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Everything posted by LisaKW@bellsouth.net

  1. I'm in New Hope if you can wait until tonight (no fee)...
  2. While I am all for having kids help out with charity and working with those less fortunate, around my house, "If you give cr*p, you get to shovel cr*p". Check the local stables. Have Miss Priss muck out stalls for the day. Maybe a day of hard labor will help correct that attitude. Or maybe she'll just be too tired to biotch.
  3. I'll be posting on a Public Forum that my house will be vacant for 4-days while I go out of town...
  4. Don't like babies. They throw-up on me every chance they get. Won't even be holding the little bugger and they will vomit on me, even from across a crowded room. Not crazy about grannies, either. They smell like ben-gay and Formaldehyde. They work in packs. You can tell which group they belong to by their cult-haircut they are obligated to get once they hit 65. Apple pie is fattening. It's blueberry pie or NOTHING. Bubbles is a pedaphile. That d*mn clown promised me a balloon animal. He showed me his snake. I wasn't impressed when it threw up on me. Unicorns are extinc
  5. There's a nursing home next door to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. I know the elderly would LOVE visitors.
  6. 2010 Veteran’s Day Free Meals and Discounts Applebees – free meal, Thursday, Nov. 11: Military veterans and active-duty Service Members will be able to eat free at any Applebee’s across the U.S. on Veteran’s Day, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010. There will be 7 entrées to choose from. Guests will be asked to show one or more of the following as proof of service: U.S. Uniform Services ID Card (active/reserve/retired), Current Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), Photograph in uniform, Wearing uniform, Veterans Organization Card (e.g., American Legion and VFW), or DD214. For more information and par
  7. Hopefully all of the weak-minded people will be the first ones the zombies get!
  8. 2010 Veteran’s Day Free Meals and Discounts Applebees – free meal, Thursday, Nov. 11: Military veterans and active-duty Service Members will be able to eat free at any Applebee’s across the U.S. on Veteran’s Day, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010. There will be 7 entrées to choose from. Guests will be asked to show one or more of the following as proof of service: U.S. Uniform Services ID Card (active/reserve/retired), Current Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), Photograph in uniform, Wearing uniform, Veterans Organization Card (e.g., American Legion and VFW), or DD214. For more information and par
  9. So why does he need an XBOX? And yes, I realize you said he WANTS one. At 8, he needs to start to learn that just b/c you want something, doesn't mean you get it. That's an awful big WANT for an 8-yo. The wants are only going to start to get more expensive...
  10. First of all, you're in SCHOOL VENT, so folks may not see this post! Secondly, get him a WII. More games are "kid-friendly" for his age, IMO.
  11. Come on! There is a BIG difference between a homeless person who comes to church wearing dirty/hole-y/worn out clothing than the "normal" folks we are talking about. This is NOT a day at the beach. We are celebrating and worshipping our Lord and savior. It almost looks like people are mourning their faith rather than rejoicing it.
  12. Pant suits are perfectly acceptable; just make sure your blouse isn't low-cut and that your pants aren't too tight. Personally, I am opposed to jeans, flip-flops, tube tops, strapless dresses, etc. being worn to service. I mean, think about it: you'd wear a suit and tie or nice dress to meet the President, why would our Lord deserve less respect and reverence?
  13. I don't know you personally, but you are showing yourself to be a class-act. Regardless of the outcome, I know I voted for the right person. Good luck in your future campaigns.
  14. Christmas Day OF COURSE. And for the record, you should only get 3 gifts. (After all, Jesus only got 3 presents and we are NOT better than Jesus! )
  15. Dude, I thought you were going to ask when we were supposed to celebrate it this year!
  16. Work in Cobb County; had lunch at Dave Poe's BBQ. Sorry for cheating on you Rodney's, but you're too far away for lunch!
  17. If a project/line item/etc is not a part of the referendum (exactly what it is being used for), then they can't use the money. They can't say, "I want new computers for Paulding County High School" and get the money after the referendum has been voted/approved. If the money is misused, we have the right to sue the Board for misappropriations of funds. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regarding the confusion on the E-SPLOST on the ballot next month, a little clarification
  18. Everyone's biotchin' about "needing a change", but look how many incumbants are surpassing their competition with votes... :SIGH:
  19. Maybe it's a bowling alley (or at least the deed)...
  20. Was it a MAJOR award? And was it "Fra-gee-lay"? Sorry, couldn't resist!
  21. We will be out and about on Saturday night and all of our lights will be OFF. I planned my weekend based on Halloween is on Sunday for trick-or-treating for the kids; Saturday night is my night. The sad part is I am afraid of vandals wrecking my decorations b/c my lights will be off - I will be hiding my jack-o-lantern in the garage to ensure its safety!
  22. I got it! One of my husband's co-worker's did this a few years ago: Pad yourself up, wear a moo-moo and curlers and take a stuffed animal and sew it to the back of your dress. Hand out flyers to people asking them to help you find your lost dog.
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