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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. It was hilarious, while it drew attention the message was not clear.
  2. Most of those that sit are elected officials, we happen to have a retired pilot that lives here that could sit. Jerry Shearin is the one that said no taxpayer money was going to go into it. Come to find out, he lied it took money to make it work, he just is no longer in office to be held accountable for that and you want to blame Mr. Carmicheal for the lie. You want it shut down or kept in the red indefinitely as revenge. There are 9 folks on the board that also face the same reality, you going to vote them out for serving a need? Someone has to sit on it you can't condemn them all. 5 of
  3. We both know what is up, you happen to like it and I don't. I also know why you like it. Thats fine, it just is not fine with me. You have painted Carmicheal with the Shearin brush which you know it is the kiss of death with the majority of people in this county. If you want to hurt a candidate that's all you have to do.
  4. Hopefully he can explain were he intends to get the money to hire back all the county employees and end furlough days. He also wants the county to do more for small business when he says he will do away with the department that is helping small business by finding them tax break programs to help them grow. Also assisting them with small business grants when the bank refuses them loans. It also seems that some have issue with tax abatement for bringing in new larger industries. What I am hearing is I don't care how much this helps local business we aren't going to give it to help bring mor
  5. I am making some calls today about the best set up, whatever we decide on we will do our best to keep everyone informed as best we can.
  6. I was told that they did in front of the old courthouse, it was a tradition.
  7. If you think an Obama post should be deleted or moved just report it. People need to just not post about national politics in local election threads. But no we have to babysit constantly, if we over look something or just let it pass we are the bad guys. You know it gets really old, politics is ugly, people act ugly but we are held responsible for the behavior of others constantly. For the record we have never deleted a post, we may move it, or make it invisible, but we never delete post. During a local election cycle we would end up with hundreds of extra topics by splitting each time
  8. I will probably set up a preliminary post, Pubby will create a document on the fast read page and we will keep them updated the best we can. We have had trouble with internet connections at the courthouse, I am usually upstairs working with someone who is hard wired to the courthouse. We will probably be doing some interviews at the same time so one of us will be updating almost constantly from beginning to end.
  9. It's about local elections and we are not going to let people push it into the political forum by mentioning Obama, we already established that, so folks need to give it up, it stays.
  10. The subject came up when I ask someone why his signs were in a yard and he said he didn't have any idea were this place was. It wasn't just one sign either.
  11. Did you think I was blaming Obama our trip was less than a year after he took office. Bush was not a republican by a long shot, he was an elitist pig that have completely destroyed this country given for more years. We have got to stop with the rhetoric and look at facts, we have become intellectually lazy, just as I have pointed out we have seen real conservatism in this county over the last 4 years. We are hearing rhetoric about wasteful spending because a county credit card has McDonalds and $149.00 plane tickets. I am 5'2 I don't see how a grown man can get in those seats. My guess is s
  12. I can tell you this, when you have a region, such as a county, city and god forbid a state, that over 50% of the jobs are government you have a democratic base. You can call it anything you want but the proof is in what you see, not what people are trying to tell you. This point was driven home to me when I visited a relative in Alexandria Virginia at the height of the recession. It is the bedroom community just outside of DC the preferred area for federal employees. What I saw was an entire city untouched be the recession. I saw billions being spent on an effort to preserve the historic bui
  13. I think you make a great point with that. Locally I see a break in basic philosophy of democrat verses republican. I have been told that this county was at one time almost all democrat. We had leadership here that was all about tax and spend. A courthouse, a BOE building,an airport, taxpayers picking up the tab for developers, it goes on and on I am not going to list everything because most people know, about all the parks and libraries that we now have and the long term maintenance that comes with all of this including hundreds added to the county payroll. I work for a democrat and
  14. I think we always assume so. I have started seeing many houses and some businesses with incumbent and challengers for the same race in their yards. Even heard someone say, just because I let them put the sign out doesn't mean I am going to vote for them. Do you think the same thing when you see a sign?
  15. They have never been able to stop it at the High Schools, looks like someone has finally put a stop to it. It is beyond my comprehension to adults completely disregard this and continue to do it. It is simply rude and obnoxious. We wonder why kids won't follow the rules in school. They have parents that follow them only when it suits them. I could say more about it but it would surely insult someone. My daughter graduated a few months ago, the ceremony was in Rome inside and most of the people dressed like they were going to little league game. Had never seen people disrupt ceremonies
  16. My best guess is that it will now be done in smaller increments verses doing it all at one time. We have been doing it this way for years, widen what we have the money to do. We have to be very careful about over reaching with our splost funds, some of it goes to other departments and we need to be able to cover needs. I would not object to a local splost written just like the regional and get these projects done and finished. I know we will need to improve the lanes for some distance around the school to make it safer. It just seems a shame to not just do the entire project at one time.
  17. I still want to know who did the printing? we know who did the mailing?
  18. Pubby I have tried to point out to people that the people of many districts and post in Paulding county are not being supported by local campaign contributions. We have people outside of our county working to keep these people in office to serve them. We need people that are not obligated to others to put us first, that is what we elect them to do. They are going to serve others first to guarantee their office. We are hit especially hard in Paulding by this practice. With unlimited donations they are able to flood mail boxes with negative campaign material. The idea is to run off anybody th
  19. You didn't, I just had no idea what to expect from the link. I am not overly surprised Glenn Stinsion has all their money.
  20. Ok I thought it was a tax lien, I would have been disappointed because I was told there weren't any. They can address this however they want to when they see it publicized. Since they are from the first of the year they may have cleared the matter up.
  21. She hit send and she did not get any indication if it was received properly. Obviously it was not.
  22. You can link them from here just copy and paste the HTTP for the PDF.
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