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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. Sometimes I wonder how LE would solve problems without a gun. Why not sit in the squad car and wait for the owner to get there? The problem with this is that we have an officer with authority over others whose first thought to solve a problem is the use of a deadly weapon. It is really scary knowing he is not the only one.
  2. Is this different than the couple that owned a bakery refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple?
  3. Almost every serious problem this country has is due to our interference. Whether it be choosing the winners in foreign governments or businesses here and abroad. The threat to N.Korea is human rights issues. They know that America is the world leader when it comes to enforcing human rights globally. Trump has no issue with any human rights unless pressured by popular opinion to speak out. He has no issue with Putin's treatment of his people nor the leader of the Philippines killing drug addicts. If these 2 would meet face to face we would see the problem dissolve as our president is no threat
  4. Please don't bring him up. I see red when I hear it. He has moved on, probably with a wonderful resume that does not reflect his real work in this county. At one time he was the single most powerful person in this county. Every where there was a sheeze storm with citizens the path blazed back to him. He was an engineer for God's sake yet he was treated as though he had the power to part the waters. The citizens had best be on guard for anyone else in this county being given that much power.
  5. The significant fact in the article is the increase in charter flights. I have said all along that this was going to be a high demand niche as the sports park in Cartersville grew to full potential. Neither Bartow or Rockmart have the ability to expand. For some reason, this feels like repaving a road just to tear it up a few months later. If our airport was not an albatross before, I think it is slowly but surely being turned into one. Without the type of industry that brings in people making the money to be hobby pilots I don't see that airport coming out of the red, While many say t
  6. Always at the bottom of all these type issues, meaning gays, transgender, and just about anyone that is different in a way that is beyond their control is a total lack of empathy and compassion. As far as molestation of children, many times it is the lack of vigilance on the part of parents or the inability to even consider that those closest and most trusted by the parents are the ones that would do the worse. It reminds me of the Christians putting a stop to the scary costumes because they are evil. Teaching kids that evil will look like Halloween costumes instead of the cute little ol
  7. P.com's delusional pundit is back.
  8. Is it a person's political beliefs that create animosity or the way they choose to debate them? I spoke to an old acquaintance last night that for some reason had me asking that question.
  9. I would rather see the county purchase some bucket trucks and schedule pick-up all over the county. People can put larger items out on their scheduled day. Some for days for limbs and brush, others for junk. Same thing with yard junk and uncut lawns. Warn them, tell them what it is going to cost them and schedule it. Make it easier for people to get rid of junk and brush. Make the help affordable to get yards cleaned up when they fall behind. I don't want folks punished because they don't have the vehicle or the means to dispose of things. Some people hit hard times and weed eaters and mowers
  10. The reality of a bedroom community is starting to rear it's head. I read some post on FB that affordable housing out here was going to be a hot topic. Just exactly where do people think those working the 1000's of minimum wage jobs that came with the retail/restaurant explosion are going to live. They generally don't drive vehicles that can hold up to long commutes. They can't even afford to commute, who are we kidding. Along with that the millage rate is going up to pay for all those goodies being built with the splost. Property values out here are going up by the week. Where exactly are
  11. And that brings us around to those that benefit from the lack of candid discussion and exposure of those that operate in the darkness.
  12. What are the days and times that donations can be made? Also the address since some reading may not know the address.
  13. I still support Pubby and P.com. It is way out of balance. I am as guilty as anyone that is still a frequent poster specifically to the political forum. It needs to be brought back in balance. Many business members in the community still recognize and are grateful for what this site did for business. It has a lot to do with national interest-v-local. I think if Pubs had invested in a reporter to do the running as he began retirement it would still be going strong. The people of Paulding remain starved for local news and events.
  14. I believe it is about relevance. Paulding.com has a admirable number of likes on FB. None of them solicited, I can promise you that. Pubby sees FB as an abomination of the internet. When I come here not logged on the visible pages are old with little or no response. The audience that is best for p.com and for participation is the one looking for current and real time events. P.com will continue it's decline as long as politics are the hot topic for participation. The people sign in to make the same type of commentary on political articles on the net. Sorry Pubby the thing you love best i
  15. I spoke to the people that counted about the lying and the sneaking. I learned a life lesson that I hope our community leaders in the future rely on. Just because it is a saying repeated many times does not make it so. The means do not justify the end. Even if you believe that ultimately you are doing what is best even for the majority allowing lies and sneaking ultimately end up doing harm. What I have to say is relevant today and always. When actions are justified by destroying the character if those claiming to be lied to it is a red flag. There was wide spread character assassination beca
  16. I wonder if we are well passed the crossroads when it comes to the future of this county. We are going to be a bedroom community and nothing will stop it. The only real money to be made here is in real estate and construction. Our property values are going through the ceiling right now. There really is no need for an IBA, Economic development or even an airport authority. The airport needs a director and minimum staff. All the tax money we need will now come from homeowners the positive side of exploding home and land values going up. The ship has truly sailed. We will see a lot more ret
  17. The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian Paradise The residents of Colorado Springs undertook a radical experiment in government. Here’s what they got. By Caleb Hannana Seven years after the experiment began, the verdict is in—and it’s not at all what its architects planned. I am not sharing this as a slap to the right wing. There are sound principals on both sides of the isle. What this article demonstrates is extremism and the pitfalls of it. We have the demonstration of the misery in communist countries when the leftist idealism is taken to the extreme.
  18. That is no where near the point. You and I know that it is about power. We have a government that is allowing the powerful to write the laws because somehow serving in office in this country has become a pathway to wealth. A government should be governed in a way that allows no one to take advantage of it poor or rich. We are horrified by the single mother selling her EBT card for cash yet we look the other way when the wealthiest in the world take advantage of our system. We should be angry with both. We shake our fist an the single mother and pat the back of the corporation for being smart e
  19. It does help us gain the perspective of a global 1%. They control most of the worlds resources. Legally they are untouchable. They are a law unto themselves, the only thing between us and them is honest government. It is not about money it is about power and control. We have allowed this to happen in the US. The quality of life in all free countries is decided by those that own the worlds resources. The same goes for us. Look at our neighbors to the south, the greatest resource they offer is cheap labor and low education levels. Look at their quality of life and ask if that is what we want.
  20. I believe that all confederate symbols belong in a museum along with the better quality statues. Flying those flags are no different than flying swastikas. It is a dark time in our history. It shows a time when civilization finally turned away from an abhorrent practice. Black Americans are our brothers and sisters to be treated as such. I was taught that in church during the civil rights movement were many black and white congregations worshiped together in the same pews as a symbol of solidarity with those fighting the battle in the streets. I am from Memphis Tn were racism is blatant and w
  21. My understanding is that the discussion is still open on the Dabbs/ 3army road project. I have a question if someone knows the answer. Let me start by saying I don't watch network channels as in the big 3. I may have missed commercials for the sports park built in Bartow. I have not seen any marketing for it. As big as it is I would think that they would need to market locally.
  22. LPPT


    I guess it is a perception issue. I don't really see single payer as an insurance. I see it as medicaid for all. Some of the reform was much like I pictured it to be. We had to be 100% in for it to work. Meaning that there had to be a dollar amount in the healthcare system for everyone even if the government had to put in that dollar. We know what our population is. We work out the numbers of cost per person to allow the healthcare system to thrive. We put a stop to Americans being ripped off for drugs and hardware from those providers. meaning we don't pay anymore than any other country for t
  23. LPPT


    You really don't know the answer to that. I am having trouble getting my mind around it. First and for most there is no such thing as Obama care never has been never will. I believe that you are intelligent enough to know that there is no such thing as Obama care insurance. It is health care reform. What was created was the definition of comprehensive health care. It changed the way we address healthcare in this country to what is considered good healthcare rather than the amount of healthcare an individual can afford. The democrats believed the only way that it could be done was trough singl
  24. LPPT


    My insurance went up and went crappy too. The dems never wanted to include insurance in reform. You can thank the Republicans for that.
  25. LPPT


    Your insurance company walked away because there was not enough profit left when they could not deny health care. You are well read enough to know exactly what happened to your insurance. We did it the Republican way to get healthcare reform passed. A way was found to keep them in business and profitable. Profits from our tax dollars that could have created the greatest healthcare system in the world. They are killing medicaid by de-funding it. I will help you understand this. Direct funding went away, it all went through an insurance provider. When that money goes away and over 50% can not af
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