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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. LPPT


    That is really mean of the NY Times to print all his quotes. Totally unwarranted attack on Mr. Trump.
  2. I have no issue with this. That is not the job of a journalist. They take way too many liberties with not only facts but the reputation of public figures. They should not be in the insinuation business. I ovoid opinion pieces, I wish the rest of Americans would.
  3. LPPT


    There was a grain of truth in what the CNN reporter had to say. At the end of the day it is advertising dollars that fuel the tv hour news and the internet. They are selling drama an addiction that many acquired watching tv dramas all their lives. Now everything is made overly dramatic. Our government is responding to the drama because the American people demand it. Every little issue is portrayed and reacted to in the extreme. This is why we now have an extreme personality in the White house. Keeping it between the ditches is now seen as doing nothing about the extreme problems with this
  4. The cost of a friendship with Russia is simply too high. I would like to believe that a friendship with them would be a great thing for the world. I think they demand we become more like them and that is why we are seeing Trump reaching out. Putin and Trump see themselves as world leaders. Obviously not the free world. We have seen the concentration of wealth growing on a world level. If America can not maintain the balance between world government and the powerful wealthy we will see a collapse of the free world. We simply can not work on an allied level with Putin. Trump apparently can
  5. Hi Cmorg! We have to find a way to allow police to disarm anyone reported as mentally unstable. They should have to be evaluated before the fire arm is returned.You can't imagine how scary it is to live with someone with mental illness and know you can't get help until they actually shoot someone.
  6. I am not surprised at the blame game. Americans are doing just what they have been conditioned to do. We hold the government and specifically the politicians accountable for whatever is right or wrong in our lives. I have watched a few campaigns. The objective is to create a voter. That is done by figuring out where their discomfort is, criticizing the cause and claiming you can fix it. We now believe it is only one party that brings pain or prosperity to us. When you believe that a party of people are taking away your quality of life you can be pushed pretty far depending on just how much
  7. Maybe Karen will lighten up in her own campaign. I won't hold my breath.
  8. Cedercrest has trouble keeping restaurants. They are within 15 minutes of a huge variety of chains in Acworth. Everything in Cedrcrest is sit down and pay a tip. Crossroads has fast food. They are shopping and going to the movies in Acworth, so they are eating there. You just don't have people coming in to Paulding to eat. You don't have many in Paulding going from one end of the county to the other to eat. People simply gravitate to places with lots of selection. Quite a few people in the Cedercrest area would have to eat at those handful of restaurants every week to keep them open. Beef O Br
  9. This is something we agree on! I had the same problem and now have to watch for symptoms to keep my b12 up. My son is vegetarian because of a genetic disorder he has the same issue with b12. Stiff you might want to have her look at some health problems from being vegan. A lot of doctors don't immediately recognize some vitamin deficiency symptoms. Most people are not prepared to go to the lengths it takes to be a healthy vegan.
  10. The following is one of the things that bothers me about the minimum wage structure. I will link you to the article, testimony from an expert that argues against min wage increase. Consider a Patty Jones, a hypothetical single mother in Des Moines, Iowa, who gets an offer for a job at minimum wage.[43] If she goes from not working to working full time, her monthly income rises from $1,146 to $1,838. However, if she gets a raise to $10.10 an hour, her monthly income falls to $1,574. She loses over $260.While her market income rises by $494, she loses $71 in EITC refunds, pays $37 more in p
  11. The market is finally balancing out so it may become a non-issue. Thousands of retail stores are closing and I expect more to close over the next year. I am guessing that some fast food will follow. They have been one of the single most detrimental things in the economy. At one time they were pushing over 1/4 of our job market. The business models success was based on never paying over minimum wage or slightly over. It impacted service and quality across the board. It broke down the relationship between employer and employee. The practice has influenced several generations of people in the j
  12. Honesty and morality are a big deal with me. There is never a right decision or action based on a lie. I reject extremism on both sides of R&D. Nobody is all bad or all good. Politics is always about power and money, nothing else. These are not self sacrificing leaders, this is why we can't rubber stamp our approval of there actions based on party. I always look at the track record, it is truly all you can do before someone is put in office. I don't look to see how they have adhered to the principals of their party. This is where many make the mistake. I will always vote for the most mor
  13. Many people believe that big pharma is or will withhold the cure because the disease is so profitable to the industry. More and more people are losing trust of them. They lied about vaccine injury for years, now they don't understand why people won't get vaccines. They charge Americans outrageous amounts for drugs then practically give it away to countries that have single payer. A cure for cancer would globally change the healthcare industry as far as need for it. It would probably be reduced by at least 1/4. I am cynical in my old age, I have seen too much death and destruction when it ca
  14. I believe Comey when he said they found nothing in the emails. She was not my pick. But this is beyond the pale.What don't you understand about him saying that the Russians beyond a shadow of a doubt interfered in our election. Trump is trying to stop an investigation that he fears will show his campaign was aware of it. He has been single minded in his pursuit of a relationship with Putin, while at the same time insulting and alienating out allies. Have you heard a single negative word about Putin or Russia from him or his administration. It doesn't take much to figure this out. This is real
  15. You gotta be kidding me. Do you just make this up because it sounds good? I admit I don't like him. but in my wildest dreams I never wanted him to be this bad.
  16. How did you get that? Comey clearly stated the president ask him to stop the investigation of Micheal Flynn. Do you get the significance of asking the FBI to stop an investigation of Russians interfering in our election. Of that they have irrefutable proof. There was no reason to ask him to drop it unless Flynn was going to be found culpable. Did you really watch it from beginning to end?
  17. I watched it from beginning to end. All we can hope is that they demand Trump's supposed recordings of the meeting in the oval office. There are only 3 answers, here they are, someone erased them, or I lied. All of them show his true character. If Comey told the truth he is a traitor to our country. I don't know how you could not believe him.
  18. Why single out the feminist? What are they going to do beyond what the law does? We have christian based cults here that marry young females to old men sometimes before puberty, with the blessings of the mother. When your own mother won't protect you from abuse by males, it is a sorry life. This country is full of men that find this despicable. They have created laws to protect them. It is the mothers that fail them.
  19. Maybe you could at least give us a clue as to which you disapprove of, Muslims or feminist. Or are you fishing to get us to give an opinion on one or the other that you can make a snarky remark about.
  20. What does this have to do with feminism? You believe that silly people need to change religious beliefs. We have laws against it. They are breaking the law, you don't send feminist to do the job of police and the courts. I also did not indulge you with reading the blog this time. Again pointing out how horrible Muslims are and then claiming that is not your point. Why don't you share your point of view in your own words and then give a link to support it. I have it figured out, you can't be confronted about your own opinion. If anyone disagrees then it has to be the supposedly valid view point
  21. The world looks and sounds a lot different when you stop watching any of the 24 hour news networks. I keep up with reading because it allows me to pursue many issues in depth and form my own opinion about them. I will watch CNN when something big unfolds because of the 1000's of reporters all over the world that can cover things first hand. I am not into rhetoric, it is destroying this country. It is important to politicians that we look at everything through the lens of left or right because if we just use the good sense God gave us to look at them we would rebel against their nonsense.
  22. It may have started as a religious practice, but it was continued and adopted by many cultures as being more hygienic that benefited both sexes in an intimate relationship. I am told in this day and age of better hygiene it is not as important. I opted not to have my son circumcised because I feel like it is barbaric to cut on a child without anesthesia. My son had been through a lot of painful things in the first few months of life and I wasn't inclined to put him through anymore. I believe there was a case in NY where a Rabi was knowingly giving hepatitis to baby boys during the procedur
  23. Absolutely disgusting. I was under the impression that the doctor is female from the NPR article. That makes it even worse. There are a lot of ways to look at the growth of Muslim population in the states. Many of these women can seek and get help for many things acceptable in their religion and against the law here. I saw 2 women in Marietta in a restaurant wearing burkas last week. I felt so sorry for them. I try to respect the culture and religion of others. It is hard to know if they felt abused or proud wearing it. I always feel like in America they have a chance to get away from it
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