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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. Now Whitey you know how this is supposed to work, we give them tax relief, they hire more people, those people now have money to spend and live on. People that don't have jobs, don't put gas in their cars and we have even less money going into the infrastructure. You absolutely should know that this is all about controlling the billions. The splost is taking the billions of dollars out of the control of the state DOT that has failed miserably and giving it to the local governments through the splost. I know that you are not fond of the far right and this reeks of tea party economics but I thi
  2. And there folks he nailed it, even got the grammar right, we don't want nuffin cause someone else might come in our town a make more money than us. Why don't you research and read and show people that I am lying about how it works then you will look smarter than me, because you failed on your first attempt miserably.
  3. Wow you just described the hell that Paulding commuters go through daily and you are going to fight a tax that will alleviate it. you can't tolerate a year or 2 of construction to alleviate that. I bet your kids miss you a lot while you are leaving 2 hours early having coffee, do you get to see them all of an hour when you get home while you are doing your chores, then putting them in bed.
  4. Historic Hiram widening is way down on the list of our existing tsplost and probably even further down on the state DOT projects. There are a lot of plans and very little money coming in to fund them, due to us using less fuel and the loss of some of that to the feds. 278 is maxed out as far as the volume of traffic it can handle. The 70% of our population that commutes has to get out of the county. With the cost of reale state being so cheap many of our young people are leaving to go towards the city, that is the only place they can make a living wage and it doesn't make sense to them t
  5. Thats ok because everyone reading this is not everyone writing in the thread. I can't stop people from believing in myths, but I can certainly put the truth out there for others that have had no information except the made up vote no campaigners out of Atlanta and Cobb I am pretty sure though that most people do know where they live and what roads that they use to go back and forth from work. I gave people a map they can find themselves on it and figure out that there money only goes to projects on a list. They don't like the list vote no, you like the list think it will benefit you p
  6. That is absolutely not true, if Cobb does not pass it and we do, we can widen our portion and Cobb will do what they have always done, get the lions share of fuel tax and widen that. Paulding will never see a dime of fuel tax for widening of 278, Cobb and Atlanta get whatever they want of the fuel tax. What they don't want is to see the tax go into something they can't control and they are fighting it on that bases. For us the fact that control of that money will never change with elections is good for us.
  7. Another Cobb county campaign against the Tsplost. Everything on that website applies to a totally separate region with totally separate projects that have nothing to do with region one projects. Our taxes collected here will not go to there projects ever not a dime.
  8. The idea was always to route traffic down Bill Curruth to connect to 92. Part of 92 goes through historic Hiram, you don't get road widening in historic district ever. The same goes for the Dallas by-pass. You by-pass it or you let it bottle neck just like 120 does when you get to Marietta. Historical areas are part of the earliest infrastructure most of it going back a hundred years, it was the best they had then. I have never seen a successful campaign for ripping out a historic district. You spend millions to get around it or you grit your teeth and drive slowly through it.
  9. Local tsplost not only keep our taxes out of federal hands it keeps it out of state hands. Splost are the only way we keep what we take in. It also allows us to limit the taxes on businesses dependent on fuel. This is one reason we voted for an Esplost for education, our education taxes are done the same way, they go to the state then the state re-proportions it to all the schools in the state. Generally poorer communities will get some of our tax dollars for their schools. Generally splost are written in a way that they can only be used for certain things. I believe our esplost can
  10. You failed to mention that we have an existing tsplost that will be applied to widening of the roads leading to these intersections. And you need to show some credentials on your expertise in the matter of tearing out these intersections and wasting tax payers money, because you are talking about something that may happen not something that will happen to these intersections. your points all sound good but it does not make it so. You know as well as I do that we will always pay taxes for infrastructure because that is what government does with our money. The infrastructure that makes al
  11. If they raise the fuel tax the projected .25 a gallon to improve the interstate system and cover projects that all the counties are competing for it will cost me a small fortune to put gas in my car to go to work. It will cost me 4,800 extra a year for the privilege of going to work so I can pay taxes to support all of those that can't or won't work. For companies that are heavily dependent on fuel, this will absolutely effect their ability to hire employees. you know the laid of ones that my taxes are now supporting. There is more to this than pennies for roads, there is a huge bo
  12. If we stay on track and as you well know local elections can effect our future we should not have any problem with the tax structure being able to handle it. The single minded focus of this administration is economic development to take some of the pressure off the residents when it comes to tax revenue. I don't know if you watch my videos or not but I try to keep people informed about what is happening. This is the simple version, we have developed a number of industrial and business parks. for lack of a better word the IBA has hired a salesman that goes all over the country and send
  13. The people of Bartow may accept or reject the tsplost based on that project. I only care that we get our share of the money based on our list. Personally I like our list and I think road improvement is a wise expenditure of tax dollars. You will pay for DOT period through your fuel tax, and that money will go straight to the things that many object to. You can vote for local enhancement or you can vote against it, that is what your vote is for period. The things you people are railing about are the things your fuel tax have always gone to and will continue to.
  14. I answered that earlier but I will answer again, it can only be spent on road projects, the idea was make sure there was maintenance money in the plan. We are not building new roads so it won't be that critical to us. The poorer counties are struggling to maintain what they have, Many of them have aging equipment and little or no equipment for snow and ice removal. The money must go for this, you can't decide to build a new park with it. you can't even change your mind and build a road to a park, the list is set in stone to protect the taxpayer.
  15. THE PAULDING CHAMBER WILL BE HOSTING A TOWN HALL MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT JULY 17 AT 7PM The subject will be the regional Tsplost. It is question and answer so I am adding a click through with the information you will need to know to ask questions. CONNECT GEORGIA INFORMATION ON PAULDINGS IN REGION 1
  16. The thing is a lot of you won't vote on it, it is a tax against your principals. But I am not going to sit by and watch the myths and lies perpetuated against this project to let you out of paying a tax that you don't like on principal. We have plenty of intelligent people on this site that given the correct information can make up their own minds. A list of their county projects and the truth that their taxes collected here are sent back here to fund these projects. The fact that this is being fought in other regions because the taxpayers in those regions do not like what is on thei
  17. I will give you a click through to look for yourself, the only mention in our region of 75 is interchanges that allow citizens in some areas to access the expressway. Quite honestly it would be stupid for the people in the other counties to not vote for it. Expressway interchanges are huge economic drivers for many areas. In our region there are no widening or improvements for expressways that I can see. But it does not matter because the lions share comes back to Paulding and our officials will be spending our money on our list. Discretionary spending according to the law must be spen
  18. This is your Paulding list so that we can have a discussion about what your pennies will be spent on. The law says they can not spend it on anything else. They are legally bound by this document when you vote for the tsplost. Paulding County • Macland Rd./SR 360 Widening • Paulding County SR 120/East Paulding Dr/Dallas-Acworth Hwy-ATMS • Paulding County Traffic Control Center (TCC) • SR 6 Advanced Management System Project • SR 61 at Hart Rd. Improvements (CR 249) (within limits of PI 621570/PA-06101) • SR 61 at Mustang Dr. Improvements (CR 331) (within limits of PI 621570/ PA-061 C
  19. The train shop repair will bring money right back to the state, Savannah is a tourist attraction and this shop is one of their big attractions I have visited the shop myself. As for the agricultural studies you do know that south Georgia is very dependent on agriculture. I don't see any of these things as outlandish, expensive yes. Everything is expensive now. Only one person mentioned how they felt about a project on the Paulding list as a reason they were against it. I don't know how many take 278 in to work, all I know is I hate to take that road with a passion, in fact I hate to go t
  20. Perhaps I see the facts as the evidence that is submitted in a court of law and that is where the difference of opinion comes in. We have public facts and that is what I am addressing in my comments. We know they were wronged or felt they were. We know that for years they could not get in the court. We know they responded with an Anti-slap against the previous administration. We know that the admin changed since then. I admit to taking Surepip's word on the offer that was made. We now know of the new judgement handed down. I am bowing out after I share these few things because I do not w
  21. Excuse me, the county lawyers have the facts, the Morrison's lawyers have the facts, I personally and none of you have read all the evidence. And why you have to insult me instead of discussing this in a civil way is beyond me. You have who it will hurt backwards by the way.
  22. I challenge anyone to come up with a DOT project in this county that was a waste of tax payers money or to point something out on our list that is an extravagant waste of our money. Because our pennies only go to our DOT projects and nobody else in the state or country for that matter will ever get it. All the other arguments are moot, let Cobb and Atlanta fight their own battles with their bureaucrats. After we pass this, their problems aren't ours anymore.
  23. Why are we discussing something that is not in Paulding again, under the laws of this splost they can't touch a dime of what is collected here. You find the sneaky part for me where it allows us to spend that money on anything but the list.
  24. What does people shopping outside of the county have to do with anything, if Cobb votes it down then they don't get the taxes. I don't care if you don't buy it but repeating the arguments and issues with it in Cobb are unfair to the people in Paulding, because it has absolute zero to do with the Paulding portion and expenditures of the splost. What is not penetrating in peoples head is that it is an independence day for the people of Paulding to take their taxes and to benefit themselves with it. It's not a theory, it's not a rumor it is about as simple a concept as you can come up wi
  25. Well if you live in Cobb your issue is what Cobb officials do with your tax money. The way people in Paulding vote on the Tsplost won't make a bit of difference to Cobb and how Cobb votes on it won't amount to a hill of beans to Paulding people. How many times can you say. What you vote for only effects your region What other regions vote for does not effect your road list or where your money goes Why don't people get this, it's like talking to a brick wall. If they vote it in and you don't nobody collects the extra one cent from you in your region ever ever never does it wor
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