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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Online banking is your friend. I'm glad they ask me.
  2. But it proves a point (I suppose). <sarcasm>
  3. That dude just looks like a horrible actor.
  4. For some reason it seems like more and more people are looking for things to be outraged about.
  5. It happens every ten years. Is it really worth getting the undies in a bunch?
  6. Heh, my family (and most of our families) couldn't speak English when we first got here.
  7. I want to say it is an 11th grade "social studies" book, but don't quote me on that. Which in the end is true indoctrination by people who may or may not be qualified to teach anything.
  8. The only question I have is, do the Texas public schools teach the subject matter that all the patriots want included in another grade? For instance, do the kids learn early US history in _____ grade and then move on to later years in _____ grade?
  9. Which usually goes to better use than the crap that people buy you.
  10. The one you just saw on TV is nowhere near what you would normally get when you buy scrapple.
  11. It takes some work, but my wife can save tons at Publix. I like Publix simply because they are the most consistant on just about everything including customer service. I'll pay a little extra on my groceries if it means shopping somewhere clean with friendly employees.
  12. I don't pay enough attention to specific people to gather that kind of opinion.
  13. The limit is whatever the client and attorney agree on. Top end is around 40%. Most attorneys make 30%.
  14. most anything can be found on the internet if you look long enough.
  15. I'd venture to say it was brought about by polling consumers or something like that. Car ashtrays were so small that they really didn't do much anyway.
  16. When I moved back to GA I lived with my mom for a couple years. My rent was $100/week + yard work.
  17. I especially like to do it when people are riding my bumper.
  18. Same reason that people walk their dog and let it sheeze in other people's yard without picking it up. Laziness.
  19. I don't want to be associated with this guy at all. He tried to cheat the system and he got caught.
  20. If papers/media/anybody ever want to stir up anything they trot out the elderly or kids (not that 61 is even "elderly")
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