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Everything posted by LisaKW@bellsouth.net

  1. I keep meaning to try them. What do folks on P.Com think about their cuts and their prices?
  2. I was going to suggest Italian! Spaghetti and meatballs a la "Lady and the Tramp"!
  3. No, it's Sisters Jennifer and Clarabelle Morrison. And they only sell it for "special occassions" like "National Potato Day"
  4. Both DH and I are both employeed, but no pay-raises and subjected to furloughs, etc. However, we feel very fortunate that we have jobs! That being said, I have 2 teens at home who do not even BOTHER to look for a job, blaming it on the economy. Of course, my oldest (18) said, "Flipping burgers is beneath me" - um, yeah... Wait until he graduates and we make him start paying BOARD or he'll get tossed out on his tushy. Tough love, even in these hard times, esp when they CHOOSE to not even LOOK, copping an attitude about what he's "too good" to be doing!
  5. Pepper spray HURTS. I can't help but think it would burn his eyes and he'd be so freaked out he'd run out into traffic b/c he couldn't see and was in pain...
  6. Random thought: According to the article, another parent from another state had met with the family after his DD had also been killed in a TWD accident. He's the one who nominated the Brown family. Is he going to be getting a new house, too? He also lost a child... And I personally have NOT watched EM for YEARS b/c I think these houses are INSANE. With varying exceptions, some of the things they do are totally asinine.
  7. Article about the family: http://lubbockonline.com/local-news/2010-11-17/extreme-makeover-home-edition-selects-wellman-family
  8. If you adopt from the Shelter/AC, a fence is mandatory for some breeds... Of course, even these little chi-chis can do some damage to a small child that is "eye-level" to them when playing outside... As for the horn, if you are holding your cat, won't it scare the bejeezus out of him?
  9. If you don't do anything about VD, then don't expect anything March 14th
  10. From personal experience, yes, this new information, complete with Court Decree saying who has custody and that address, needs to be brought to the attention of the school. And, from personal experience, be prepared to deal with some "not very well-informed" folks who do not know how to deal with this sort of thing. EDITED TO ADD: If this is something that is NOT finalized with the Court (child changed custody - we all know about that "magic age of 14"), then you're kind of hosed right now.
  11. Yes, you can just drop him off. They will not charge you for a wild animal.
  12. BTW, from the Cobb County School District website: Cobb County schools will make up for lost instructional time due to inclement weather by making two changes to the spring semester calendar. Wednesday, Feb. 2, previously an early release day, will now be a full school day for students. Additionally, Friday, March 18, previously a teacher workday, will now be a full school day for students. If additional weather events should result in more missed school days, other make-up options will have to be considered. The District calendar has been updated to reflect these changes and is available
  13. Ours is only 15' in diameter. Of course, if the price is right, we might still be able to work something out!
  14. Correct me if I am wrong, but when we get an exemption, yeah, the kids don't have to make up the days, but don't employees lose MONEY for that time off?
  15. Hubs and I did ours (leveled the ground, etc.); we take it down and set it back up every season. PM me if you want some help! BTW - 2 of the biggest tips I can give you: Make sure the ground is level and packed and do NOT use sand.
  16. Let me check with a friend; she went somewhere and had a princess tea party... I can't remember the name, but the kids had a blast!
  17. Before you buy a new one, wait a few months and then on P.Com, people will be selling the "gently used one" they got for their "New Year's Resolution".
  18. http://www.kayak.com You can check multiple sites with them.
  19. Link for Community Chest; rules/instructions listed at the top of the page: P.Com Community Chest
  20. Official on the Cobb County website that schools are closed tomorrow: www.cobbk12.org
  21. I will leave plenty of room; it's just the other wack-a-doos I'm worried about!
  22. I'm very concerned about from 120 at John Ward to the Square. Supposed to report to work at 10. Already took a personal day yesterday; hate to have to burn another one, but if it's not safe, I will turn my happy butt back around and go home!
  23. Is the Urgent Care in New Hope close to you? Last time I broke my arm (or was it my foot?), I was able to get the "good stuff" from them...
  24. BIG props to PDOT. They cleared state roads as well. Just wish some of the neighboring communities had been able to do it, too.
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