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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. CONGRATS!!!!! I know there are "twin groups" in the Cobb and surrounding counties. The moms swap and/or sale double strollers, cribs, clothes, etc as they no longer need them. They also support each other as they can all relate to what they are going through. I I would look into joining one or two of those. BTW, I don't have any little ones in the family and would be glad to save diaper/baby coupons for you.
  3. YES and it was DELISH!!! DH and I both of the shrimp & scallop pasta and brought home enough for another meal. After soup, salad and sharing a brownie al a mode I was stuffed!!! I also brought home my key lime pie dessert. One of our friends got the garlic herb shrimp & chicken (or something like that) and now I'm wanting to go back bc it looked SOOOOO good. I got the coupon in an email. If you go to the Red Lobster site and sign up they periodically send coupons and always keep you up to date on their specials. They have the same coupon in the Sunday paper about once a month. It p
  4. OMGOSH - PRECIOUS - GREAT PHOTOS & BABY!!!! (Adorable hat, too!)
  5. Meeting friends at Red Lobster for the 4 Course Meal $15 less $4.00 coupon. Great food and even better fellowship!
  6. I am glad they are home safe and sound and YES WE ARE AND DO!!! :yahoo:
  7. We've had those twice this week ...... YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!
  8. Stargazers are my FAVORITE too! DH brought some beautiful red ones like those home tonight to plant.
  9. WOW! I had my two ten years apart - intentionally. But, others are right they will be close Buds and you will survive. God does not make mistakes and He will give you the Patience, Guidance and Ability to get through each day. You have my prayers! GOOD LUCK!
  10. I AGREE!!! I was not molested but as a Social Worker I know the impact it has on it's victims. I think the defense shot itself in the foot by introducing it as a defense in the opening statement. The defense is not bound to provide an explanation as to what happened. But, now that they have they have to prove their theory. How else can they do it without putting Casey on the stand??? It is the weight of the prosecution to prove she did it! YEP, watching her too! Get 'em Nancy - tell us how it REALLY is!!!
  11. Yes, Cindy is going to be caught in a web of lies and her co-workers will have proof that she WAS at work when she claimed to be home doing the internet searches. Is she REALLY that dumb that she didn't think they would not have that proof to contradict her testimony? I agree the Judge SHOULD have her on perjury charges. I think it was yesterday the ladies on The Talk were asking "would you lie for your child if you knew your child was facing the death penalty?" Something to think about. I could be wrong but I do not think so. The FBI lady testified she did not test paternity. But, D
  12. I think the Defense tried to implythat Lee could be the father. No one has ever been named by Casey as the father - or at least not where it has been released to the public.
  13. Ours was out for about an hour here on Merchants Drive. DS called from a friend's house off Dallas Nebo and theirs was out too. They rode around and said it was really wide spread. After we talked for awhile he said "I was going to say get on p.com and see what happened, but guess you can't???"
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you enjoy a GREAT day!!
  15. Was this the guy who kept tripping over his tongue and appeared to be unsure what he was testifying to???
  16. No, Goat Man was not like Wild Man - from what I've been told about Wild Man, anyway. The Goat Man would travel back and forth between B'ham and Atlanta via Hwy 78 - LONG before I-20 - with his many goats. He would stop and talk to anyone who would listen and tell stories of his travels and more. He was quite something to see. I don't know if Mrs. Frannie still has her art/framing store next to Big Bear on Hardee Street but she carried nice prints of the Goat Man. As far as Miss Jessie, I agree if they know who did this to her they should be arrested. What did they throw at her to cause s
  17. :rofl: Neither was I and I was also wondering WHERE the New Hope Kroger was. Hwy 92/Acworth Hwy is Crossroads/Acworth to us transplanted Paulding Countians. The Publix and Abney Elem area is New Hope. (or at least this one)
  18. WOW!! We live right above there going toward downtown Dallas. We had just returned home and everything was fine then within minutes it was black, the wind blowing like crazy - blowing ripe tomatoes off the vine and then raining. Hope everyone is safe!!
  19. There has never been any allegations of George molesting Caylee, only Casey. Plus there was NO body to do an autopsy that would show molestation. The M.E. could not give a cause of death only a manner of death which was homicide. There is video tape of jailhouse discussions between Casey and her parents - with Casey telling her Dad what a WONDERFUL father he has always been and how much she loves him. That is NOT the behavior of a woman who was molested by her father! Not to mention she left HER daughter alone with the man she is alleging molested her? In my opinion and based on 18 yrs as
  20. SORRY. I will be on the lookout for ya. THANKS! THANKS!!!
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