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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. What's extreme? Drugs must be prescribed for a reason. 15 Years ago, even the most liberal would have said gay marriage was extreme and would never happen. The question is, if a judge can rule this drug doesn't need a prescription, what's to stop them from ruling the same for others? Why do we need the FDA, judges will just start ruling what's a prescription drug and what's not? I just hope there are no long-term unknown side affects to the drugs covered by this ruling.
  2. I see you avoided the main question: Why didn't the judge just rule that any person can buy any drug at any PHARMACY without a prescription? Why limit to just this one drug?
  3. One article I read on the ruling said it was illegal for teen girls to have aspirin.
  4. Why didn't the judge just rule that any person can buy any drug at any PHARMACY without a prescription? Why limit to just this one? A teenager can't have non-prescription medicine, including Tylenol in school. Will the Morning after pill be exempt from this rule?
  5. Actually, the original title had NOTHING AT ALL to do with what TP posted. It was just a gimmic to get people to open the topic. In fact, other than the original title, I believe the topic from the very first word was about the OP and nothing else.
  6. I believe it's about the OP's unhealthy obsession with himself, and his desire to draw as much attention to himself as he can. No different than most of his other topics.
  7. You bring home a woman you're dating to meet your wife. You've never been right in the head, have you?
  8. You seem to be confusing your Latin and English. . .
  9. The White House was foreclosed on? It isn't even in Georgia! (Foreclosure is the topic here, isn't it?) The big question is, what did Michael Vick flooding the White House lawn with Beck's Beer have to do with it?
  10. If there wasn't a rule saying players accused but not convicted of a felony can't play, why would the school administrators face charges? What charges would they face?
  11. Nobody was convicted of anything when they played the games. That's how it works in this country - innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. Would you have it any other way? Schools do have different rules about what happens when a player is ACCUSED of something. The question is what were the rules at the school in Stubenville?
  12. My first thought was you could send the PHDs and Professors into a burning building to try their invention themselves. The problem is you'd just have to go in and rescue them.
  13. Too many people go into stores to look at the merchandise, use the store's resources to help decide what they want, then go home and buy it online. It will be interesting to see how this works out for the retailer.
  14. I have to ask - is there a Dr. Kevorkian in another country that might be considered a hero in the future? (You're opinion pieces read like you're writing them for another country.) Anyway, I say the day Kevorkian is considered a hero will be a sad day indeed.
  15. This is true. If anyone used this dentist and later moved, I guess they need to be made aware.
  16. I still wonder how they count those who are still looking for a job, but who's unemployment has run out so they don't report to the Dept. of Labor on a regular basis. The report says there are 660 fewer in the workforce. How do they know for sure those 660 either retired or otherwise decided not to work?
  17. The United States does not have provinces! How long do you say you've lived in the US? I'm also not sure how a dentist practices 1000 miles away has any bearing on us here.
  18. Great! Let New Yorkers fund it and try it. Get back to us in 2050 and let us know how it worked out!
  19. Bollocks! He's just another foreigner telling US citizens what they should think and feel.
  20. Have you tried calling? If so, did anyone answered the phone?
  21. In other words - it's great as long as someone else pays for it! BTW - you have no idea what personal choices I make in this area. In fact, I was hugging a tree 2 weeks ago (as I was cutting branches off )
  22. Pubby, You said, "The technology is there and it is doable" so what steps are you taking take P.com 'off grid'? -- Then again, the good folks at UGA have a better answer: UGA discovery may allow scientists to make fuel from CO2 in the atmosphere
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