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larry t

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Everything posted by larry t

  1. What part of Maryland are you in ???? I worked "Up there" for a while
  2. CC you have way to much time on your hands !!!! My Dad worked on the Railroad Sooo...... it is like music to my ears also, he also told me a story of each train as they passed, sounded just as your narration My Dad would be proud !!!! continue on...........
  3. This is a tough one, If she is near the end I would spend as much QUALITY time with her AS POSSIBLE....but yes, you must take care of you family and keep you job security. Maybe she is just afraid, to know you are dying has to be frighting. Gee , I just don't know My prayers are with you and your Mother
  4. OMG!!!! I think that IS Miss Jessie
  5. My prayers are with you....Good Luck, give us an update as soon as you hear something !!!
  6. I love the tiger.........complemits of my neice Eye of the tiger
  7. Oh Denise if you only knew how your words have made me a better Nana....Walking with you thru your journey reminded to enjoy every minuet with my babies and to hug them tight everyday, God Bless you and Papa !!!
  8. But so much fun..... My day started with the arrival of my Jackson (4) and Layla (2 1/2) and Raynee (7) We had breakfast ,smorgasbord kind nobody wanted the same thing. After that we played with everything in the toy box and I do mean every single toy, It finally warmed up so we ventured out side and Played in the Little pool (of course Nana had to put bubble bath in it , that makes it funner) the fun wore off of that so back inside to watch Rudolph the red nose Reindeer (yeah, Jack picked that one out) . We also had a frog funeral, Raynee did the eulogy Layla picked the flowers for the
  9. HIJACK..... it is so funny that PoPo and BoBo came up in the same sentence....My DD boyfriend is from New York and Laughs at "our Language" when he first came to Paulding county he got lost trying to get to Burnt Hickory, he called his friend and said he was on "BooBoo" Road , soon after that My son a PCSO PoPo left he to take a call on Bobo Rd. Boyfriend said a "Popo on Bobo" how funny .... Welcome to the south !!!!! CONTINUE ON....
  10. I am guessing Bro.Eddie will be one of the preachers, I know Jay helped lead him to the Lord on New year eve years ago. I always loved to hear his testimony of that night. Jay was loved as respected by so many and will be truly missed
  11. OMG !! Jay married me and my first husband in 1977 when he was the pastor @ Callie Harbin in Villa Rica He was a wonderful man !!! This is such sad news
  12. 5 years ago my MIL gave me her original wedding rings she wore for 53 years of marriage. I look at them and think of all the love that that band of gold endured.....I absolutely love wearing them and consider them my prize possession, she now suffers from alzheimers, but when she see them on my hand she always tells me how beauitful "My wedding rings are" I alway tell her they were her rings, and remind her of all the happy years she spent with with My FIL...she has little memory of those years...it is so sad
  13. Thanks for the info..I will pass it along to the guys....
  14. My Hubby is going on a guided fishing trip in a few day and was wandering if / and how much would you Tip the guide It is a pretty expensive trip $300.00 4hrs, 3 guys are going. ??????
  15. Oh You must go to Arlington Cemetery !!!!!! The changing of the Guard is so moving, it is My most favorite place to visit
  16. Is there a diffrence in King size and California king size sheets ????
  17. He is a good Neuro... Just no bed side manner. I found it hard to understand him. I am now seeing his partner Dr. Natajurhan (sp) I like her alot. Good Luck !!!
  18. Clean good, Coat with crisco..pop it into you gas grill on 250 degrees for 2 hours (Oh make sure you turn it upside down) Works like a charm
  19. Oh, I wish I had the answer to this question....I have been plagued with migraines/headaches for several years. Doctors DX me with cluster migraines, but can't seem to find a medication that will control them. It sucks, My migraines hit in the middle of the night at this point I have 15 to 18 a month. Thank God for Imitrex (does not control them ,but will stop one from knocking me on my a$$) the new generic now only cost me $93.00 for 9 it use to cost $230.00 it also suck to be uninsured. I feel stress contributes to some of mine, but feel there is a underlying problem with my brain that
  20. Prayers for your Dad....I have been Thur this with my MIL she as had several TIA's a resulting from a stroke in 07 and it is a very scary experience. BUT she is doing great now....He is in good hands, Redmond is a wonderful Hospital.
  21. Funny you brought this up ...I just spent 15 minuets tonight explaining to my 7 yr old GD that swimming does not count as a bath....she bathes everynight , sweat, bug spray and just good ole' playing dirt (grocery store feet !!!) it also help her to wind down and I just feel that you will rest better clean. I have to shower before bed mostl in the summer
  22. I will give Jason a call and let him know....thanks
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