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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. If you watched the video you know I had the chance to talk to Scott Green about the tsplost. I learned a lot about how road work is funded. I also believe that because this was an election year that this failed. We had too many people that put winning an election before the good of the people. The facts clearly point to legislatures all over the state that don't trust their constituents enough to give them all the facts. Or maybe they thought we would turn on them if we knew them I don't know. The fact sheets used to market the Tsplost as people suspected really covered up some fac
  2. He is not totally unknown, if you have watched debates, the lack of flack is a way for other candidates to dismiss the underdog by patronizing him. They focus on each other while placing a tolerant expression upon their faces while the underdog delivers his or her nonsense that they only have tolerate temporarily. JK is more in the running now and is a very serious contender to this race, the time is now for people to scrutinize him carefully. Sometimes an underdog is a underdog for very good reason and sometimes it is a lack of funds especially in a state where incumbents are automatica
  3. [flash=728,304]http://www.paulding.com/directory/images/dir/ragsdale.swf [flash=728,304]http://www.paulding.com/directory/images/dir/pinnacle.swf Both these companies have been used by many members and been highly recommended. Both are honest, trusted, and stand behind their work.
  4. Talked to David, there is no new county administrator. I will leave our readers to deduct from this post whatever they want to.
  5. All I care about is a straight answer from the OP. Local Elections can and do effect us were we live live and play. I am usually a very fun and light hearted person, put I take my quality of life seriously. I have had more hope the last year than I have in 10 years of us at least locally pulling out of this recession. I have been putting in 12 hour days to put any candidate that will agree to be on camera in front of the people that come here for information. I am not diggin on this hit and run.
  6. I am beyond confused,Did David offer someone the county administrator job or did Tony offer someone the job before the election and this person accepted?
  7. What happens if consumers respond to that with purchasing more fuel efficient cars and we still can't meet the requirements for road improvement?
  8. Depending on your own county the benefits will differ, all counties are not the same. Many of our surrounding counties have 2 -3 times the manufacturing that we do. So look at the big picture the Savannah dredging project is due to be completed at about the same time our projects are completed. Every county in Georgia that has economic development will probably see the most benefit. Companies all over the world and in Georgia that import, export or are looking to expand in that area are looking for the fastest and cheapest way to get the goods to market. Counties that have good travel
  9. I am tracking down a source to get the legal language of this. I will put it up as soon as I get it. I ran across a bill that has to do with splost that might change even my mind when I get time to sit down and go over it.
  10. You are right I would never assume someone was not capable because of lack of formal education or even job history. Anybody can learn,and life experience has a lot to do with peoples approach to a new job. I look at that and take it into consideration when they share their point of view on issues. People holding office have to be able to take into consideration all the people they represent, not just the point of view of their personal peer group, that is a big one for me.
  11. Ok that does not help me much, I am detail oriented and I know a lot about current activities of the local government. I am pleased with what they are doing and the way they are going about it, so I am only interested in how it could be done better. A lot of fresh ideas are going into practice and we are seeing positive results. We have one big problem in this county and it is the lack of well paying jobs. We share that problem with the entire country,it is the ruler that we measure the federal government against. I am also concerned with Government spending, another ruler we use to me
  12. Can I ask why, I have not heard much about his campaign other than his website.
  13. I feel like I have been Boo Booed, I don't know if I could make through a whole episode of that.
  14. I am posting this article because I don't think we take the time to appreciate Wellstar and what they mean to our county. I am looking forward to them opening the new hospital here. Along with the hundreds of jobs they will provide us and eventually thousands as more medical related industry springs up around them we will benefit from having the quality of medical care they provide all over Georgia. I have read many articles about them trying to adjust and change to the new healthcare laws and still maintain the great level of care they have always provided our people. We may find ou
  15. Actually he with the supporting votes on the BOC can raise the millage rate. They did not take that way out, they cut the budget. They were given the opportunity just a few weeks ago and the record shows David voted no and it did not pass. Cost go up for the country and the employees every year and still they have held it where it is. The county does not just pull a number out of the air to value your house. There is a formula they are required by law to follow. My biggest concern is jobs, I am a small business person, the fact that 70% leave the county every day impacts local busines
  16. Your off on this. The legislature passed this the end of the 2010 legislative session then ruled this year to put it to the people for a vote. Your current legislatures were involved with this. I know a few people in the business, their losses have been huge since construction stopped. The equipment for moving dirt is insanely expensive, without work these companies go in the deepest of any. We may have lost many of our local companies to bankruptcy, so I wouldn't be surprised to see other companies get some of the work. This country thrives on 2 things, building and buying. When you
  17. We have had the rule that local politics stay in the cafe since I started here.
  18. I went back and one was for the primary and the other was for the general on Ralstons contribution.
  19. Just bumping this to remind folks you can bring your questions tonight and get them answered.
  20. The conversation is becoming inappropriate for how serious of a matter this is. We are not going to do anything, but yall might consider some self editing.
  21. I don't agree that enforcement of laws is an issue. There comes a time when you simply have more miles of cars on the road than you have miles of road. This is why we keep adding more lanes. It is a hard concept for people to grasp, during rush hour cars generally move as fast as people arrive at destinations and park. If you have ever see a thirty mile long traffic jam that is what we have 30 mile long rolling traffic jams. Every time fuel cost go up we see as much as a .5 mark up for every penny it goes up and it never goes back down. If they raise fuel taxes it will kill the workin
  22. I am pretty sure that is the Picture from one of the big fundraiser's at the Anatavarti home in Cedercrest.
  23. AJC Article Political Insider The ‘independent’ effort to protect state Senate Republicans 11:20 am July 16, 2012, by jgalloway Last week, Charlie Harper over at PeachPundit delved into the Georgia Republican Senate Caucus Promotion PAC, which is not a political action committee, but an independent political committee subject to the state’s transparency laws – which have not been met. Harper reported that the promotion group has spent thousands of dollars sending direct mail into exurban areas of metro Atlanta on behalf of several state senators with Republican primar
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