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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I didn't know if any others did but the one at the intersection on Merchants Drive started having daily specials I think about the time school got out. Sometimes it is $.99 for the sandwich or 6 pc nugget but other times they say it is $.99 with the purchase of a fry and drink.
  2. I Agree! That's like kicking a guy when he is down IMO. Should be against the law to charge that kind of rates! They outlawed payday loans in GA should outlaw that kind of rates, too.
  3. That would be an excellent idea but IF he had $1000 he wouldn't NEED a loan! Or that's what I would think?
  4. Thanks. Might need to try that one. DD makes Taco Soup prob once a month and more during the winter. It is great for a family with kids to feed. I don't eat it bc I don't eat all the different beans.
  5. Every time the commercial for "eggies" comes on and youngest DGD is here she keeps telling me "Nana, you need to get eggies". And, I repeat again that I do not eat eggs - no shape, form or fashion. And, no one eats hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, egg sandwiches, etc, etc. But, I guess the commercial accomplishes what it is meant to bc it gets her attention every time. To answer the OP question I guess the only item we've ever tried was the topsy turvy that are now available everywhere. We used to have fun with "there's an only on TV store" when we were in Myrtle Beach when we would pass t
  6. I've heard Costa Rica was good too. Surepip's daughter might be able to give you info about dental care in Mexico? I would recommend Sexton Dental Clinics in SC. I know several people who have used them and were extremely happy with the service and price. They were the original one day dental clinic to do extractions and provide dentures. Here is one of the locations: Sexton Dental Clinic 377 West Palmetto Street Florence, South Carolina 29501 (843) 662-2543 They also have a location in Myrtle Beach. She can go up for a few days vacation and then stay a couple days after the w
  7. I saw this on TV last night and he does look several months old. YIKES!!! My cousin had an 11.2 baby boy naturally - needless to say he is an only child!!
  8. I switched to Greystone's Pre-Pay plan several months ago and have been real pleased with it. Not sure what the monthly bill would be tho. It tells me the average daily usage is $3.84 and yesterday we used $5.13 because DH was home and washing/drying clothes. If I figure $3.84 x 30 days it gives me a total of $115.20. So that isn't so bad.
  9. is coming on ABC. Her first interview is with Diane Sawyer and is airing now. God Bless Her!!! I cannot believe the authorities went to that home 60 times during the 18 years she was held captive and she was not found. I understand how hidden the back yard was, but?
  10. Thanks for the reminder. I NEVER even look at the +/-. Guess I should!?!?!?
  11. THANKS for the link. I had heard of this before but had not looked into it.
  12. Blondiega1 = Peroxide Don't have a clue but you said first thing that popped in my mind.
  13. I have noticed the Hiram Goodwill tends to price their items higher than others - especially the items at the rear of the store in what would be household items??? I collect several different things and one of them is churches - especially stain class or those that light up. I also collect roosters and farm animals, "All God's Children", etc. Maybe I should not do that and leave them for someone who needs them more than I do??? After all I do have a LOT of these things!!!
  14. ME TOO!!!! I was lucky that two people wanted that jacket and got into a bidding war. I talked to someone in Goodwill one day that had purchased a print for less than $5.00 and sold it on ebay for $225.00!! I wouldn't know a valuable print from one not worth the paper but this person did and made a nice profit. Who knows?? That sale might have saved her from having her power cut off that month?????
  15. I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOUR STATEMENT AT ALL. Items are donated to Goodwill out of the Goodness of someone's heart. The purpose of Goodwill is NOT to provide folks who cannot "afford the finer things in life". The purpose of Goodwill is to provide training to people who are mentally challenged and give them a sense of purpose with an income. Goodwill sells what is donated to make money to support their cause. Maybe you should find someone who can't "afford the finer things in life" and give them your leftovers directly? How do you feel about the wealthy buying at Goodwill? I've seen some of the w
  16. Back in the good ole days DH and I would make an average of $3000-$3500/mo on ebay. It was a full time + job for both of us but we had a good time doing it. Guess I've been lucky but I've bought a ton of items off ebay and never had an issue. Only once - I had purchased a dozen each of Dale Sr, Dale Jr and Jeff Gordon hats. I didn't want the Gordon but I had to buy the to get the Earnhardt's. I had paid for the transaction on the Thursday prior to Dale, Sr being killed in Daytona. The seller then reneged on the sale saying he didn't want to take advantage of Earnhardt's death. I explained
  17. You asked what good finds we had found.........several years ago DH and I found a varsity style jacket for NBC Sports. It has been our experience that NBC Sports items do well with resale. We paid $4.94 for it and it sold on ebay for $105.00 + shipping!!! I was ecstatic to say the least! We've found several great items at GW and thrift stores. I'll try to remember some others. CONGRATS to you for the great find. I a bargain - a natural high for me!!!!
  18. Is this a 2nd location or are they moving the one on Bus 6?
  19. Was everything this seller had for sale closed on ebay? If so the seller "might" have been suspended. If not, it is possible the manufacturer did ask that the bids be canceled. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 but going through the resolution center with ebay would have gotten your refund quicker. Sorry you are going through this!! I hope this bad experience doesn't keep you away from the site. It is a great place to get great deals!
  20. YES!! I have been selling/buying on ebay for about 15 years and have only had 2 bad experiences with buyers. I have guided many people through the in's and out's of ebay from my experience. Ebay isn't as profitable as it used to be - another example of the poor economy. But, it is worth the time and effort for sure. Good Luck to your son and if I can help in any way just let me know.
  21. We did the SAME thing Monday night!!!! A friend had gotten the email and forwarded it to me so we got our husbands and went to Rodney's about 7:00 in the torrential rain and thunderstorm only to find they were closed. I know what you mean bout the work schedule. On Mon & Tues it is after 8:30 when DH gets home. But, the other nights he gets home earlier. Not going to get it tonight, either. Don't think he wants to get back out once he gets home from the Braves game. SOOOOOO....... PLAN B: he is picking up Pizza Hut Ultimate Cheese Lovers Specialty Pizza + Pepperoni. (Not bad
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