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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Unemployment pays at the MOST $8.25 an hr for a 40 hr week. edit...that's with you not having taxes taken out.
  2. That's the one I have also. What is Archer Farms?
  3. I have ate them......and I have recipe for them... but has anyone ever made them? How did yours turn out? Any hints or tips? TIA
  4. In the state of Ga... you can cheat all you want to. A judge won't give you more than what is agreed on by the parties. You have to pay child support for your child no matter WHO cheated. I know you are not saying that if the woman cheats the man shouldn't pay child support...right? Most of the time a woman only gets alimony if they have been married for a certain amount of time and if she is a SAHM and raised the kids.
  5. Girl....transfer! back to where ya came from...or to another one....
  6. Shan...if you need anything....just let me know. I'll help ya out any way I can.
  7. Ken Ball is my HERO of the day.... I really like that man!
  8. MCMM.....if that's true... look at Michael Phelps
  9. The only thing he is sorry about..and others who do the same thing are sorry about........is getting caught!
  10. Greystone's credit union don't work like that. Deposits first Transactions second Oh...and I never...ever will do auto-deduct every month for anything.... burned before...and never will do it again!
  11. I agree with SPbK He hadn't pushed the right button yet... but when he pushed the "I'll call DFACS" button....."that's how the fight got started officer" punch was thrown back
  12. Lowrider...I'm one of those same conservative Christians. I don't like what he did anymore than the next person... I don't live in a glass house. I wouldn't never vote for him. So please don't lump us all together.
  13. Jesus didn't drive silly......he had the Apostles and they carpooled!! Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
  14. Y'all are such a cute family!! He looks like his daddy...and she looks exactly like her momma!! I can't tell who little Evan looks like yet... Y'all make some cute kiddos!
  15. I was in Columbus for Black Friday this year. The only stores that was wrapped up was Target and Best Buy. I got everything I went after. The Wal-Marts down there still had the Nintendo DS's, the video cameras, AND the Card Tables. WalMart - The Western Digital Hard drive 320gb, Girl Gourmet Sweets Candy Jewel Factory, 4 gb SDHC camera card Best Buy - XBOX 360 W/6 games, new Halo 3, Nikkon cool pix S560, Garmon Nuvi 255WT, Target - NOTHING...it was a madhouse!!! Office Depot - A new HP color laser printer that was 1/2 price The Avenue - Free gloves, $5 sweaters, $20 boots, Mac
  16. I wasn't meaning in my backyard in a bad way... I was meaning that it's very close for me!
  17. Accident on Nebo Road / Swan Road. Carrington Pointe Sub. Lots of emergency vehicles up and down Hwy 61 for a house fire also. Be careful out there tonight and have a safe holiday
  18. I this place! I was in there earlier this month buying the dbf some chaps and whatever else it was he wanted. They are so helpful and go above and beyond for their customer service! He's still looking at those bags for his bike I just wish he'd take the plunge and get them and leave me alone about them.
  19. This is in my backyard.... I live at 61 / Nebo / Mayfield Where on Marshal Fuller is this... there are lots of houses around there.
  20. My mom always made both. She would toast the bred before she broke it up. She used plain 'ole white bread with the crust. She did make some with the lower carb bread the same way as she did the other white bread and it tasted just as good. There was some folks on the Adkins diet so she didn't want them to feel left out. It did the trick.
  21. Guess I'm standing in line for a DS also.... heck if I'm going to be there anyways....might as well get 2 and resell them...
  22. I'll be in Columbus ...so y'all can have all these wally worlds..
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