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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. People have been wearing black patterns for years. Bright florals are also ok for funerals now. My daughter did not want my dress to be light at all meaning no beige, silver or white trim. You would probably have to see the dresses on Amazon to judge whether it was too light. It just feels strange to for women to wear black at a wedding.
  2. Thank you, they have been together for 7 years. They were talking about getting married right before she had her accident. He moved into our basement with her to help care for her. She was non-weight bearing for a year. She just had another surgery a few weeks ago. It had been a maybe, but she is doing better than expected. We have gotten crossways a few times because I take so many of those old-fashioned notions for granted. She nor her peers know of them or if they do care about them.
  3. My daughter is getting married. She is doing a Gatsby wedding. People can choose to dress with the theme or not. I was having some difficulty choosing something age appropriate. The ones I liked were variations of off-white, beige, white and silver detailing. My daughter was upset because it looked too white, as in only the bride wears white. I was raised to believe that the mothers wearing black to a wedding were throwing shade on the in-law. The bridesmaids are in all black lace. I gave in and ordered a black dress. I am pretty sure it is acceptable. There won't be too many people my age th
  4. In case you didn't notice it is not safe for black people to protest in the streets. When they were in the streets I saw a few post where people thought they should be run down. You then have the criminal element that wants to turn it into a riot. Then there is the obvious, law enforcement is so scared of black people they will shoot over the least little thing. People listen when black millionaires stand up, or take a knee, on the street they are just another black person that moved wrong. It can cost them their very lucrative lives to protest in the street. At the end of the day, they are bl
  5. A shame you can't hang up on posters with a different perspective like he does.
  6. P.com's very own right-wing pundit has returned. All that reading p.com and gnashing his teeth has driven him to the keyboard once again. It is always personal with you, you can't debate anything without personally attacking someone. Rush is so proud of his little acolyte in Paulding County.
  7. I got scammed a few years ago. I wanted to try a supplement promoted by a tv doctor, I find it on the internet. The website had a picture of the doctor and show on it. It was not much for the trial. I pressed the purchase button, put in my card, pressed go. Something odd happened, I waited for the page that says your purchase went through. Nothing, back to home page. So I go to my email, nothing, no receipt. I assumed it just didn't go through. It was one of those cancels after 30 days. It arrives, so I am like ok it did go through. I noticed the package and the receipt only had a PO box. I g
  8. I have always been under the impression that Americans believe that professional athletes are worth every penny paid them. It was all about the principal when baseball players when on strike. There is a lot overlooked. It is well known that many athletes sacrifice themselves by the permanent injuries they sustain in their careers. Why not overlook this? It seems to me that folks have little regard for them off the field. They play the game, they ruin their bodies, there are plenty of people waiting to take their place. Professional sports are a multibillion-dollar industry, that has never mad
  9. LPPT

    Fake news

    When you click on a blog site it is full of ads and pop-ups. Popular ones get paid by advertisers. You and I can easily start a blog site. Many of them get their stories from mainstream and tweak them just enough not to get nailed for plagiarism. In fact, they leave out just enough to get their point of view across. More people don't know this than those that do. They grab pictures all over the internet to make very sharp looking sites.Many hardly leave their homes. They have never gone out and covered a story or taken photos themselves. Journalism is not sourcing what those in the field
  10. LPPT

    Fake news

    The biggest problem is that if people like it, or it fits with their beliefs they see no reason to research it for facts or even the original source.
  11. LPPT

    Fake news

    A lot of the fake blogs that turned up during the election were almost impossible to trace back to the original author. The memes that people believe are just as hard to trace. Mainstream news, on the other hand, has an easily found source and would be sued for libel for printing outright lies like what you see in blogs and memes. I could not tell you the number of memes I saw saying George Soros was a Nazi. I could not let that go unchallenged. Not because I wanted to have political arguments on FB, but because it was a lie, a big one. They could have told the truth of why they didn't l
  12. Speaking of water, did you see the post on some of the neighborhood pages where people's water bills have doubled and tripled the last few months. Many were 100.00 but some as high as 200.00.
  13. LPPT

    Fake news

    Videos and pictures can be edited to show what you want them to show. I have become very cynical over the years. Very few people are truly honest. Many people don't expect honesty under many circumstances.
  14. LPPT

    Fake news

    We all agree that it exists. Trump is obsessed with it. The Russians are experts at it. The question is what to do about it. We don't want the government to regulate it. Where does that leave us? Is there any entity out there that we would trust? Many times it is not so much a lie as a half-truth that gives an impression that would not stand if it was all there. I have caught some outright lies a few times. It has become an international problem. It can have dire consequences such as man showing up at a pizza place with a gun. There is no accountability. In fact, there seems to b
  15. I wonder if it is social change that is here to stay. I think 9/11 and the recession changed my generation. Pre-9/11 we had conspicuous consumption and piles of debt. The most indulgent lost the most. A lot of shopping and eating out was done on credit cards. Losing your job, you home, and many of your possessions is not something people get over quickly. Retail and restaurants are taking a big hit. I don't think it has to do with the economy as much as how people are changed in a recession or even a depression. We all remember how are grandparents were careful with money and their things.
  16. My father had leukemia. A case of the flu would have been fatal for him. In the early days of his illness almost 20 years ago his oncologist would have him get the flu shot. At some point, his doctor changed his mind about any vaccines for my dad. That tells you a lot about the questions of what playing with the bodies immune system might do. My dad had many transfusions over the years. The sickest he ever was, was after a transfusion where the antibodies in that blood attacked his body. Many of the diseases we receive vaccines for can be survived with medical support. If we have an epide
  17. If you subscribe to this you will know what is happening locally. You can like it on FB or subscribe to a monthly letter. You will not be bombarded with ads when you subscribe to access. They do not sell your email address to anyone either. https://www.facebook.com/accesspaulding/ http://www.accesspaulding.com/
  18. I love it. I am going this Friday. I will be promoting Containment Haunted House with 5.00 off coupons. I will be the fall fairy with big orange hair
  19. For those of us that remember Opal, we were understandably concerned with the forecast.
  20. We tend to forget just how rural some parts of Paulding still are. Trees on the road can be a big issue for school buses and ultimately the school system as in how to get kids home. They gave parents plenty of time to make arrangements. That snowstorm could have turned tragic. My husband got caught on Harmony church rd in Cedarcrest. There were hundreds of kids with no experience driving on snowy and icy roads. He helped a few of them. You have to think about every possible scenario and ask can we keep the kids safe in most or all of them. It is too late when you don't have the means to unite
  21. It was a good piece. He is indeed getting there. I have nagged on the same theory for a long time. I think this man is coming close to discovering the truth. I wouldn't even know where to start in changing what is wrong with this country, even though I have harped on it for many years and we are seeing the fruition of it. Human behavior is a science, a very well studied science. Those who know it well are having problems with unemployment or compensation. I see it applied constantly. Social media is a dream come true for those practicing manipulation of the masses. I have said
  22. I put 4 bags of ice in the almost empty deep freeze deep We have 2 other fridges with full freezers. I think I can save most of it for a few days with no electricity. We are going to put up the outdoor furniture, cushions. and umbrellas. Make sure we have plenty of batteries and charge everything the best we can. I expect we will have lots of leaf and limb trash to clean up.
  23. LPPT


    My adult children live in Rockmart in a ranch on a hill. I told them this morning if that thing moves any further west they will be under a mandatory evacuation order to mom's where there is a basement. My daughter had surgery on Tuesday and is still not weight bearing on the leg for another week. We might have to give the furbabies benedryl but at least they will be safe.
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