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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. I do. My brother lives in Crossville. I'm sure he'll tell me all about it!
  2. I just watched last night's show, and from the performances, Casey should go home tonight.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4nQB3V10i8
  4. I had a 9 year old visitor in my bed about 2am. I dozed off and on for the rest of the night. I kept stirring to make sure the power was on, so we wouldn't oversleep. The weather radio went off at 6:30am. Other than the rain and wind, it seems it wasn't as bad as predicted. We didn't have nearly as many branches down as last weekend.
  5. Hope MCMM is doing well, too. This is tragic to watch. We, in Paulding, know all too well what they will be dealing with for months (even years) to come.
  6. I will be voting for Chad Plumley. He is a nice guy, but it goes further than that. I don't think Paulding realizes what a gem they have in him. He is one of the smartest men I know, and has an unbelievable concept of written law. Please research him further. I think he will represent Paulding very well.
  7. I could have read it wrong, but I thought the report said there was a +/- $36 million shortfall total. They've made across the board cuts already, leaving $22 million left to cut. :offtoreaditagain:
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rhUHDif9n4
  9. You are too good to us, LR. So, I guess this means it doesn't smell like the lobby of the jail anymore?
  10. I haven't heard anything on the scanner, either.
  11. That's probably a good choice. It might "tip over" and that would not be good!
  12. And nothing compares to the SOUND it makes when it whacks the ball!
  13. Congratulations! I wish you much success. We have been a Dodge family. Four, in all. My Grand Caravan has been great! I have 180,000 miles on it, and I've driven it for nearly 10 years.
  14. Good luck with the tattoo - whatever you decide! For those of you "young whippersnappers" complaining about your age, I want you to know that my 30s were the BEST years of my life. I'm 40 now, so that's going to change. Enjoy it all!!!
  15. We would love to see you, too! I feel as though I know you much better than I actually do! Of course, when you have free time, you can come hang out with us. We're always at one baseball field or another!
  16. This sounds like a lot of fun! My family will attend! I hope the weather is beautiful, and that we, as a community, will attend to support the event!
  17. What would help is that the topics only get bumped when someone replies, rather than with each vote.
  18. I think it's off Cohran Store Road (off of Ridge.)
  19. We went to West Metro tonight, too, for a couple of steaks. Sooooo yummy!
  20. These people aren't quiet about anything they do. They scream their "message" wherever they are. If you have time, watch the clips (like the one I posted.) They put their children in harm's way. People who are disgusted with them often retaliate by throwing things at the group as they pass in cars. In the documentary, one of the young children is hit in the face as a passerby throws a drink of some kind.
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