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larry t

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Everything posted by larry t

  1. Found out eariler today that my 29 year old neighbor was found dead ...so sad Please Pray for this family..I know he had 2 small children.
  2. My kitty loves popcorn, peanut butter and doritos....she has a ritural of slapping it around and pouncing on it as if it were alive, then eats it
  3. yes and I appreciate all you do for our Boys !!!!
  4. Oh dear lawd.....that is outrageous !!!!!
  5. OMG can't belive it is already Sept....Christmas is just around the corner.....
  6. Yea!!! I guess it will be a indoor Birthday party for our little one today Happy Birthday 3rd Layla Caroline (wish me luck)
  7. I asked my DD to run to food lion (was so excited, you know it is so close now) all I needed Roasted chicken Mac and cheese. I get a text from her threatening my life for sending her, 2 bazzillon people and 30 minuets later she returned with that LOOK on her face...... guess I will go until the crowd dies down
  8. Yep, the worry has set in on how we will pull it off this year....
  9. Good Morning...have a great day. Headed to North Side to get GD cast off today. Her hand surgery went great and she had been a total champ about the whole ordeal, never complained once !!! gonna miss that little pink cast, but look forward to her bath with out the Plastic bag/rubberband routine
  10. I have never been one to worry...but this is causing me great concern also....
  11. My mom just had this done last week....She new what to expect since she has had it done before, but none the less, it was awful for her. She also passed with flying colorers...was told that she had a lovely colon, I guess in a sick way that is great news.
  12. Me tooo.......I am so excited. i did get the sale paper today, lots of BOGO"s Opens AUG. (WED) 26TH @ 8:00 AM FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS
  13. My husband and I went camping (in a littlebitty tent) in the mountains of West Virgina, it came the worst thunderstorm /lighting ever, after living thru it we realize how cool it was to experience this.
  14. After the Honeymoon to Yorkville, the couple will reside in their pre manufactured mobile home on the outskirts of Dallas
  15. We did....it was so nice, looking forward to fall ................and cheaper light bill
  16. Me and hubby have made our wishes know to the family about cremation.....personal choice we made together. He wants his ashes spread in the woods. I myself would like to be spread in Arlington National cemetary (which is totally against the law) it is so beautiful and peaceful there. 2nd choice would be the ocean......Religious beliefs played no part in our decision
  17. Lets hope they do their personal weed eating first before applying..... (Did I say that out loud ???)
  18. Husband says he is available to help with the interVIEWING Process !!!! Don't think sooooooo......
  19. meat loaf garlic potatoes cole slaw baby limas
  20. Just caught the tail in of new break on channel 2 , 61 shut down Any body else heard anything ???
  21. My SIL is a "collector" OMG !! she has 10 bazillion knicknacks sitting around everything from cabbage patch dolls to Kids meals toys, EVERYROOM in her house is full My brother actually built a huge room on to there house so she could add to her collection......now let me tell you her house is spic and span and she takes great pride in displaying her stuff...kinda like a museum (they have no children, just 10 or 12 cats, yeah..collects them too) WEIRD !!!
  22. My DD did the boxer shorts her freshman year...I happen to leave work early one day Only to see her exit the school bus with her brothers christmas boxers on......in December, 20 degree weather, I freaked !!!!
  23. I am so excited.....1/2 from the house, so convenient for me.
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