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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. :drinks: What difference does it make - you're still killing brain cells. :drinks:
  2. Winners ask themselves "What difference does it make" and then decide their plan of action based on the better outcome. Non-winners post nonsense on web sites trying to inflate their self worth, believing they are making a difference.
  3. Where was there a Bed, Bath and Beyond in Paulding?
  4. TP, they're holding a robot marathon challenge in Japan. Maybe you should enter yours: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3417478/Robots-marathon-challenge.html
  5. You have a robot? Cool. What make and model? Does it fetch your Drambuie for you?
  6. It's not ebooks that caused them problems. When Amazon came along, you could now order a book online and get it in a day or two cheaper than driving to the local store hoping they carried it. They could have responded within a year or so by setting up their own web based sales store but didn't. Instead they ignored the online market for way too long, and it cost them big time.
  7. The mom and pops put themselves out of business by not offering the same selection as the larger stores. They were probably open fewer hours also. That's one of their problems - not enough customers that would buy books at the full price. They can't make enough money to stay open when they have to mark the prices to nearly nothing.
  8. Their biggest problem was they took years to respond to the changes Amazon made in the market place.
  9. Quit launching Outlook - it's probably set to automatically get your email from AT&T. Just go directly to your AT&T mail from your browser.
  10. Aren't there 3 Total Wine locations? Kennesaw, Perimeter and Alpharetta.
  11. The state already makes a distinction between beer and wine and hard liqueur. It sounds like a good compromise right now would be to vote to allow beer and wine sales on Sunday, but not everything else. That way the grocery and C-stores would be able to sell what they do the other 6 days, and the specialty stores would have the option to open for just beer and wine sales, or they could remain closed on Sunday.
  12. You did it to yourself. Over the years, you're the one who's brought up how much you drink. In doing so, you've made it a part of your online personality and made it everyone's business.
  13. All someone has to do is search on your name and the word 'Drambuie' to see in your own words why some might think you drink a little too much.
  14. If you're that passionate about it, don't bother with email. Write an old fashioned letter and send copies to as many high ups at the company that you can find. You'll get more attention.
  15. What are the numbers to call? If enough people call next week and complain, maybe it will get their attention.
  16. Weren't we told a few years ago that gas prices are ultimately controlled by the White House?
  17. Turtle Soup Recipe Courtesy of Emeril Lagasse Ingredients * 1 1/2 pound turtle meat * 2 3/4 teaspoon salt, in all * 3/4 teaspoon cayenne, in all * 6 cups water * 1 stick butter * 1/2 cup flour * 1 1/2 cup chopped onions * 2 tablespoons minced shallots * 1/4 cup chopped bell peppers * 1/4 cup chopped celery * 3 bay leaves * 1/2 teaspoon dried leaf thyme * 2 tablespoons minced garlic * 1 cup chopped tomatoes * 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce * 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice * 1/2 cup dry sherry * 1/4
  18. Did you cook, clean and take care of the kids? If so, nobody's talking about you!
  19. What everyone needs is some U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G about infamy as it applies to all the corporations that are slaveowners to their employees.
  20. Watch the movie "Date Night" to see what can happen if you answer to someone else's name.
  21. I haven't read your links, but I would not trust any of these off site 'clouds' it at all, no matter where they are. One of the things we've seen with the problems in Egypt is the government shut down the internet in the first few days. I've read that some want to give the President the same ability. We are so dependent on the internet for commerce right now that if it were to be shut down, things would be bad. If our data is stored in some 'cloud' somewhere and we couldn't get to it, things would be a hundred times worse.
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