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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. My father and I were in Cumberland Mall and two homosexuals were groping and kissing and acting like they were trying to seduce one another..right there in public. That's what I call "in your face". Go ahead and do your thing, but keep it behind closed doors. I don't want to see it, hear about it, etc. Don't ask, don't tell comes to mind. This "couple" made it a point to be the center of attention in a crowded mall. By the way, it doesn't matter if it were gay or straight folks acting like this. It's inappropriate in public.
  2. Folks don't care one way or another what two adults do in their own place, but that's not the same as supporting their actions. The truth is we're sick of having it shoved in our face.
  3. sick...our nation is sick beyond measure. The far left thinks the Bible is a fairy tale. Sick indeed.
  4. The far-left hates Donald Trump beyond measure. There is no evidence of Russian collusion. Get over it.
  5. Glad the Sheriff's Office is trying to bust the dope dealers off our streets, Send them to prison where they belong. A point to ponder though....I wonder if the bald-headed guy is the barber. Never buy hair tonic from a bald headed barber...
  6. The Russians didn't elect Trump, the voters elected him. Please stop with all the Russian meddling accusations. The Russians Didn't tell Hillary to pick Caine as a running mate. If Hillary had chosen Bernie Sanders for VP, she might have just won. Hillary is the #1 reason Trump won. Folks didn't trust her on election day and still don't.
  7. The democrats (Pelosi/ Schumer) were roasting Comey during the Hillary investigation, now they're appalled by his dismissal. Hypocritical to say the least. At least Trump has guts. You're FIRED!... I love it.
  8. I'm thinking the governor got this one right
  9. Wondering if we had news as to why Mike Jones has left his job. He's the same administrator who went a few rounds with Paulding County's commissioners and resigned here too. Perhaps our news anchor here can find out what happened.
  10. It's pretty simple...Boy Scouts should be for boys and Girl Scouts should be for girls. If a parent is opposed, the parent is ridiculed as being uneducated. (See post # 13 above) Boys are not girls. Girls are not boys. If for some reason you can't figure out the difference, then you have serious mental problems.
  11. Ha. The Op mentioned the Girls Scouts being a liberal organization...
  12. A troop in Colorado decided to accept a 7-year-old transgender girl, citing its chapter’s policy that “if a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.” Girl Scouts decided to admit boys who dress as girls and the LGBT corporate donors have forced change to the organization’s inclusive policy. So now you’ve got little boys admitted as little girls and those poor little girls in those troops have to pretend the boy is now a girl? That’s child abuse in some people’s estimation. It's just not acceptable to many m
  13. I love Thin Mints.... I always buy a couple boxes from the neighbor's kid. What is killing the scouts in general is the politically correct corporate folks pushing the LGBT agenda. Why not let kids be kids?
  14. http://www.ajc.com/sports/college/smell-marijuana-led-uga-elijah-holyfield-arrest/Bks0hkPK1iKlTXA70Lnt1L/ Georgia tailback Elijah Holyfield’s arrest for marijuana possession happened after UGA police were called to his dorm because a resident assistant smelled the odor of marijuana. Holyfield is the son of former heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield. Police found small amounts of marijuana after obtaining a search warrant. Holyfield denied to police that he had been smoking marijuana, and initially declined a search, according to a police report released on Monday. The in
  15. I plan on leaving Paulding County too. (hopefully not dying off anytime soon though.) If only our Board can kick the can down the road for the unwanted airport a couple more years, then I can sell out and move to Western North Carolina or Eastern Tennessee.
  16. http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2017/04/28/live-updates-trump-heads-to-atlanta-to-speak-at-nra-meeting/ President Donald Trump returns to Georgia on Friday for the first time since his election with a whirlwind visit that includes a speech to the National Rifle Association’s convention in downtown Atlanta and a fundraiser for Republican Karen Handel’s campaign for Congress.
  17. Benny Hinn is a false teacher and a quack.
  18. Neo-fascist ...? simply because they seem opposed to the LGBT takeover of the ladies room? Interesting you didn't comment on Target's stock price falling by $10 Billion... Mainstream folks don't agree with the pushy LGBT agenda.
  19. The drums of war are sounding. Folks might want to get serious, this could get interesting,
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/04/24/entire-senate-being-called-to-white-house-for-north-korea-briefing.html The entire U.S. Senate has been invited to the White House for a briefing Wednesday on the North Korea situation, amid escalating tensions over the country’s missile tests and bellicose rhetoric. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer confirmed the upcoming briefing, for all 100 senators, on Monday. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats p
  21. So Tucker Carlson gets the time slot which Bill O'Reilly had for 20 years.... I like Carlson, but one his first show this evening in the new time slot, Caitlen Jenner is his guest? OMG Fox is falling fast. I refuse to watch anything with that freak Caitlin Jenner in it. I wish they'dd have moved Lou Dobbs over or moved Sean Hannity in there. Fox News is falling fast. CNN and MSNBC are awful too though. The far-left owns all media now....sick sick sick
  22. I still haven't been in Target because of the company’s insistence on transgender-friendly, mixed-sex, dressing rooms. Not one penny of mine has been spent there... I'm sure the CEO could care less, but the company's value has fell by $10 Billion.... and I hope every one of their stores go belly up. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/02/08/amid-falling-stock-prices-retailer-target-abruptly-shuts-high-profile-growth-projects/
  23. Maybe Trump will hire him./// he's got a degree from Harvard and the far-right folks love him despite his shortcomings....
  24. Appeasement doesn't work. That's how Adolf Hitler gained so much power in the 1930's. I'm glad Trump is trying to stop a nuclear war before it starts.
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