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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Just because they don't admit it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  2. If you limit your role models to people who have never used marijuana, your choices are gonna be pretty slim.
  3. Because no one from Paulding County steals?
  4. And really, does passing two cars really get you anywhere any faster on a local road. I love it when those people that just HAVE to be in front of everybody else get stuck behind a car going below the speed limit.
  5. Begging for updates does, though.
  6. Huh? Did you enjoy the military while you were in?
  7. The west is full of kooks too. More open space for them to hide.
  8. Are you saying that people are just picking on Cam Newton and no violations occurred? I can recognize that he's a fantastic player and that he and his family (and possibly Auburn) are slimey.
  9. Not this one. I could count on one hand the number of other SEC schools that I will root for.
  10. Including the ones who complain about groping.
  11. It's all fun and games until it's you that gets profiled.
  12. My wedding ring wasn't even $800.
  13. Saban has sat on leads in big games for a good portion of his career. Couple that with his dictator style and his players tighten up in pressure situations. Saban is a program builder, not much of a maintainer.
  14. I like the guys who think they are drinking something special when they drink Yeungling. Newsflash- If it comes in 24 pack cans, it's schwag beer.
  15. If everybody has to go through the same process, I have no problem with either. The "feeling up" part might be questionable.
  16. Of course I'm not okay with it. I'm not okay when cops use excessive force, but I'm not gonna say we need to do away with the police force, or that a police force doesn't deter crime.
  17. We want to stop terrorism and then we're supposed to be outraged when someone does something about it? It's further proof (in case you needed it) that you can't please anybody in this country. The same folks who want all the security seem to be the first ones bitching when it goes down. Did I read it right that someone suggested they only screen Muslim looking folks? Really??
  18. They might be okay for nostalgia's sake, but the new games are miles ahead of the old ones.
  19. If Newton didn't have a history, it would make all of it a little harder to believe.
  20. It's good to know that you can tell someone's intentions by what they wear.
  21. You're needed in the political forum to defend the president.
  22. Typically when they get rid of your income tax, your property tax goes throught the roof, ask Texans. While I have no problem with a consumption tax, it's just robbing Peter to pay Paul.
  23. It's probably THE single corniest show in all of television.
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