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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. My point wasn't about an R vs D thing. It was simply how the press treats them differently. Did we or did we not learn about Edwards from the National Inquirer? BTW - I'm not the one who asked if all Republicans cheat on their wives.
  2. Don't forget all the documents Montgomery mailed before going to the hanger. A whole new can of worms for next season.
  3. What's so funny. That's how the world had to find out about John Edward's affair and 'love child.' The liberal press wouldn't touch the story.
  4. No, but if he were a Dem, we'd have to find out about it from the National Inquirer.
  5. Class action suits are designed for one thing - to make law firms rich. The plaintiffs get a coupon or a few dollars or other insignificant amount while the attorneys make millions.
  6. The only ones I have a problem with are the ones who make a big deal over the fact that they don't live here anymore, are glad they don't and argue with almost everyone. If you don't live in the area, fine. Just don't make a big deal of it and don't spend your time arguing with others who post here.
  7. Where was your post when Obama started barring reporters for negative reporting?
  8. For those of us who don't go by mile marker, what area of 278 is this?
  9. Perhaps. But if this is a problem, why do so many still pass? --------------- The student didn't complete the graduation requirements and doesn't get to 'walk.' What do we do? As a parent, do we moan and complain, or use it for a life lesson? I say use it as a life lesson. If they go on to college and they don't do what's expected, they won't graduate. If they don't do what's expected at their job, they'll be penalized in one form or another. They don't walk? So what? How does it affect their future? It doesn't unless you or they make it. I feel sad for the students whose paren
  10. The student didn't complete the graduation requirements and doesn't get to 'walk.' What do we do? As a parent, do we moan and complain, or use it for a life lesson? I say use it as a life lesson. If they go on to college and they don't do what's expected, they won't graduate. If they don't do what's expected at their job, they'll be penalized in one form or another. They don't walk? So what? How does it affect their future? It doesn't unless you or they make it. I feel sad for the students whose parents go out in public and make it seem as if 'walking' with their class will be the hig
  11. Some are protected because not everyone want so see the posts about Religion or Politics. Others are protected to keep the site from earning an 'R' or worse rating from certain search engines. The password for most of those forums is 'ON' (all capitals)
  12. It sounds like a good idea, but someone needs to investigate whether there are any Federal permits needed. The first thing that comes to mind is where the water will come from for the 'mud.' If 'wetlands' are involved, the EPA will get involved and they have the power to shut this down. (In fact, they could probably shut the current one down if the conditions aren't right.)
  13. Can nobody answer my question? What kind of fuel do these new stoves use? Is it available, cheap and reliable in the locations they put these stoves? If not, it's just a waste of everyone's time and money.
  14. What kind of fuel do these new stoves use? Is it available, cheap and reliable in the locations they put these stoves? If not, it's just a waste of everyone's time and money.
  15. or a 'darling daughter'
  16. The White House won't tell us if the “Service for the committal of a person of the Muslim faith” from the the “Navy Military Funerals" guide was used. If so, it contains the following prayer:
  17. Good point. It used to be that a 'C' meant AVERAGE. If that were true today, the majority of students would be 'C' students. A lot would be 'B' and 'D' (Do they give 'D's anymore?) and a few would be 'A' and 'F' (or whatever they give.) Today an 'A' means they learned (or memorized for the test) almost everything they were supposed to, a 'B' means they learned most, a 'C' means they learned just enough to pass, and the rest learned very little.
  18. In retrospect, the best thing to do was not revel the location his body was dumped.
  19. Interesting. I wonder if this will move from so called 'radical' muslims into mainstream? Will Bin Laden's sea burial backfire? Radical Muslims already name location 'Martyr's Sea' Complete article at link above.
  20. If 'walking with your class' is so important, the students and parents need to start their freshman year doing the things necessary for it to happen. Sadly, watching some of these folks, I can't help but wonder if High School Graduation will be the highlight of their entire lives. Also, I'm all for graduation tests. It confirms to the world that the student's have actually learned what they were supposed to. If their excuse is they 'do poorly' on standardized tests, I don't see most of them doing any better in college.
  21. You'd get a lot better response if you put what you want in the title instead of hoping one of the PC experts stumbles across it.
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