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Everything posted by Prince4ever

  1. Is this Paulding Waste Recycling?? PWR??
  2. I wish they'd eat squirrels.
  3. As long as I rode the school bus no one was successful at being a bully. I took up for myself and anyone else. I cannot stand bullies. They learned to behave or I would be on them. Never had to actually fight because they knew I wouldn't back down. The bus driver loved me for it. Lol
  4. I knew about it and was invited but we are still in the process of moving so we weren't able to make it. Maybe next time.
  5. Get your Bible out and start reading. The devil will put you right to sleep.
  6. As long as I'd have my blow dryer and flat iron I'd be ok.
  7. I always used little fans in my kids rooms and mine to block noices. Now they are doing it with their kids too. My fan goes with me everywhere I go. Works great!!
  8. I have a 2 bedroom in Hiram that I rent for 875.00. It's a big house though 2700 sq ft. I have someone that is interested but haven't heard from her about looking at it. But if you think he might be interested let me know. It's a great house!
  9. What kind of house are they looking for? I have a house off Hiram Sudie road that I am about to either sale or rent out. Haven't made up my mind yet.
  10. Thank you!! I am very happy! I've also moved and need to sell or rent my other house.
  11. Well mine came about this way. My first husband died and his last name was Prince. I remarried and he died 10 1/2 mo later. So since I was always known with the last name Prince I had it changed back. I thought it would be Prince for ever. But wouldn't ya know it I remarried 2 weeks ago.
  12. Mine is someone using wrong grammar. Like saying "seen" when it should be "saw". Or "knowed" when it should be "knew". And on and on. And yes I do say "ain't" sometimes. Lol
  13. I live between two subdivisions and have a similar problem. Litter gets thrown into my yard and none of the subdivision yards. Believe me if I could catch the bum doing it I wouldn't hesitate to call the law. Hope this gets resolved for you kitty cat. You are such a nice person and should not have to put up with such.
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