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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I will be there in the morning from 8-10. People will be there even after that. (I have to work) Or I'm thinking of setting up a big box outside so people can drop stuff off every afternoon. That way I can come by on my way home and check it or someone else can check it.
  2. Yep... if you doctor tells you.....then you go by that.
  3. no it wasn't me...that was the Chiropractor
  4. Yes Animal... I need folks to donate some food. Can/Boxed or even frozen.
  5. Thanks Lisa!! We are a small church but we have big hearts. We also have frozen food that we give out. So far for the last 2 weekends we have been open...we've had 16 families come through. I just don't want people to feel ashamed in this time of need. I know it's hard to ask for a hand up... that's different than asking for a hand out! I wan't to try to meet with others who work food banks at different churches/ministries and see if I can get some ideas on how to get items for our food bank. It's really hard when you have a small church and only have a small amount donating food.
  6. Life Church is opening thier food bank this Saturday from 8:00 am - 10:00 am. I will be there working the food bank the entire time. Life Church is located on Hwy 92 south of Brownsville Road about 1/2 mile down on the right. (Coming from Hiram). If you are coming from Douglasville the church will be located on the left just after you cross the Paulding County line. The food bank will be open for the residents of Paulding and Douglas Counties that are in need and will be open until 10 am or the food runs out. No Social Security Number is needed but you will need to fill out a small
  7. Gary's Glass in Douglasville...... on Hwy 92 just north of the railroad tracks (Across from Willie Watkins funeral home)
  8. I have been out of town off and on for the last 3-4 months...and I was in a Target in Baltimore about 3 weeks ago...and I saw that robe! I just started laughing and wondering if I should have bought some for this year.. It made me think of you and your son.. lol
  9. awww I'm Floored... I think very highly of you too. I really do wish AprilandJohn the best in finding a church. It's really hard to wake up on Sunday morning and 'try' a new church. Especially if you don't know anyone there. That's one of the reasons it's hard for people to go...that and most are lazy.
  10. Life Church in South Paulding. We are located on Hwy 92 south of Brownsville road headed toward Douglasville. We are a new church and we just celebrated our 1 year at this new location. We run anywhere from 50-100 each week. If you want more info...just let me know. I'm very involved there.
  11. They didn't catch the shoe bomber... or the other guy on the plane last Christmas... TSA agents are mostly idiots... plan and simple.
  12. Its almost right across the street from my house...... it just rained for about 5 minutes.... I think someone on Arbor way is smokin something... :shrug:
  13. I'll be in Arkansas. If somebody don't have anywhere to go....Life Church on 92 south of Brownsville Road will be holding a Thanksgiving dinner for free. It's open to any and all who will not have a Thanksgiving dinner. It will be held from 11:00am - 1:00pm
  14. Oh lawd. My bf got me hooked on this show. lol he even entered the code last night to be a walking zombie. yep. I'm hooked too
  15. DId you send her a PM...if not I'll hit her up on FB
  16. No Requirements such as income or SS#. We would like for people to fill out a visitor card with some basic information but that is all. DORAFISH - Thank you for announcing this. I am part of Life Church's Silent Praise Drama Team and we will be preforming also. This was such a great cause. Lots of Food will be raised to help replinish our food bank and help buy Thanksgiving Dinners for some families this year. edit to add Paulding and Douglas residents only please.
  17. Life Church is opening their food bank in the morning from 8:30am-10:30am. Life Church is located on Hwy 92 south 1/2 mile from Brownsville Road on the right. You can't miss the church. It's past Food Lion just a little. Please if you or someone you know needs a hand up please don't hesitate to come by to see us. We will have a lot of staple items AND frozen items.
  18. Oh lawd and my hoodie is in the washing machine this morning.... what was I thinking.
  19. yep she's stupid... and you can't fix stupid. so she is headed to where she deserves to go. jail
  20. What this does is hold DRIVERS responsible for their vehicles! When you get in your car......drunk - sober - horseplay- showing off...what ever YOU could kill someone. You should know that you will be held responsible. More people get killed by other drivers actions and driving irresponsible. I'm sorry...but the only reason this idiot got caught...wasn't because she turned herself in! She KNOWINGLY avoided going to the police. Even when the police came to her...SHE LIED. Please don't say she was skeer'd 10 days AFTER the fact. She wasn't so skeer'd that she didn't go get the cake....tell
  21. Yes I do. I pay my mortgage and some of my other stuff. All my credit cards I use I pay online through their site.
  22. If I wouldn't have been out of town for so long and had some of bows and stuff made... I'd be there with bells on. Good Luck!
  23. GREYSTONE Electric Membership Corp. aka GEMC - Credit Union! Hands down the best. Never ever had a problem in 15+ years. When I've deposited large checks over 5k for roofing repairs I called them and they didn't put a hold on it because it was for home repairs. They also worked great with me for my SBA loan and no holds on anything and that was a butt load of money. GEMC Federal Credit Union
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