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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. You can go here for more details. You can also tell them your location if you felt it. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usc0005ild.html#details
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Koran allow (or even encourage) a Muslim to lie to an 'unbeliever'?
  3. Another problem is the lack of sentences and paragraphs some people just start typing stream of consciousness style writing hundreds of words with no punctuation no capitals no sentences and no breaks taking inches of screen space and assuming everyone will know what they are trying to say many times they have very poor grammar and spelling and use the wrong words that make it that much harder to decipher even when trying i cant go on very long like this so this is the limit of my rant on this Another problem is folks who are looking for something specific. They put a word or two, such as
  4. Good question. For an answer, you have to look at what's happening in Great Britain. They'll build up a large population in an area then slowly demand changes to accommodate them. Individual judges are convinced to go along with it when dealing with Muslim vs Muslim cases and suddenly you have case law that they call on in other dealings. Another example that I just got done reading was an article where they're demanding zero interest student loans in GB for Muslims because paying interest is against Islam. Muslims demand Sharia student loans because paying interest goes against Islamic l
  5. That wasn't cutting costs. It was moving jobs from outside contractors and hiring more employees to do the work. Probably at a higher cost.
  6. If he were to examine the facts, he would probably find the rich get richer because the poor are willingly giving them their money for goods and services they don't really need.
  7. Quit changing subjects . . . You said: "But, let me see is I can find the latest statistics on the opening of the Northwest Passage, and I will post them." Now where are those statistics on the opening of the Northwest Passage?
  8. When you do track them down, you will find that the actual statistics don't match the projections.
  9. The Northwest Passage opening up is nothing new: 1. The British sailed there in 1853 2. Norwegians sailed the Northwest Passage in 1903. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Amundsen#Northwest_Passage 3. Canadians crossed the Northwest Passage both ways in 1940-42 and 1944. http://www.ucalgary.ca/arcticexpedition/larsenexpeditions
  10. Here's a link to the trailer. If you watch closely, you'll see downtown Hiram - of course, they want you to think it's Bomont.
  11. All of the uverse equipment has it's own transformer. They are similar to laptop power supplies that have 2 cords - one to the wall and the other to the device. I imagine this is so the devices don't need to have built-in power supplies which means they'll run a little cooler than they would otherwise. Of course, they still tend to be on the hot side.
  12. Put a power strip in each room and plug the TV, Uverse box and anything else nearby into it. That way you can easily cut the power strip off and kill everything.
  13. Driving is optional. You aren't forced to buy auto insurance if you don't intend to drive. You are forced to buy health insurance. If this law stands, what can the government force you to buy next? Maybe they'll pass a law that you have to buy a car from GM (Government Motors.)
  14. You mean the one who should recuse herself because she and her department worked directly on the bill?
  15. Judges have ruled that the individual mandate is key to the plan and just can't be lifted from it meaning the entire law is unconstitutional.
  16. This thing needs to be fast tracked to the Supreme Court so it can be killed once and for all.
  17. They have no idea where they bought the allegedly bad gas. Does anyone else wonder if they might be fishing for a station selling bad gas so they can file a claim.
  18. It's listed at the link posted earlier. Saturday, September 10, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, September 11, 9:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  19. If it's the dish without the LNB (electronics) it's not worth much. Most times they remove that and leave the dish itself.
  20. Better yet, pass a law that the president and members of congress will automatically be taxed at the highest bracket for all income, regardless of how high or low it is.
  21. The first question the County's attorney should ask potential jurors is if they are a member of or read Paulding.Com, and exclude anyone who answers yes. SP has guaranteed that his attorney won't be able to object to that question.
  22. From his postings, I think he's been self medicating and he's already upped the dosage a couple of times.
  23. With that logic, the case is already won by the government.
  24. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the parties could only request a delay and it's up to the JUDGE to rule on the merits of each and every request.
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