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Everything posted by AnonyMoose

  1. Crazy Jessie blessed my Suburban but then told the tires they were sinners.
  2. You mean like when you asserted that the Founding Fathers created a Chrstian State? Yeah, we are all waiting on the retraction of that silly assertion.
  3. Whenever I do a half or full windsor I have to try 100 times to get the length right. As such, I am lazy and just do the four-in-hand and call it a day unless I am wearing dress blues and going to be checked for dress and appearance. But you are right - the windsor looks so much better.
  4. You don't have to be liberal to have a good education and know US History. Even libertarians like myself tear apart people that say idiotic things that are a complete fabrication. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " Abraham Lincoln
  5. Wow. I guess you failed US History. The Founding Fathers created the Treaty of Tripoli, which was signed by Congress and the President of the United States (John Adams) in 1796. From that document: "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" Again with the incorrect statements about initial US history? That phrase was first coined in 1864 as part of the Civil War and has NOTHING to do with the Founding Fathers. It was coined almost 100 years after the framers of our country created the US Constitution, Declaratio
  6. The history of Judaism and Christianity are not much better with regard to the extermination of non-believers; it's just that Islam is a fairly new religion (Mohammed was not born until 1,700 years after King David and 700 years after Jesus). Sooner or later it will become peaceful, just like Judaism and Christianity became. It just won't be in your and my lifetime.
  7. What's wrong with idiots? Well for one they are IDIOTS. I blame Uncle Sam for a lot of this. We should keep our noses out of these old world drama situations such as Islam vs. Jesus. That fight is centuries old and USA being in the middle of it now isn't going to solve a damn thing. The other issue is America is doling out an education that isn't a whole heck of a lot better than third world educations. With the average American unaware of the history of Mohammed vs. Jesus, they have little or no opinion when some moronic politician wants to send 100,000 of our troops to some
  8. I have mixed thoughts. On the one hand, if you own a Koran and are on your own property, I could care less if you burn it or use it for toilet paper. On the other hand, it is disgusting how America chews through forested land and to burn a book is just a wanton destruction of the environment. It forces companies to chop more wood to make more books. I think what this drooling mouth breather should do is just download a Koran to his PDA phone and then delete it. Same concept, less trees.
  9. Poly. And though that approach is oft criticized, most books do not hold my attention well enough to devote full time interest to it. I do not read fiction and that might be the cause of the dry reading.
  10. What you need are videos of you having sex and giving birth. Then just hand the kid a VHS tape and say "there ya go!"
  11. Then she can parlay that cash into a book on proper sentence structure.
  12. Scuttlebutt is that Rosie was the "other woman".
  13. They murdered Shari Lewis because they are passionate about freeing the sock puppets.
  14. It's not just airlines. One time I had a woman so obscenely fat sit next to me on the flight that my only choice was to stand. The armrests even squirted back up like a banana peel underneath an elephant. Metaphorically speaking.
  15. Watch as Republicans say Obama did it. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1......
  16. Every time USA Senators consider dumping tens (or hundreds) of billions into cancer research, the lobbyists for drug companies say "OH NO YOU DON'T". When my late wife has adenocarcinoma, we paid over $6,000 a week just for Neupogen, Neulasta, and Epogen shots (which was not covered by insurance). In under 10 months we emptied our entire $250K retirement savings and children's college funds just on those shots. Once we were out of personal savings the hospital would no longer give the shots. If you ever want to know what the number one killer is in USA; it's actually medical companies
  17. Did they pull a felony and then skip State? What am I missing? Why are they afraid of going to jail?
  18. It is owned (or should I say WAS owned) by Mariner Energy. http://www.mariner-energy.com/
  19. Batman has an insurance company? Bat Cave Bat Shield?
  20. I'm tellin ya - it's a lawsuit worthy of some big bucks. Get Meg and go for the throat. I hope you learned your lesson about sleeping with the boss's wife. The monthly bill still has a spot where you can donate to folks that can't pay for electricity; so I know they still do it.
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