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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. The guy I use is at Atlanta Capital Group. http://atlantacapitalgroup.com His name is Mr Artzi and so far, we've had nice results. Good luck. 3333 Piedmont Road NE Suite 2010 Atlanta, GA 30305 P: 404.893.4100
  2. On the bright side, I'd rather have a huge village of single family homes than apartments. Apartments over time tend to get run down. Many apartments are Section 8 and we all know how quickly Section 8 housing will lead to an increase in crime. Stats don't lie about that. So as bad as having new homes crammed in three of four to an acre, count your lucky stars they aren't building a huge housing complex of section 8 apartments.
  3. Each weekend, we purchase a couple of newspapers from the Atlanta Journal Constitution vendor in the parking lot in Dallas by the old Huddle House. My wife uses the coupon booklets for shopping and we throw the rest of the newspaper away. We don't care anything at all about the AJC other than the coupons. Here's an interesting read regarding the decline in newspapers. http://www.poynter.org/2016/newspaper-declines-accelerate-latest-pew-research-finds-other-sectors-healthier/416657/
  4. Tell that to the families in Orlando who've lost their loved ones to the "peaceful" religion of Islam.
  5. The only thing to stop a psycho with a gun, is someone else with a gun. Whether it's a policeman, security guard or armed private citizen. When will folks wake up and arm themselves? How many lives could have been saved if ONE guy with a concealed weapons permit took charge and sent the attacker to an early dirt nap? Now our president and his liberal politicians will scream for more gun control. We need more armed citizens, not fewer.
  6. http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2016/06/reported-shooting-shuts-down-dallas-love-field-airport.html/ An officer-involved shooting prompted a lockdown Friday afternoon at Dallas Love Field Airport. A police officer shot a man who had been involved in a domestic dispute with a woman outside the airport. The officer acted in self-defense after the man threatened him with a large rock, a Dallas police spokesman said. No officers weer injured. Video posted on Instagram shows officers responding before 12:30 p.m. with their guns drawn. Several shots could be heard as authorities yelled for so
  7. My my my, what price did Ali pay? I had Three uncles (Two Army, One Navy) and they served America proudly. They didn't run and hide but did their duty. My best friend's father was killed in April 1968 in the Vietnam war and I'd say he's one of thousands who paid a heavy price for this country while Mohammed Ali made his fortune in the boxing ring. I can't wait till Hanoi Jane joins Ali in a dirt nap too. Draft dodgers should be lined up against a wall and shot.
  8. I won't mourn the passing of a draft dodger. Good riddance..... How many others went to Vietnam in his place and never came home?
  9. I'm for any legal means necessary to pay the government less in taxes, regardless if it's local, state or federal taxes.
  10. Yes, we need jobs, good paying manufacturing, factory and transportation jobs, good paying jobs in medical field, good paying engineering jobs, but the biggest problem in Paulding for bringing these kinds of better paying jobs is our roads. We need a four lane all the way to I-75 north as well as a four lane to Douglasville, one to Villa Rica, one to Acworth, one to Cartersville, one to Kennesaw, etc. We need serious road improvements. Traffic is our #1 headache. Have you crawled through Hiram lately? Bringing in commercial air service without first investing heavily in road and infrastructur
  11. Pawn Shops, Tattoo parlors, used car lots, title loans, liquor stores, etc. Merchant's Drive is already headed in the wrong direction. We sure don't need to throw an airport in the mix too. We need to seriously clean up Paulding County, not trash it even more.
  12. None of the above matters. What does matter is Mr Carmichael wants quiet and peaceful neighborhoods to turn into the crime ridden slums like Riverdale and College Park. The citizens of Paulding do not want jets landing in Paudling. If the airport goes commerical, look for extra noise, congestion, pollution and flat out riff raff associated with Clayton County making it to Paulding. I'd like to kick that can down the road for another 20 years at least. I plan to Vote for Leggett !!!
  13. I'm supporting Mr. Leggett. He's opposed to 737's landing in Paulding. "nuff said!
  14. The airport fat cat from Hartsfield Jackson got booted out of a job last week too... We need an expert for sure.
  15. That's great news. The only thing worse than Berman is having those female announcers calling the football games. C'mon man. http://www.si.com/more-sports/2016/05/26/chris-berman-espn-nfl-stepping-away
  16. http://abcnews.go.com/US/verdict-expected-freddie-gray-officer-trial/story?id=39302249 A judge found Baltimore police officer Edward Nero not guilty today on all four charges for his role in the events leading up to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. Nero, 30, had been charged with second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and two counts of misconduct in office, all stemming from his actions during the initial stop and arrest of Gray, who suffered a catastrophic spinal injury while in police custody. Gray died one week later on April 19, 2015, and his death sparked days of violent pro
  17. I agree the traffic cops are way over zealous, add that to the increased fees on business licenses and there's no wonder businesses are leaving the City of Hiram. They could really do wonders if they just lowered taxes rather than raise them.
  18. During my younger years, I've worked at many businesses, grocery stores, restaurants, etc and each and every time it was my time to clean the restrooms, the ladies room was much more nasty than the men's room. Men were bad to put cigarette butts in the urinal or dribble on the floor due to bad aim, but women were friggin 10 times worse. WOMEN WON"T FLUSH. OMG how many times does the ladies room reek of serious bathroom odors? Also, ladies, the silver handle is there for a reason. Pull it down to flush......And don't get me started on women flushing kotex or diapers down the john. Yikes, The
  19. Yes, both the Austell location and Inman Yards in Atlanta do this same thing, but there will be a substantial increase in capacity once the port in Savannah is expanded. This is an ongoing process, but I suspect within 10 years, the other rail yards will be above capacity. Long term, the regional planners will agree the area north and west of Atlanta will see much growth. We could get in on the ground floor so to speak and have a leg up on the communities to our west and north (Cedartown, Carrolton or Rome for example).
  20. I'd like to see our rail system expanded. Why not have our economic development team try to lure businesses willing to invest in an inland rail port similar to what they're doing up in Murray County in North Georgia? When ships come into Savannah, the containers will be put on a freight train and taken to Murray County and then broken down and put onto semi-trucks to hit I-75 north into Tennessee and North Alabama, etc. The trucks leaving the Murray County facility literally bypass all of the traffic woes in Atlanta and it's very close to I-75. Why can't we get some of the freight headed we
  21. Why should one student which identifies as transgender have more rights than all the other students who don't? Do you suppose a male who for whatever reason wants to get into the female locker room can go about without making someone feel awkward? http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-transgender-locker-20160211-story.html
  22. The Governor of North Carolina has signed a law protecting the privacy of millions of people; especially women who don't want a man sharing a public restroom with them. Common Sense says men should stay out of the women's restroom. Hollyweird will boycott North Carolina for transphobia, but I'm guessing my next vacation will be in NORTH CAROLINA! Would you want your wife, daughter, mom or sister to be in the same bathroom with a transvestite who "identifies" as female, even though he's biologically a man? I'm sorry folks, If it means I'm transphobic or bigoted against transvestites,
  23. If you call the Marshal they'll ask you to download a form, fill it out as a complainant and then possibly be called to court as a witness... been there, done that. They're useless.
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