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Everything posted by GaLinemansWife

  1. Tona you are SO sweet!!! Those are the cutest! I cant wait to get things from you when the time comes as well!!
  2. What an amazing picture! Thank you for sharing!
  3. thats what I did, I think most key fobs will do that.
  4. im just now tuning into the new Duggars and her...and I guess her style is better than the mullet, seeing as how I have it......Dayum....ease up on a sista....... No really, where do you think she gets her extensions??
  5. I was out of bleach that day darn you!!!!
  6. I would, but Im watching Kate plus 8....... hope you have a good night!!
  7. When my son went to Allgood last year, there was a house on the corner of Scoggins and Hart rd, I came by a yard sale they were having taking my son to school and she had a TON of those really pretty frilly looking dresses like she made them, do you know what Im talking about? I would drop by some time and ask them if she makes them.
  8. Its called horn blasters and I SOOOOO want one!!
  9. What have you heard bad about zoloft?
  10. Wow, Im observant but I never would have noticed that, lol
  11. not that big come on over and join me for a swim if'n ya want
  12. And this is why kids behave the way they do this day in age
  13. Wow, I love her! Id love to go see her but Id need more than 3 seats
  14. Hubby and I used to dvr it, we loved it.
  15. I am SO gonna get one of THESE shirts.......Fo real
  16. This thread has started my day off great!! Id also like to say Have a great day to Mrs.B
  17. I would like to wish Lady Raider a good day! Thanks for always putting smiles on the faces of others and being such a sweet and caring person!
  18. When you get to your profile like I told you, it will come up under the profile page and the tab on the left "change signature" is there
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