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Everything posted by LisaKW@bellsouth.net

  1. *Snort* My Mama used to say the same thing about me [praying to saints for divine intervention]. She said, "I even called upon St. Jude!" I asked, "Mama - isn't St. Jude for 'lost causes'?" She said, "And your point is...?" Thanks Mama! BTW: St. Thomas Aquinas: Patron Saint of all universities and of students. Saint Joseph of Cupertino: Patron Saint of test takers and weak students (...)
  2. The students take a "practice" exam at the beginning of their Junior year. My child brought his results home and we were like, "WTF?! Have you been eating paste? Looks like the only thing you got right was the spelling of your name!" He said, "It didn't count; it was just a practice test!" Plain and simple: he was lazy when he took the practice test. We told him, "You better get your head out of your arse. If you don't pass it, you WILL go to Saturday tutoring sessions. You WILL go to after-school tutoring sessions. You want to be on the computer to play a game and FB? Too bad, s
  3. As long as there is "recovery" and "intercession", with children getting tons of chances to turn in late assignments b/c they were too bored/lazy/etc. or given another chance to "make it up" b/c they didn't bother to learn it the first time, we will continue to have situations in which a student can't pass these Graduation Tests.
  4. Certain forums that you may want to view are for paid members only. However, the password is ON for the regular "secured" areas. (In caps)
  5. I look at it this way: If GOD couldn't get His kids to obey and follow His rules, what chance do I, a mere mortal, have?
  6. Not necessarily, IMO. I think there are some days (weeks, months... LOL) that we truly feel like we hate our kids. I mean, if we weren't related to them, would we continue to have a relationship with them? If this person weren't related to you, would you want anything to do with them?
  7. Hmmm... "Thanks" gets a "No problem". "Thank you" gets a "You're welcome".
  8. I think it's not so much as we dislike/hate *them*, it's that we dislike/hate their behavior, their actions, the choices they are making.
  9. Correct, you receive an "Certificate of Performance": GA DOE: Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT) Students who do not pass all the required tests but have met all other graduation requirements may be eligible for a Certificate of Performance or a Special Education Diploma. Students who have left school with a Certificate of Performance or a Special Education Certificate may return to attempt the graduation test(s) again, as often as necessary to qualify for a high school diploma. ALSO: According to Rule 160-1-3-.09, Waivers and Variances of High School Graduation Asses
  10. Nesting material. And it won't hurt your trees unless it is being uniformly removed from all around the trunk (the entire tree's circumference).
  11. Just like the Trick-or-Treat Village, the volunteers pay for most of it. There are a lot of people behind the scenes in these events that people do not know about.
  12. Unless your current litigation is directly tied to WorriedDad's litigation, we don't need to keep rereading your story SP. A simple "Good luck, been there/done that" would've sufficed.
  13. Are you talking about Brachs Bunny Basket Eggs?:
  14. Just chiming in: First of all, I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't know the horse, I don't know the owner, I don't know the place that the horse is being kept. That being said: Someone had commented that they were concerned about the horse's safety during the storms b/c she had no shelter. There are horses that are "pasture horses" and do quite well during inclement weather. I know some horses and their owners who prefer to keep their horses out during bad weather for any number of reasons, including that the horse "spooks" during bad weather if confined (the sound of the w
  15. Gift cards for Starbucks, I-tunes, Pre-paid phone cards...
  16. Good Friday is a Furlough Day for Paulding County Gov't employees. They only get 3 paid holidays a year, down from 10 - the remaining 7 holidays are furlough/unpaid.
  17. HIGHLY RECOMMEND CRC Crestmark Roofing and Construction Contact Gary Yates Office: 770-577-9665 Cell: 770-318-7991 Email: garyyates1@comcast.net Suffice it to say, I still carry their business card in my wallet after 2-years for recommendations! Fair quote, one-day work, clean-up/leave no debris and we have a steep pitch on our roof.
  18. Yes, you can get it at Wal-Mart (just bought a large bottle this past weekend). I haven't seen any issues with my hands. I wash my hands after I apply it, but my hands are still "tanning" and blending nicely.
  19. I did not care for the Jergens AT ALL. The smell got to me and I developed a rash. I personally like OCEAN POTION Ever Glow. It smells good (to me) when you first apply it (then the smell fades) and it spreads evenly. Haven't had any problems with streaking/spotting.
  20. If you do a search for DEBTOR'S PRISON, there are some recent articles about how folks are being arrested for their unpaid debts... There is a blog in the Wall Street Journal about it: On the Rise of Debtor’s Prison: ‘The Scariest Thing That Ever Happened to Me’ There is an article in the Wall Street Journal about it: Welcome to Debtors' Prison, 2011 Edition There is an article in the Star Tribue (Minnesota) about it: In Jail for Being in Debt While most of the talk is that people are being arrested not for the debt, but for not showing up for their court date, it's still pr
  21. Call the Development Division and you will have your answer!
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