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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. I refuse to even go in there. They should not have opened up the ladies restroom to grown adult men who can't figure out if they are really a man. Here's a news flash. if you've got pecker, go to the men's room. If you don't, then go to the ladies room. If you still can't figure it out, Californication awaits you. Target's attempt at social engineering has caused their stock price to fall and their company has lost billions. Their LGBTUVWXYZ political policies have ruined that store forever. https://cabotwealth.com/daily/dividend-stocks/how-targets-bathroom-policy-killed-tgt-stock
  2. 95% of Ossof's donations came from outside of Georgia, do you really think Ossof will look out for Georgian's? I think he's a far-left liberal who's in the tank with Soros, Pelosi and Hollyweird elites.
  3. My niece is a doctor and is a research scientist at at lab in North Carolina. I don't believe they are with holding a cure, they just don't have the cure yet. There is a difference between a treatment and a cure. I can't explain why I survived cancer with chemo and radiation treatments, yet so many others who've taken the same treatments have not survived. Only God know why. I do know that certain cancers are linked to personal behavior (lung cancer for smokers), while other types of cancer happens for no apparent reason at all.
  4. Plenty of evidence that many people in the government, the press, and both major parties are colluding to undermine a duly elected President because none of them wanted him in the White House, and they think this country is theirs; not ours
  5. Comey looked weak in this testimony. Trump has been vindicated.
  6. Since Fox News got rid of Bill O'Reilly, their ratings have been falling each week. Now they're officially below Rachel Maddow and MSNBC. The Five is just awful. Awful., so I stopped watching Fox News. They shouldn't have fired O'Reilly. I've spent a lot more time outside washing the Jeep, doing yard work, and occasionally watching a Braves game or in general doing nothing. I don't miss it either. Politicians make my blood pressure rise, so turning off the tube has been a good thing.
  7. Something doesn't sound right for sure. I suspect the son of a judge will see the scales of justice tilt in his favor. Sadly, victims have no one in Paulding County to stand up for them.
  8. Gold City Park might work, after all, the name Villa Rica means City of Gold.
  9. Our #1 obstacle in generating significant commercial development is lack of quick access to I-20 and I-75. Why would a company build here rather than the communities like Douglasville, Kennesaw and Cartersville? Those communities have quick access to the Interstate system. Traffic is a huge problem in our county. We need better roads.
  10. An overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in "safe zones" on college campuses. Those social justice warriors are just a bunch of snowflakes.
  11. O'Reilly is much more entertaining than the rest of them. I doubt he beats his wife. That's the far-left trying to smear him.
  12. I'm sorry but without Bill O'Reilly, there's noting even remotely interesting at Fox News. I refuse to watch Rachel Madcow and the snowflakes at MSNBC. Anderson Cooper gives me the creeps. So I'm turning off the tube for the summer. Yard work, grilling out, get the garden looking good. That ought to keep me busy until college football comes back on in the fall.
  13. Trump is trying to stop these folks from even getting in to our country, but the snowflakes on the far-left want the streets of America to look like Manchester, England, I suppose.
  14. Our police and clandestine security services should protect us against any and all adversaries. Regardless if they're Mexican Cartels, Islamic Terrorists or just plain trailer trash who want to loot and rob because they're too lazy to work and earn a living. Sometimes, the police just aren't around, so it's wise for each citizen to not only know about firearms, but buy one and learn how to protect yourself. The only way to stop a criminal (or terrorist) with a gun is another gun. Whether it's a police officer, security guard or armed private citizen. Now back to a suicide bomber, gen
  15. The Supreme Court will probably hand Trump a victory. We'll have to wait and see. I look for Trump and the GOP to start filling federal judge vacancies with very conservative judges. We need to get this nation back on track and it will take some time for sure.
  16. I'm too and disheartened by the endless litigation our county lawyers are billing us for. We do need to find a resolution to the airport stuff and move on. We need better roads and schools and jobs, etc., not more legal bills from an already overpaid attorney. The water project is huge and should meet our needs in this county for years to come. I'm glad to see things are progressing on-time and under budget. Carol, Carol, Carol, what are you thinking? Carol McCloud would be wise not to cast stones at the "adulterer". It's easy to see other's faults, shortcomings, (sins), while loo
  17. According to the national weather service, we're under a tornado watch. There's a line of strong storms near the Alabama line moving our direction. It may be another couple hours before it gets here though. https://weather.com/weather/today/l/30132:4:US
  18. I loved The Man With the Golden Gun...awesome James Bond movie.
  19. Those who commit murder in the name of religion are most often islamists, but as the article points out, there have been cases of extremist Christians committing horrific acts too. To some folks, aboortzion doctors who get murdered are getting what they deserve. After all, they murder innocent babies and are paid much for doing so. Kind of a risk vs reward thing. Right or wrong, to some folks, it's justifiable. Like when someone goes vigilante and kills a drug pusher. the guy probably needed killing for selling that stuff to kids. I'd go out on a limb and say it happens much more often th
  20. Al & Jesse will be protesting this great injustice soon. Just wait and see. (I'm glad she was acquitted). When a police officer gives you specific instructions, It's wise to follow them. When you run from the police or go reaching in a car when instructed to raise your hands, it could be a deadly mistake. It's just not smart to argue with a police officer.
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/05/18/jury-finds-white-oklahoma-cop-not-guilty-in-deadly-shooting-unarmed-black-man.html A jury on Wednesday acquitted a white Oklahoma police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man last year, sparking outrage from the man's family and supporters. Tulsa Officer Betty Jo Shelby said she shot 40-year-old Terence Crutcher out of fear because he didn't obey commands to lie on the ground and appeared to reach inside his SUV for what she thought was a gun. However, Crutcher's father, the Rev. Joey Crutcher, said in no uncertain terms: "Let it be known t
  22. A gentleman giving his wife a goodbye kiss in public is no big deal to me, but seeing two men kissing in public makes me want to puke. Yes, a man and woman groping each other in public is rude and offensive too, but seeing two men groping and kissing in public is downright repulsive. There is a double standard, but yes, I do think there is a difference. Perhaps I'm just old fashioned, or just old, but this younger generation has no couth. Pubby, You've met me and you've met my wife, we both know I wouldn't fondle my wife in public for everyone to see. She'd slap me.
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