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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. where's it at? Is anyone hunting it now? Oh..and what's the yearly lease on it?
  2. You should try Buck's Pawn in Austell... this one is located on Maxham Road.
  3. Here is a tip....most stores will offer rain checks for most of the items. Heard it on the news this morning
  4. I'm wif Shan... NC..whereja find them? I have an awesome suit those would look good with.
  5. NC....that's exactly what I thought a bootie was. I like the other one with the fringe...but not with those dresses.
  6. I love that place! Those guys are the nicest peeps.
  7. In the park.....oh yeah..that's right...everyone who don't agree with you lives in a trailer park... Far from it sweetie...but keep telling yourself that.
  8. Here is my rule... if my black Ariat Fatbaby's won't match... I don't buy them... but hey...that's how we roll in Paulding County.
  9. You could always ask if they need any food, water, clothing...or even give them the numbers to the shelters? I'm just throwing stuff out there. I *think* this is what I would do.
  10. If you would have heard him last night...you wouldn't have thought he could sing. He sounded like a bad impression of Freddy Mercury.
  11. I thought he sucked! I didn't like the grabbing of the men and making it look like he was preforming sexual acts. Not only with the men...but the women. It wasn't called for. 2 thumbs down!
  12. I ate there on Friday night........that is where I was on my way home from when I hit the deer. It was alright. I would go back. The waitress wasn't very clear with the new menu they was serving.
  13. The deer was still alive when 2 of my friends got there to put it down. They also took it and cleaned it. My friend David owns a foreign car place and has a wrecker. It was his step-sons that got the deer for me.
  14. I'm alright. I'm just trying to make lite of the subject. I can't cry... I can't cuss... I was just warning everyone because the GSP told us that this was the 4th auto -vs- deer within the hour that I was waiting. He said the other 3 had been up 61N. So...all you folks be careful. I didn't even have time to react. He can running out of the woods...full speed. Guess his momma didn't tell him to look left...right...and back left again...
  15. Hitting the deer didn't hurt me....but the sudden stop of the seatbelt/steering wheel hurt like the dickens. Considering i just had surgery on Tuesday.
  16. JB. The same reason 4 others that hit a deer in the last hour are doing. You have to have a police report on anything over $500 Well...I have Cotton States. I called my agent at home. He said.....get a report
  17. I crushed the front pretty bad! But I got the deer
  18. Be careful!!!! I am waiting on GSP now. I hit a 6 pt between Nebo Elem. and Sam Alexander.
  19. That is where we went last night. I LOVE that place!!
  20. Happy birthday. Hope you have great day!
  21. I know exactly what you are talking about. I think you misunderstood what I was saying the OP compaired his wives battle with cancer to someone having depression. It's not the same. People with depression hurts also, It may not be a physical hurt like cancer can be. I wasn't and will never compare depression with cancer...it's not a fair compairson. I don't want the OP to think that someone one with depression should just get a grip and deal with it and just 'fight' like you can do with cancer. It's not that easy
  22. Yes... Get this... the Chief of Police is also the Fire Chief!!! So..yeah.. Boss Hogg
  23. My ticket was on Cascade-Palmetto Hwy... I was headed toward Palmetto. The police officer was headed the opposite direction. IF...he would have been behind me then he would have had every right to give me a ticket...but you see... Cascade-Palmetto Hwy is the city limit border for Chattahoochee Hills. If CHC had city limits on both sides of the hwy then he would have been inside his jurisdiction... but he was actually riding down Fulton County's side of the roadway. You see...they can't sit/ride in someone elses jurisdiction and radar into thier jurisdiction. When my name was called and I w
  24. All I can say is he better have pictures. Because those backwoods barney's will do whatever they can to make him pay the full amount. Watch how many people can't pay their fine that day and the judge will put them on probation until they pay the fine. When I was there...there was a ton of illegals there. They even admitted to the judge that they was illegal...do you think the judge did anything about that......NOPE.. They can't get any money out of them if they are deported!! I had a big long vent on here about it back in April
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