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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. There is no way that I can compare the fight my mom fought battling Lung Cancer to people who battle depression... That's not even a fair comparison
  2. Beach Bum... I feel like you are shaking your finger at me right now.. Glenn isn't the cream of the crop you can gather that by his pissing match with the Gov'nah. But then again...you thought King Jerry did an outstanding job also. But hey... we can agree to disagree. If he gets help for his illness... Like many many people do.. he'll be 'aight
  3. He won't have to use his NOLO... they automatically reduce the speed to 14 mph and you pay the full fine. If I was him...I would go and take a picture of the sign with the digital camera and the DATE on it. That way the judge can see that the sign is obstructed by paint. Oh..he can ask for a reduction of the fine. I did..and he dropped it to the court cost. They only have court on certain days. Like 1 or 2 days a month...and it will be packed. If you go...get there early. I had the chief of PoPo so pissed at me.. He was spitting nails. Please give Damon my reguards! pfft
  4. Have you ever heard of Americans with Disabilities Act? He has an illness. Just because he has depression and tried to commit suicide don't mean he's incompetent... He is incompetent... but depression didn't make him that way.
  5. I got ta ticket in Chattahoochee Hills!!! I fought mine and WON! All I had to do was pay the court cost of $100. CHC is a SPEED TRAP. All of their revenue is from speeding and from tickets. That court is nothing but a kangaroo court. When I was in the courtroom waiting (they made me go last because I had a set of roadway plans and proof) I saw a guy get a $1800 fine becuase he threw a cigarette out the window and they gave him a ticket for Attempted ARSON!! Yup... you read that right. (yes he shouldn't have been throwing things out his window...and littering..but) Court started a
  6. http://www.blackfriday.info/sales/
  7. I agree with Feelip 100%. King IS and WAS a crook!
  8. Oh Lawd...now I have that stooopid Laffy Taffy song stuck in my head!
  9. I think she did target him. I think she knew exactly what she was doing. I think he DID have sex with her. Most stars think they are above getting caught or they think they have the 'right' to because of who they are. Just like Bill Clinton.... if big 'ole Monica didn't save the blue dress.... nobody would have ever believed her either. He did it. He's just as guilty as the stupid stripper!
  10. I have a very good friend serving in Iraq... but he and his wife and kiddos live in Texas...
  11. The one day I go to work early.... I miss the good stuff! What pisses me off...is she slept with a MARRIED man...and knew he was married... she is a POS to me!
  12. Well..it does give our probationers something to do j/k
  13. LR is going to FL.... just as soon as her momma tells her
  14. 88 bottles of beer on the wall, 88 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around
  15. 95 bottles of beer on the wall, 95 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around....
  16. 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 9 bottles of beer, take one down, pass is around........
  17. HealthyTrim works!!! http://www.healthylifesciences.com/healthe-trim-home3.asp I know a girl at work that takes it.
  18. I came down nebo around the barrels. The water is on the road some... But not completely. Even the GSP came through and let every by the barrels this was at 8:15 am
  19. Wish I could get some help with Safari. This is what the iPhone uses and I can't see alot of stuff like the recent topics button Help!! I have switched to the lo-fi and that don't help
  20. Yep...and I kicked them out of my room at the hospital last year!! They ordered a bunch of test on me that my admitting doctor already knew that I was having through my OB/GYN and they didn't call him.. I wasn't happy with them... so I kicked them out of my room and told them to NEVER come back. The dr. that was making the rounds let his P.A. make the calls and he just OK'ed them.
  21. Do you gotta tip I keed...I keed.. Sorry.. I can't make it.
  22. I agree with the OP. I am a christian and I have seen people leave the smallest tip and act like they did something great....AFTER they ran the waitress back and forth for extra ranch dressing...or more cheese for their daughter to eat....or crackers that will be smashed and ended up in the floor. It use to make me so mad when I went to another church and we would go out to eat...I even seen the pastor and his brood do this. Needless to say...I don't go to church there and I ALWAYS tip more than 10%!! I will tip 10% even if the service stinks. I WILL call the manager over and let them kno
  23. They was there after church today....that is who I buy my papers from. He is a nice kid who seems to be helping dad out. No different than the kids selling the donuts at the 4 way on Ridge at 61........or the ones that was selling them Friday at Hiram Sudie and Davis mill
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