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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. No, it was probably about 2 years ago. The poor lady called saying that someone had spray painted her bushes with something white. She was so upset. Then she called back to say it might just be frost. Then she called back to say, no, it was definitely vandalism. But then the deputies arrived, and assured her that it was, indeed, frost. They all had a good laugh about it!
  2. The best one was still the lady who called in a vandalism report for the "white stuff" all over her bushes. It was frost! :rofl:
  3. Oh, honey! There's plenty you can give him for Christmas. You don't have to go anywhere, and it won't cost you a dime!
  4. We have a blended family, so every other year, Christmas is on Christmas Eve. The boys wake up on Christmas Eve morning to find gifts laid out. Then we open presents and eat and celebrate as usual. Our youngest (who is biologically both of ours) doesn't know any differently. The important thing has always been for our entire family to celebrate together (whenever it has to be), and that is much more important to us than a date on a calendar!
  5. So cool! I can't wait to see the video! Hey, my birthday is in a couple of weeks. If ya want to help my DH make a new car appear in my driveway, I'm okay with it!
  6. The helicopter landed, and no further traffic came across the scanner about this. My prayers are with those injured.
  7. They did set up a landing zone at Fire Station 1 and called for one medical helicopter.
  8. There was one driver entrapped (both legs from what they said.) The first EMT on scene said they had multiple patients.
  9. So far on the scanner, they haven't said. This accident happened about 5:10pm.
  10. My husband called me earlier to ask about it. I'm listening to the scanner archives now.
  11. :rofl: That was my first thought, too!
  12. One specific road I heard was Bob Hunton (and I go that way to pick my oldest up from school.) I've been distracted by work and the phones, so I haven't heard other road names (I missed dispatch for some.) My husband ran by our house, and our driveway is flooded - AGAIN!
  13. Deputies are being dispatched and calls are coming in of roads under water. Stay home if you can.....it's really nasty out there!!!
  14. The news report this morning said, "1-3 inches of rain; expect flooding in the usual areas." You know we've had too much rain when that's part of the forecast!
  15. LR has more posts than EVERYBODY! No one can ever catch up!
  16. Joe, please add our prayers for your family. Truly, let us know if we can do ANYTHING at all! :wub:
  17. I will be praying for you tomorrow, and the days following as you recover. Feel better soon!
  18. You had almost 20?!?! Wow, you're the Donald Trump of mayberries!
  19. That's not fair to some of us!
  20. ....with unmarked territory. I've never seen so much weeweeing on trees before as I have in the last 48 hours on this board. On BOTH sides. It's Christmas, folks! Let's enjoy the season! Merry Christmas!
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