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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. 90 people were killed in Chicago in August alone, but Page 1 news is about Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand during the National Anthem. When the media begins to focus on one thing, take a step back and look around, they might just be trying to take your attention off of more important issues. We all have our opinions, but that just ain't right.
  2. https://paulding.paytaxes.net/intro/paulding/ Yes, My taxes went up again this year. How was yours?
  3. The Falcons looked awful last evening. I know it's preseason, but c'mon man.
  4. On my street Merchants Drive near New Canaan Baptist Church, this junky used car lot blocks traffic all the time. Folks test drive old beaters up and down through residential streets. They race the motors and leave black marks on the pavement, they leak grease and oil all over the road. On top of that, the grass is like 4 ft tall and the place is a dump. Why won't the Marshal's office be pro-active and run the riff raff out of town? We don't need more Vape Stores, Check Cashers, Tattoo Parlors and NO MORE USED CAR LOTS. Why can't our economic development team attract decent busi
  5. A good lawyer will get her off by attacking the credibility of the "new" eye witness who came forward. I don't particularly like defense lawyers, but if you ever get in a jam, they're worth every cent they charge.
  6. The election is over and the guy I voted for lost. I'm over it. I still don't like the airport issue, but it's ONE issue of many facing Paulding County. Hopefully our commissioners and our community can come together and stop all this back and forth yak yak yak. We do need to address our jobs situation, our traffic nightmares, our schools, our roads, our infrastructure, our long term development plan and of course our taxes. Government should be for the people and not for the powerful special interest groups. Let's give them some time to let the dust settle and get down to business.
  7. Cobb Chairman Tim Lee got booted out of office for the way he handled the Atlanta Braves move to Cobb County. Traffic along I-75 & I-285 is already a nightmare. What were Cobb Commissioners thinking? See the attached link... http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-atlanta-braves-stadium/ Bloomberg documents how the Braves have taken many local communities to the cleaners all in the name of "Baseball". It isn't just Cobb that has seen their slimy dealings.
  8. Well. shucks.... nearly everyone I tend to vote for comes up short....Maybe I'll support Hillary in November and keep up my losing record,,,
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3708394/Two-men-armed-knives-people-hostage-French-church.html priest has been 'beheaded' by two ISIS knifemen who cut his throat after bursting into a French church and taking nuns and worshippers hostage before being shot dead by police. Five people including the 86-year-old priest, two nuns and two parishioners were held by assailants who raided the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen in Normandy during morning mass at 9am. The clergyman, named as Jacques Hamel, is believed to have been beheaded during the attack while another hosta
  10. I voted this morning before work. The school board runoff, I voted for the new guy. I don't really care which one wins that one, but for the commission chair, I voted for the one who opposes commercialization of the airport. We'll see how it plays out, but at least I voted. Regardless if the ones I voted for win or lose, I'm so ready for election season to be over.
  11. Leggett is against commercialization of the airport and it appears he has the support of the other 4 commissioners. (The Chicken World 4 as Glass calls them) The board of commissioners is an elected body which should act as a team and folks are tired of a divided board and a dysfunctional board. Austin and Carmichael have seriously divided the county with the airport shenanigans. Folks don't trust them on any issue because of the secret back door airport issue which should have been voted on in a referendum. It's dirty. I can't vote for Carmichael, I don't want Paulding County to tu
  12. Don't call the sheriff's office... They'll turn it around and imply your grandson is the trouble maker. And it may cost you some bail money and lawyers fees.
  13. Glass, I agree on some of the things you say, however, my wife grew up in Clayton County. Although she graduated from Riverdale High School, she and got the heck out of there because of the riff raff. . Ever hear of white flight? Is it racist to want top notch schools and public safety? I can assure you a major airport hub will bring a bus system and eventually the crime. Every evening, Riverdale is on the news. Once fine neighborhoods are now overrun with Section 8 housing, run down apartments, crack houses, failing schools, and all manner of riff raff. I don't want that coming to Paulding
  14. Please tell me this is a joke. Has there been any police shootings of unarmed suspects in Paulding County? We don't need this type of media attention here. It only takes one psycho with a gun to really escalate things and turn a "peaceful" march into pandemonium. Hopefully the Sheriff can do his duty and run the riff raff out of town.
  15. Carmichael (by his support of the airport) supports turning the quiet middle class bedroom community into the ghetto slums like Riverdale and College Park. Clayton County is the #1 crime ridden and drug infested cesspool in all of Metro Atlanta. Do you seriously want the noise, congestion and crime of Clayton County coming to Yorkville, Braswell, Hiram & Dallas? I DON'T.
  16. Carmichael supports commercialization of the airport. Stopping 737's from landing in Paulding County is THE ONLY ISSUE that matters to most of the voters.
  17. Everywhere Black Lives Matters goes, violence erupts...do you see a pattern? Nah, Al and Jesse will call for peace, Barack and Hillary will call for more gun control, and the cycle will repeat in a week or two. We're living in perilous times folks.
  18. I disagree. Where's the outrage of 1,800 people being shot? Al & Jessie and BLM blacktivists all over America will protest the cops, yet they say NOTHING about the violence in Chicago.
  19. The number of blacks killed by white cops is tiny compared to the number of blacks killed by other blacks. In Chicago, over 1,800 folks have been shot so far this year. (Most of the victims as well as suspects were black). Where's Al & Jesse?
  20. http://www.ajc.com/news/sports/college-football/georgia-tailback-sony-michel-has-a-broken-arm/nrr2q/ Sony Michel is a good tailback and he's filled in nicely since Nick Chubb was injured. Now it appears Michel has broken his arm in an ATV accident. Perhaps the Dawgs can recover from losing their starting tailback, but it doesn't look too good for them and their new coach this year. The backups may be able to get them through a few games till Sony Michel recovers. What's your predictions? I don't think they'll win the East, but I do think they'll win at least 8 games this year.
  21. A few weeks ago, I mentioned I had a neighbor at a rental house with junk cars, a dishwasher, trash and even an oven in the yard, but in order to get the Marshal to look at it, you had to go to a web site, download a form and fill it out, be willing to appear in court and blah blah blah.... I even emailed the board of commissioners venting about this red tape regarding complaints. The moonbat crazy woman who lived there would even stand in her driveway and shout at cars going by. Yikes. talk about druggies. The good news is the riff raff has now been evicted by the landlord. Apparently
  22. My mother was a nurse at Wellstar Cobb General Hospital for many years, She'd tell of stories of folks coming into the ER with gunshots, car wrecks, one guy got stomped on by a bull at the rodeo. The emergency room does get a bit crazy at times. Bringing a kid to the ER with a runny nose isn't an emergency, but some days the place is filled up with minor stuff like that which really jams up the wait times for real life threatening emergencies. A while back we were at a high school football game and she ran into an old patient she had helped on the road to recovery. He was very grateful
  23. The following was sent to me last week by my financial consultant. What are your thoughts? A Brief History Post World War II, and in part to avoid further European conflicts, the Council of Europe was created in 1949 under the leadership of Germany and France. This was followed by the broader more encompassing Treaty of Rome in 1957 resulting in the formation of The European Economic Community (EEC) in 1958. Throughout the following 4 decades, the number of member countries grew culminating in the Treaty of Maastricht, signed in February 1992, which formally established the E
  24. Both candidates are qualified, but in my view, there's no doubt Mr Carmichael is more qualified than Mr. Leggett. But because Mr. Carmichael supports the commercialization of the Silver Comet airport, I suspect he will lose the election. All other issues don't seem to matter to the voters in Paulding County. Voters seem to have made up their mind based on this one divisive issue. Sure we need better roads, jobs, schools, etc, but if voting for Mr. Leggett will keep 737's from landing in Paulding, then Mr. Leggett has my vote.
  25. On our way towards the Smoky Mountains, we like to drive the Tail of the Dragon. 318 curves in 11 miles makes you a wee bit dizzy.... Attached is a photo of the tree of shame. Parts from various wrecks are proudly displayed.
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