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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. That QB got an offer to play college football????
  2. I really don't think the two situations are even remotely close to each other. Some times common sense has to overrule quasi emotional responses.
  3. Is that school's fans always so dramatic when someone gets hurt? Trying to get people to be quiet over a hurt leg is a little over the top, IMO. FWIW- S. Paulding's offense needs to come into the 21st century.
  4. I wear a tie about once every 5 years and have to look up how to tie it on the internet EVERY time.
  5. He's a showman who sells himself to the highest bidder. Nothing more, nothing less.
  6. I can tell you for sure that I have had cab companies refuse to take me from Cobb to Paulding.
  7. How do you judge babies? For the most part, kids under 6 months all look like aliens.
  8. Hell yes, the Republicans will save us all!!!!
  9. Nobody has told you to be quiet. You can oppose it all you want to, just don't expect everybody to agree with you.
  10. He's a jerk just like the Muslims wanting to build the Mosque, but to trying to deny him the right to do so isn't the answer.
  11. I agree with most of what you're saying here. I do not try to influence my child in regards to religon. If he wishes to begin practicing, I will support him all the same. I've always thought it to be a personal decision and not one that you should force your children to adopt.
  12. I'll defend your right to practice your religon until the day I die. I'm not really sure how Christians are "attacked" in this country unless you're talking about folks who want to keep it out of the government. Those same people want to keep ALL religons out of the government, so trying to paint it as an attack on Christianity is kind of incorrect.
  13. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any secular private schools around here. What you are saying could be true, but I'm not going to make that assumption without cause.
  14. I can agree with that. "Punishment" in this case is kind of subjective. Going to a concert hardly constitutes "duty", though and you have to wonder if the soldiers would have been off duty had the concert not been held. It says they were at a "training course" but even in jump school we got the weekends off.
  15. I can tell you from my experience that I was never punished for not attending a religous event/service.
  16. She was wearing her softball uniform.
  17. A four day advance purchase might be an issue, if I had to guess, Airtran might be the best bet but it will still be pretty pricey. Just a quick look shows $441 on Airtran.
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