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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The point is to get the grilling done early. You won't want to be outside in the stuff they're predicting. Also, you may want to plan it as a candelite dinner. They say many might loose power for awhile.
  2. Good luck! With the cold front they say is moving in this evening, grilling out could get a little interesting.
  3. Are they being stolen or just broken off?
  4. Where I grew up, the town council determined when beggers-night would be, including the hours. If the 31st fell around the weekend, many times when it was actually Saturday afternoon. If it was held in the evenings, it would be around 6-9 or so. Nobody thought it was strange.
  5. I know you asked about Saturday, but West Ridge Church has 'Trunk Fest' Friday from 7:00 to 9:00.
  6. A brick and mortar store can't make a profit selling things that have to be ordered - especially smaller items. If I want something that has to be ordered, I'll do it myself online. They also can't make a profit selling one bolt or washer at a time. The won't survive if they don't stock what folks are looking for on a day to day basis and their competitor does stock it which was my experience. I've been in other ace stores where an employee followed me around and made me feel like a criminal because I had a few minutes to kill and just wanted to look around. An Ace's customer b
  7. I hate to hear they're closing, but I've been there twice and neither time did they have what I was looking for. In reality, Home Depot is closer and New Hope is 'out of the way' from my normal travels.
  8. I re-read the OP, and realize lovapet is talking about the very few who have actually gotten interviews. Most folks I've read about have sent out hundreds of resumes and are luck to get an acknowledgment that the company received the resume and are lucky to get a 2% actually wanting to interview them. .
  9. You're assuming potential employers are calling former employees before the first interview. I don't think many are doing so because they know most former employers will only verify employment. Out of fear from a lawsuit most will not give 'good or bad' reference.
  10. If the traffic is mostly people tring to get somewhere, they won't stop to 'relax.' To be successful as a bookstore, you would need to be the first place people think of if they need a book, and be open in the evenings when they would most likely be looking for them. You need to make sure you have the books in stock that teachers are assigning to their class. To be successful as a restaurant, you'll need good, consistent food and good help. Either way, a large advertising budget would be needed along with good specials to bring people into the location. IIRC - the last ow
  11. I haven't had any problems. I'm in the East Paulding area near Walmart.
  12. Actually, the OP has a point. How many people make a point of looking at the date of a post before reading it? To simplify things, the 'grab bag' thread could be closed on a regular basis (monthly?) and a new one opened. In fact, I think that most threads could stand to be closed after one month from being started. I wonder if the board software has a feature to do this? If a discussion needs to continue, one of the participants can open a new thread with a link to the original in the first post. This would take care of the dreaded 'poll trolls' also.
  13. I'd be interested in a list also. I see from the sign that Hope Methodist is having one in November, but I can't find any info on their web site. It's not a church, but EPHS is having a craft show in early December: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/255498-ephs-craft-fair
  14. If they had used the right lock for the job, they wouldn't be the butt of these jokes.
  15. If the wrong kind of lock was put on by 'accident,' I wonder why it hasn't been replace with the right one.
  16. You can't see it in the picture, but supposedly there's a place to put a padlock.
  17. I agree with the kudos about saving money, but the jokes aren't about that. The problem is the mechanism they choose is not intended for securing a building. As stated in another post, someone with a screwdriver can be in within a minute or two, and anyone walking by can slide the bolt lock the people in. A hasp with a padlock would have been a much better choice, would have saved almost as much money, would have been a lot more secure and would not have garnered the attention the sliding lock has.
  18. This will interesting trivia sometime in the future. During the filming of Transformers 3 in Washington DC, a police officer responding to a bomb scare entered a road that was part of a 'closed set' during filming of the movie. He had to swerve to miss the truck Optimus Prime and other vehicles, then was t-boned by the Camaro Bumblebee coming from a side street. There are stories and video posted all over the net. http://tformers.com/transformers-bumblebee-involved-in-crash-with-washinton-dc-police-vehicle-during-filming/14471/news.html http://tformers.com/article.php?sid=14473
  19. Anyone could have saved the picture from here and posted it there.
  20. Someone posted a picture that probably originated here on the FAILBlog web site: http://failblog.org/2010/10/14/epic-fail-photos-lock-fail-2/ Main FAILBlog web site: http://failblog.org/
  21. I had to hit refresh to see it, and frankly still wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it. All the p.com ads are camouflaging the paid ad.
  22. Good points. I went out of my way to visit West Metro one time and picked up some nice steaks, but I had to then go to the grocery store to get more things for the meal-(and other grocery items.) That meant 2 stops instead of one. I guess if I passed by there on a regular basis and were usually going directly home, I might stop more often.
  23. What it boils down to is that as long as the store is where it is, the amount of business will always be restricted by it's location. In this case, I didn't mean just car traffic - I meant potential customer traffic and foot traffic. If the store were in Hiram somewhere between Ross and Sams, you'd have probably ten times the number of customers. Not because of more cars, but because of more shoppers.
  24. I hope you consider this a discussion with a potential customer - not an attack. The box stores aren't shutting you down if you pick a low traffic area, you really aren't even trying to compete with them. You need to be in an area with lot more visibility if you want folks to come to you for their day to day book needs. In my earlier example of the hardware stores - They could have easily stayed open later if they wanted. When someone needs a part to fix something, they need it right away. Did Home Depot shut them down, or did their business practices do it for them? Once I knew HD w
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