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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. THANK YOU!!! I will have to try that. I was going to post what we had tonight but then I saw in the subject line for the thread it was for the 19th and today is the 21st. But, ours wasn't exciting, we just had leftovers from the 19th of the roast/mac&cheese/green beans w/new potatoes.
  2. I am sorry I am just now seeing this but I answered your message. I wasn't ignorning you. SORRY.
  3. CONGRATULATIONS on your Ribbon Cutting. :yahoo:
  4. You said exactly what I was thinking when I read the start of the thread. I've seen many shows on TV about these children and their families. I agree with you 110%!!! WOW.......JUST WOW!!!! Thanks, LPPT for sharing.
  5. ONLY 1 size Medium for Georgia and Alabama 2011 National Championship size Large Available. REDUCED to $19.00!!
  6. I did DS's taxes and his projected date for his Federal refund to be deposited was 02/23. But, it was deposited Friday, 02/17. I used usafreetax.com but I've been told it doesn't matter which software you use as to how quick you get your refund.
  7. NO I didn't know that. WOW - THANKS for the info. I will have to try it. I've just added photos per thread with the "browse" button and then "attach".
  8. Yes I did notice the participants in the program were older. It is sad that companies are reluctant to hire the older applicants failing to take into consideration the experience and loyalty that age brings with it. Many do not want to train them just to turn around and have them retire in a few years. I am really surprised the Craigslist ad put it in black & white. Hopefully they were turned into the Fair Labor Board.
  9. I did that for years and it was so time consuming to transfer from laptop to Photobucket and then copy/paste the link to p.com. Being able to post directly to my thread is SOOOOO much easier and FAST. LOVE IT!! LPPT I don't have a garden but you know I DO have my furbabies. I'll have to post some recent photos.
  10. ME TOO!!! We get the Kroger coupons regularly and they always include cheese, bacon and coffee. We buy those three items every shopping trip. It is obvious they are tracking our purchases and send us coupons accordingly. I don't mind at all........last shopping trip to Kroger I saved $23.05 JUST with the Kroger coupons I got in the mail!!
  11. Does that translate to being a great attorney??? I ask that because I've known people who were great folks but were lousy attorneys. I've also known one particular attorney here in Paulding County that was a good attorney but was not such a nice person. The two don't always go hand in hand. Sorry OP I don't know a good criminal attorney to refer you to. GOOD LUCK.
  12. I agree with this 110%!! Someone I know had an interview with a company and the lady said "I want you to come work for me. Call me tomorrow with your next week's schedule and we'll get you started." Trying to be honest and do the right thing (so they would not be left without someone to do his job) he went to the current employer and told him he was going to go to work for so and so but would continue to work there for his 2 week notice. (He was already working part time anyway.) He thought his relationship was good enough with this employer that he could be honest. He was let go that day. He
  13. I have not been to this place but it is quite a drive to Charlotte/Concord. Have you compared it to the similiar one in Pigeon Forge?? It would be a closer drive, especially with children.
  14. Can you share the recipe for the baked corn casserole???? Sounds like something my family would like.
  15. Curious as to why you don't trust Paypal? Have you had a bad experience personally with PP? I have had Paypal for 13+ years and it is very convenient since I do not accept CC with my business. Anyone can pay via PP even if they don't have a PP account. I also have a PP Debit Card for my PP balance. It's nice to be able to pay at the pump with it or buy groceries with the money I've made from my sales on ebay. Of course a lot of folks don't trust ebay either and I've heard lots of horror stories of bad experiences. As with a lot of things in life - those who are untrustworthy give the legitimat
  16. Chuck roast is in the crock pot with mushroom soup Green beans are cooking on the stove and I'll add red potatoes later Homemade Mac & Cheese Baked squash Rolls Lemon Meringue Pie
  17. For the Sunday afternoon crowd. The response to these has been overwhelming, although I know they are a neat, unique product at a great price. There are other teams available than what is shown so if your team isn't pictured, just ask.
  18. CONGRAULATIONS TO YOUR HUSBAND Riograce!!! Jan. 2, 2012 I CELEBRATED my Gift of Life. Having Polycystic Kidney Disease I too, was working and living but not having a "life". I was at the point I vomited after every meal and after laying down to go to sleep. I came home from work and managed to get through dinner but was in bed by 8:30. Not from being sleepy but from being exhausted. The fatigue from my body fighting the toxins in my body had won the battle and I could go no further. I had refused to discuss dialysis with my doctor but the week between Christmas and New Years 2000 I had th
  19. WOW....time flies. I didn't realize they were that long ago.
  20. The IRS website has a chart that you will know when your refund will be deposited in your account or when you can expect a paper check. This is for Federal only and is accurate.
  21. Sounds like a plan......but no movie here. The Bud Shootout is at Daytona tonight and Junior is starting 8th!! ETA: Hours later.....I thoroughly enjoyed the Chef Salad. It was HUGE and I am stuffed!
  22. These hoodies are REALLY NICE. Pictures do not do them justice. The Georgia ones have an insert of gray thermal underneath the arm and down each side. Sharp accent!!! ALABAMA is available in MED & LARGE. One GEORGIA remaining in 2X.
  23. Zwier please let me know which size you need, Small (car) or Large (SUV/Truck). TIA.
  24. That was awfully nice of ya, Pubby!! DANG, wish I could get by there for some of those hoodies. $5.00 is an AWESOME DEAL!!!
  25. Didn't answer the poll, BUT......... I LOVE that movie!!!!!
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