time he has ever taken "responsibility" for any of his careless and self serving actions.
  19. People are nuts with the way they drive. I hope this was a one time thing and that maybe they had some kind of emergency. Still, it's really stupid to put other peoples lives in jeopardy. Glad s/he didn't cause an accident, especially with the motorcycle. edit: Now I'm re-thinking the emergency notion, civilians don't get to drive that way nor should we. S/he was probably just running late. Better to be late than dead.
  20. I've been there and done that, yes it will put you in a pissed off mood REAL quick. Hope things get better for you today, well it will just give it time.
  21. Wow, that is so frightening. I am so glad that your DD was not harmed during the attack. Hopefully, this guy will remain locked up and get the help he so desperately needs.
  22. Oh yeah, it gets worse at night and to think my DH has to sleep with me.
  23. I never and I really mean NEVER fard while driving, I make sure to do that before I leave home. If I don't do it at home then I simply go without it all day.
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