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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The big question is, will they still be around toward the end of November?
  2. The Yorktown was commissioned in 1943 (WWII) and served until 1970.
  3. That recipe was on display on the USS Yorktown, a retired aircraft carrier. If you are ever in Charleston and have a few hours, I recommend going to the Yorktown. It's a self-guided tour, so you can go as fast or as slow as you want. You have access to most of the ship, including the bridge, flight deck, hanger deck, areas below deck, galleys, medical offices and engine room. It's a very interesting museum.
  4. While I guess it's possible that it's in an Army Cookbook, that's not where I found it.
  5. Thank You. The nice thing about digital cameras is you can take a dozen shots knowing at least one might turn out OK.
  6. Here's a Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe I ran across. I thought I'd post it for y'all to enjoy. If anyone makes them, let us know how they turn out. Extra points for anyone who can identify where it came from. http://paulding.com/forum/uploads/monthly_09_2010/post-1636-128347971763_thumb.jpg
  7. This family has been hanging around our neighborhood for the last few months. 2 adults and 5 babies (well, teenagers now ). With traffic and pets, we're amazed that all 7 are still alive. http://paulding.com/forum/uploads/monthly_09_2010/post-1636-12834702505_thumb.jpg
  8. Sigmund Freud would have a field day with some of y'all.
  9. DirecTV is satellite, so location shouldn't matter.
  10. If she's spending big $$$, imagine this helps with the duties (taxes) she would have to 'declare' when going through customs.
  11. When was the last time the Feds admitted something like this actually was part of a terror plot?
  12. Eddie now uses the name The Postman, and sticks to the Political Forum. His posts aren't any more coherent than you remember.
  13. It sounds like a great compromise.
  14. I believe, other than Disney, most cruise ships have them.
  15. I don't have any recommendations, but do research. I've read that the city outlawed tours through residential areas after a certain time in the evening, so some of the 'ghost tours' end up being descriptions of touring the commercial areas with descriptions of what you would be seeing if you could go into the residential area. I guess the law makes sense. If you lived there, you wouldn't want a bunch of strangers standing outside your house every night talking about something that happened at your house 100 years ago.
  16. It is indeed the Fantasy. This is our second cruise - last year we went on the Carnival Glory for our 30th anniversary and I came back addicted. Charleston is a nice port - about 5 hours drive, but we're still going the day before and spending the night. I figure that nothing would be worse than having the freeway closed because of an accident or something and missing the boat - literally.
  17. Actually - you can't just mail it. You have to have someone 'certify' it. Some, but not all post office locations have people who can do this, but most of the ones that do require appointments. You also need to have an 'original certified' copy of the birth certificate with the embossed stamp. If you have an older certified copy that's ready to fall apart, that's ok, just take it as is and don't tape it.
  18. http://travel.state.gov/passport/get/first/first_830.html
  19. In case you missed it, if you and those going with you don't have a passport, start the process now. Technically they're not required (yet) but they make life a lot easier and you never know when Congress is going to change the rules.
  20. Here's something fun. It has links to live webcams on board ships. Not every ship has one, but many do. It also has links to some of the webcams in ports. http://www.kroooz-cams.com/ And here's a link to where each of the ships currently are world wide, and more links to the on-board cams and port cams. http://www.cruisecal.com/portal/ Where are you cruising out of?
  21. I started reading this, but forgot what you were writing about. . . .
  22. If you like getting away, but don't like trying to decide where to go or where to eat every day, a cruise is ideal. For me, and others I know, these decisions can be stressful when you're trying to just relax. The biggest question is do we want to eat in the dining room, at the buffet or have room service. I find nothing more relaxing than just sitting on a deck chair, reading a book (or listening to an audio book) and watching the ocean go by.
  23. Probably the funniest thing about the casinos - we were walking thru one right after we left port. There were all these old ladies at the slot machines with coins ready to be dropped in the slot with one hand and the other poised on the lever. The Cruise Director kept announcing the the machines would not be turned on until we were in international waters which would be in about 20 minutes. We figured they'd be there the entire cruise - or at least until they ran out of money.
  24. In addition to the good advice already posted - If you don't have a passport, go ahead and get the process started now. That way you won't be wondering if it will get to you before you're supposed to leave. There are plenty of ports within a half day's drive. If it's possible, get a room near the port night before so you don't have traffic worries. Most cruises leave at 4:00, but you want to plan on being there by noon. The sooner you board, the sooner your vacation really starts. I don't know about the rest of the cruise lines, but Carnival has the buffet open so you can eat lunch as
  25. The problem is you took my post as a negative - maybe you think it was a personal attack. It wasn't. As of now, you're title is still only asking who took pictures last night - implied is any pictures from anywhere. - edited - I see you did just now make the title a little more clear.
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